Xenophobia is the fear of what you see to be strange and foreign

Xenophobia is the fear of what you see to be strange and foreign.
Not foreigners. Why is history being rewritten?

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To get rid of white people goyim

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You know the answer.

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1 world. 1 state.
I suppose I do lol

Israel shouldn't be xenophobic against palestine
Liberals shouldn't be xenophobic against russia

I don't subscribe to your definition of xenophobia
but agree they shouldn't be prejudice

>not foreign
u ok m8

I'm fine. Clearly have a better understanding of words than you.
Are you ok m8?

Foreigners are by definition foreign you absolute retard. Just because it can also mean unknown/different doesn't mean the other (more common) usage ceases to exist. You're trying so hard to be clever and doing so badly

Can you please tell me what gay means?

some words have multiple meanings.
get back into education and stop calling people retarded for being correct.

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I literally covered that, can you not read? Again: a word having more than 1 meaning doesn't make the more common one irrelevant. You ARE retarded and are probably still in school which is why you've attached yourself to the newest word you've learned and think it makes you clever.

you're such a fgt lmao.
your favourite film goodwill hunting or some shit? Hahahaha

Why are you so mad shill?

Oh look, it's about PEOPLE. Now fuck off back your underage gang of d&d players and stop pretending that being horribly horribly wrong about words is the same thing as being smart

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If that's what you think that says.

now stop samefagging up my thread

>Aliens are people

What's a stranger if not a person?

it's not a dislike i'm warning about, it's a blind, bigoted and entirely unreasonable fear.

Stop samefagging shill.
you're wrong here not me.

Yes, the word actually means foreigner lol. Extraterrestrial is a much newer usage of it, but congrats on showing how wrong you continually are

-phobia doesn't mean hate. I believe they're looking for -misia

try harder to be incorrect

I don't think you understand what samefagging is, I'm not pretending to be more than one person. You also don't understand etymology at all

The refrain of the truly BTFO: stop samefagging. (Also samefagging is replying to yourself not multiposting)

you're literally the worst type of person.
can't admit when they're wrong lol

you're clearly samefagging this is clearly you lmao

All hate is fear based.

Yes that single post is me lol. Also you don't know what samefagging is?

nibba you in here trying to make ppl believe there's more than just you disagreeing

I'm not scared of fags.

Where have I been wrong even once?
I said that foreign also means people: correct
I said that words having two meanings doesn't negate the more common one: correct
I said xenos as a base word is about people you're unfamiliar with: correct
You said foreigners aren't foreign: incorrect
You said stranger/alien isn't about people: incorrect
You said I was samefagging by replying to you: incorrect
And yet I'm apparently the one who can't admit being wrong

If that was true, gang violence wouldn't exist. You think crips and bloods are afraid of each other? Yeah no your explanation is retarded.

Yes you are. You are afraid of what will happen to your culture. You feel sick when you think about them. That's anxiety bud.

Yes obviously they are afraid of each other. They shoot each other all the time. You would be a fool not to fear an enemy with a gun.

you said it means solely people.
not also.
stop lying now you realise you're wrong fgt.

Not scared of them, just don't like them.

You're so cringeworthy

That was my first post in the thread. Your paranoia has gotten the better of you.

Nah crips and bloods are cool now. It’s the nines u gotta watch out for. Those mothas don’t take no jive u turkey

Since you mentioned it, they actually are. Same way as you are afraid of anyone who threatens your well being.

you know there's a poster number at the bottom of the thread right?
stop lying.

>you said it means solely people.
Nope. Find the words where I said that, because all I did was call you out for thinking foreigners aren't foreign

Communists, many who are Jews are desperate to pretend that white man bad and conservative bad so they can push communism.

Cause communism totally never been tried before.

Basically they're a bunch of retarded sociopaths.

it's literally in this thread.
we all saw it.
we all saw you make a fool out of yourself

I think the more distorted part of Xenophobia is the phobia. Because I am not afraid of them. I think they are subhuman and should be killed for the betterment of mankind. Nothing Phobic about that.

It's literally not, try finding it you complete sperg

You weren't paying attention then. I'm sorry your paranoia is flaring up today. Do you see a therapist?

not op btw.
just to be clear.

So you're afraid that if they allowed to do their thing, it will affect your desired way of life? That's fear.

Is that why left wing governments shoot their own already disarmed people? Because they're afraid of a nogunz uprising? Are muggers afraid of old ladies? Do abusive parents fear their own babies? When you consume oxygen for the sole purpose of destroying it and creating CO2, are you afraid of the oxygen or the planet?

example 1

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Don't worry I'm not going to call every dissenting post a samefag in lieu of having actual arguments to put forth like the retard who thinks foreigners aren't foreign

never said that you brainlet
I said foreign doesn't mean solely foreigners.
try harder

That's about a translation where the comes up as "stranger", relating to a person you don't know. "Stranger" as in "more strange" would have dia- as its base.

1 idk what you're generalizing about
2 same
3 yes muggers are afraid of not getting what they want so they mug old ladies
4 abusive parents fear losing control over their environment
5 again what the fuck are you talking about

>people push aggressively into turf and seek to hold their own turf because they're afraid

Belief in keeping property rights = fear
Belief in removing property rights = fear
You responding to this post = fear

Just re-name the dictionary fear, since everything is a form of fear, you fuckin retard.

My desired way of life is safe. But how much better would Africa be without niggers? We could make so much better use of that clay then the jews Muslims and other Desert people ever could.

Oh, I gotcha
>Everything is fear unless a left wing government does it

No your entire fucking thread is about how you don't think xenophobia is about people despite xenos being a word about people. The only way for that to be true is it foreign people aren't foreign, which is clearly untrue. Your logic is even worse than your etymology

Online dictionaries are not a conclusive source for definitions. Try a few different ones and you'll see they all vary. Some will probably have the definition you mention as One of the definitions. Most dictionaries define things as they are commonly used, and if the meaning has changed in popular use, an updated dictionary should reflect that. Due to the political climate at the moment, the definition relating to people from other countries is the most common one.

Language sure is neat, huh user?

you're acting as if my op didn't say rewriting. huh user?

words have definitions fgt

nobodys rewriting history, nigggot. Its a dictionary - it describes the use of a word. Foreigners r foreign

I don't understand why politics are relevant to a discussion of fear I'm sorry. If a government hates people, yes that is a functional expression of some fear. Hate is not equivalent to murder and it is not a required part of murder. We are taking about hate and fear.

You fear it's going to waste?

Yes they do, and xenophobia has the definition of disliking the foreign. That's ideas, that's food, that's culture, that's PEOPLE. You are the only person here who has denied the definition

You sperging out of control due to people pointing out your miss understood thinking after the introductory lecture of English 101 = fear

Are you saying you wouldn't be afraid of someone stucking a gun at your face? Yeah, keep larping and hoping the reality nevet reaches your moms basement

No. I know it is and we can make better use of it.

you're paranoid and mistaken

isn't xenophobia the fear of xenomorphs?

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Right so you are afraid that it will continue to go to waste.


Fear is not the correct emotion, disgust would be more adequate.

Right lol right

so a foreign concept is a person?

you're actually brain dead

Political actors are the ones responsible for trying to change the defintion of -phobia into hate, and they are not synonymous, or require the other to take fold.

>Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

I hate furries, hipsters and pedophiles even when they're not a threat to me, can't hurt me and pose me no danger.

No, I wouldn't, but my response is valid. If you're for property rights, it's clear you're hateful/fearful of those who want to take them away. If you're against property rights, it's clear you're hateful/fearful of property owners.

Everything is fear, everything is problematic, give Feminist Frequency your money.

You're afraid they'll hurt someone else hth

Oh shit youre out of semantic fuckery what now?

Nooo nobody said that. If you HATE property rights then fear. If you HATE landlords then fear. You're applying this crazy extreme logic to everything and scarecrowing all over the place.

just gonna leave this here for that one absolutely braindead user.

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No and I never claimed such a thing... Not everything foreign is a person (which you seem to think I've said despite having not) but foreign people are foreign, and therefore come into xenophobia, which you disputed in making this thread. You literally said "not foreigners"

No I'm not. Why does the left think they can tell me my own mental/emotional state on my behalf?

You are afraid of the effect minorities have on the world and in your life. You will never admit it, but it is true if you hate them. You will come up with every synonym for fear in the book but for some reason fear just won't fit because you're afraid of losing an argument.


who cares... we need to make america liberal again


Love that you're trying to use this while still somehow debating against the word base of xenos

Yeah, when my salad tastes like shit and I am disgusted thats because I am afraid of my salad. I know the difference in the feeling and fear is not what I feel when I see the effects of the Subhumans on this world.

The left? What?

Do you hate your salad? We're talking about how hate and fear are intertwined. If you just dislike your salad you that's fine. If you HATE it it's because you're afraid of some aspect or effect that it may have.

Originally the word xenophobia comes from the Greek words xénos, meaning 'the stranger' and 'the guest' and phóbos, meaning 'fear'. Thus, xenophobia stands for 'fear of the stranger'.
The modern definition is still accurate.

It's already been stated that defending your own turf = fear, and taking somebody else's turf = fear. I simply translated turf to property and operated on the false notion that -phobia = hate

Do you hate your salad? We're talking about how hate and fear are intertwined. If you just dislike your salad you that's fine. If you HATE it it's because you're afraid of some aspect or effect that it may have. If you dislike minorities that's one thing. If you hate them it's because you are afraid of some part of the equation.

>inb4 dislike gays because secretly gay

Please start a dislike thread of you want to talk about dislike. This is the hate and fear thread.

>Galaxy brain

People always told me how hateful I am but apparently I dont even hate shitskins. I dislike them to the point that I think existence on this planet would be better without them. Cant even be attacked for hate speech because apparently I dont even hate. Thanks dude

Lol you think you get to personally define words have I got a thread for you

No let me follow up: To Hate you have to fear (your words not mine) -> I am not afraid but disgusted at the filth they are -> I do not hate -> Hate Speech not possible.

If you engage in hate speech, you hate, and are therefore afraid. These logical contortions and pretending a converse statement is contrapositive one is dumber than shit.

>Hate: intense or passionate dislike.
I see dislike, and I see intense/passionate. I don't see fear though.

"Hate speech" is something decided by another. "Hate" is something you decide for yourself

Example: In Canada, "I hate Blacks" is hate speech, but "I hate Whites" is not.

Are you actually autistic?

Your issue is that you make inferences about what I feel based on what I say. I do accept that most things I say and belief are considered Hate Speech. But I know I am not afraid. You can of course keep telling me that you know me better than me but I think that could be considered gaslighting.

Not talking laws.

You are afraid of something. You like pretending you aren't. It's boring and you can do better for yourself.

Maybe you keep insisting I am afraid because you are afraid, I dont know but it gets boring.

Do better. You're a disappointment. You have no reason to hate other than what's been sold to you. You are a tool and you are afraid. It's very obvious.

I am not afraid but the more you keep insisting I start to believe that you actually are afraid of the Sub-Humans. Just sub-consciously of course. Why do you hate foreigners so much?

Maybe you keep insisting I'm afraid because you are afraid?

If using the dictionary and refusing consolation to newspeak makes me autistic, then yes, terminally so.

Autism confirmed. /thread


But you started the gaslighting so the fearful one is you. You just cant fathom someone not being afraid of the desert deathcults. Let me ask you the age old question:Why would the wolves be afraid of sheep?

You simply threw out logic and reason the sameway your mom threw you out with the bath water. You try to constantly re-frame what is being said and put words into others mouths just so you can have an argument to go against. And all this so you can keep up trying to sell the illusion of your own cleverness.

You got me.

'logic and reason' is a buzzword phrase to you that holds no genuine meaning in your day to day life outside of a cudgel to assert 'I am very smart' over social media.

I demand consistency in your logic and you fail to provide instead pivoting and calling it a 're-frame'.

I bet you think this is a human

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Ever read 1984 by George Orwell?

That's why.