Attention Yea Forums

Attention Yea Forums,

I am risking much by posting on here, but you need to know the truth. All of your social media, data, texts, phone calls, etc. are being monitored on the cellular network and ISP level without the companies knowledge at this time. Your response to the Epstein incident is being recorded. If you appear to be red pulled, the government will begin to implement subtle subliminal things over mass media to you to decrease your General happiness, productivity, etc. leading to a faster rate of mortality than those not subjected. Ultimately resulting in a small but significant shift in the population toward more of the individuals who were not red pilled and depressing those who were simultaneously. If I have more news, I will return. Until then, be careful. Be safe Yea Forums.


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I guess I should be red PILLED and not pulled faggot

show me your tits

I made a typo. I’m proof reading when I’m typing quickly. This is my attempt to get it out there before it happens

Do you honestly think we as a society and a nation deserve any better? We've know since Obummer that the NSA watches everything from everyone. Everyone who even cares about this shit just masturbates, shitposts, and goes to work the next day.
your fantasy of overthrowing the ruling class is nothing but an annoyance and inane ramblings.

My attempt is to not overthrow them, but to give people the chance to avoid posting things on plain media linked to themselves and subject themselves to this event.


Who cares

This is already going on, are you saying it will become more targeted/sophisticated in the near future?

People are gonna be stupid no matter what you do. The fact that you pretend to hold any stake in humanity as a whole is rendered null by the fact you're talking about it on the proverbial shithole of the internet.

This will cause a significant change in the population resulting in a flourishing of those who just remained willfully ignorant and thus foster the behavior in our culture on a sociological level causing our country as a whole to give more and more control away. That is the intent at least

subtle subliminal things like what

Just wait till 5G is widely adopted

Skynet, duh...

Youre acting as if this isnt already obvious alphabet boy
Your "subliminal" messages are just youtube being pricks and media jews jewing by deleting shit
Fuck off already with this boring shit and come up with some good shit, like what they have in hong kong
I want a big igloo not a stupid retarded attempt at mind control
North korea does it 10x better, fuck mind control, id rather kill all my peasants

sounds cool. i like technology.

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That’s the interesting part. The current plan is to use all forms of mass interaction and program in almost unnoticeable things that drive the mental state of the person down in a consistent manner. Think a sad ad on a webpage or before a video much more often than those who don’t being served to devices that person owns, having be a part of future mishaps like identify leaks/theft and worry about financial security after their card is used, all way up to having flights being delayed for maintain that will cause severe distress in your life like trying to visit a dying loved one. This will be done by running all of your cell data, ISP traffic, texts, etc through an algorithm to determine the best vectors for attack


Absolutely this, and we all know it's coming for us all in the near future.

not my personal army i know, but i feel like i may have uncovered the biggest secret the world has ever seen

Im so confident heres my name and general area where i live / hope i dont get killed

heres a pic of me, my names kevin blalock

I live in south philadelphia and I live in philadelphia,

iif you have a twitter can you get the hashtag #rightorbankruptcy going?

If Im wrong it will be for the lulz, heres a sample of my work, squirt dignity, swigity dignity I can shoot digits, look... say I confidently it is not normal spyware.

While the devices exhibit the signs of normal hacking, like porn crashes,

the toxicity is what’s concerning. Of our city. Of our cittty.

I’ve noticed issues pertaining to battery usage, performance, data usage, linked accounts, and popups on all of them. I’ve used numerous different tools to try and remove it. All Microsoft joints, so far, skiddlty pop. Mom was unable to detect it. I’ve also done factory resets with 404 returning. While I can confirm it,

I swear the T-Mobile network is compromised so badly that it's AT&T bad. odd things happened during the initial setup of a new phone on a new number. I specifically mention T-Mobile because that is where the IP address which started my investigation originated from.

I’ve used multiple VPN’s as well for my cp. I shrink links then go to them. So I'm safe. The list of devices I’ve gone through in three months is laughable. Almost like a cosmic force was trying to stop me. I’ve noticed the issues on a Galaxy S8, a Galaxy S10, an LG android, a Motrolla Revvl II, an iPhone 6S, and a twenty dollar crack-phone. The Galaxy S8 was on AT&T, the other androids were on T-Mobile, the iPhone was part of the Trac network as well.

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So, you're trying to discourage us somehow. Nice try dude, but i ain't following your opinion. We are all aware of that big issue, but i bet that you didn't know about subliminal messages before. They can't have any interaction with us, and all you need is to develop your self at higher level of logical and critical thoughts, that's all what you can do about it, and it's not that hard thing to do.

i dont care

If you read my earlier comments, I’m not discouraging sharing the info. I just want people to maintain their anonymity while doing so so they aren’t included in this program.

K. But did you notice that most of us is aware of that, especially when you're lurking to any other boards. Here is something on your main topic. It doesent matter if you're in the old or new country, we are already conected to the every stations that are providing us internet, phone, tv . . . and we are all monitored without a doubt.
My wife told me once, "idiot why are you writing those info again, the police will come for you one day", she is a normie btw. My answer was simple . . . "do you know that we are all conected through every single device, and we are all using those devices on our daily basis. our whole city is monitored by the "police" and most of you didn't know about that".
As you can see, i'm not really concerned for my self, but i'm concerned for our future, and what will we see in our wicked society for about 10 years (more or less)

Ok nigger

I am just a lurker who heard about this event. I am posting on the hopes that the majority of people on this board are free thinkers. Trying to give everyone the information. But I see many here apparently already know/have suspected as much just not in the targeted way I have come across. I’ve said everything though, be safe, and have a good one

thanks Yea Forumsro, you too. Here is some more info for you if you didn't know that before. It's about monitoring and observing this chan site, notice the date, and don't forget to share
Pic related

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