What would be the most terrifying death? i think getting eaten by crocodile would be one of most terrifying things

what would be the most terrifying death? i think getting eaten by crocodile would be one of most terrifying things

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Drowning sucks alot. I was pretty much dead from a rip current once but came to. Painful

either burning alive or drowning. Along the lines of drowning, imagine asking up in the middle of the ocean, you can see the surface, try to reach it, and when you do, but a glass ceiling. To me, that's extremely scary.

I'm gonna reply just bc u shared that user. Do u think about it? Like how close to death u were and how lucky u were? How long does it take to kinda shake that feeling u got super lucky?

That must be a warm water vs cold water difference. I fell in the river and felt perfectly at peace right up until some do-gooding asshole faggot pulled me out and made out with me while I was unconscious.

Waking up hurt a hell of a lot more than drowning did.

I'm gonna have to go with necrotising fasciitis.


I actually had a tiny one. It was nightmarishly and psychotically painful, and interminable. I can imagine degenerating for years as my brain withered.

Gimme a gator anyday.

falling to your death...

Thanks, I have a new phobia now.

Most pass out from smoke inhalation beforehand.

Eaten alive by insects is mine.

I always thought being staked down to an fire ant mound would be the worst way to go. Resiniferatoxin might be worse though

probably being trapped in a small space, like that guy who died in the cave. he went quick cause he was upside down but imagine slowly dying of thirst whilst being completely unable to move and then your asshole starts itching

>a glass ceiling.
Falling through thin ice on a river, being carried by the current, looking up through the ice as you go hurtling downstream.

Good one.

>Eaten alive by insects
How about larval intrusion? Eaten alive from the inside out.

The most terrifying way to die would be if the earth sudden lost it's magnetic field.


Burned like 100% of your body, lost your sight, hability to speak and get amputations of all your limbs to "survive" and then live long years in horrible pain incapable of killing yourself or comunicate in anyway but agony barks

in freefall into Jupiter with an alligator an a crocodile trying to swim/fly closer so they can eat you before asphyxiation and/or incineration

You mean best way to die

i bet the nature photograph that captured this image masturbates furiously to it every night

The most terrifying way to die? In front of the people you care about most, unable to know what terrible fate awaits them, your final moments punctuated by the knowledge that you failed to protect them.

>Dubs of truth
Except if you're that fucked up, you wouldn't live long with injuries like that.

Getting your fingers ripped one by one every30 minutes while your hand is submerged in bleach then a fire starting from your feet to your head after 300 minutes

You never know, could be hours, weeks or years. In any case it's a long time compare to inmediate death

I've always felt like this would be the worst. I got choked during a fight once and was pretty sure the guy wanted to kill me since he was a wife beater and he walked in on me after fucking his wife. (she told me they were separated) I think it helped when the adrenaline kicked in. But he let go after I quit struggling. Probably thought he had already passed me out. It might have ended up even worse if I had to go longer I'm really not sure. Any other time I've held my breath for a long time it's just terrible.

Damn how bad was it. When I was like 10 I planned suicide by rip current but when I snuck out at night (we lived across the street from the beach) I just ended up listening to the waves. Did I dodge a fucking bullet with the pain or would it have been quick for 10yo me.

It's actually really fucking peaceful on the beach at night without people

how fuckin horrifying

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Yeah this one really got to me. That's some major claustrophobia right there. And dont forget the feeling of having all the blood and body processes weighing down over your head. Veins probably popping out. Absolutely terrible. I had recurring dreams back in like 2008 where I would intentionally go head first arms behind me down tunnels in an underground ruins. I'd go down something like a story and a half then a story or so out and back up somewhere. Always managed to make it out but scared me every time and I did it anyway lol.

As someone who has lived 25 years in agony with 70% burned since before the age of 1 that seems pretty plausible

quick story please. Ive been living in some pretty agonizing pain since about 1999.

>necrotising fasciitis.

Peter - stop lurking and start working on a new book.

>be 10months
>blanket catches fires while I sleep
>doctors save me (real dick move on their part)
>suffer mentally, and emotionally till around 15
>at that point outgrow skin grafts and also suffer physically
>now 25 in literal constant pain (about a 2-3 at all time on pain scale)
Not really much to tell

People are Assholes about it too, even the good intentioned ones. Literal doctors have shown me twisted charred people living at 80%-90% saying "at least you aren't that bad" like their suffering invalidates my own.

Crocs are pretty violent. They'll tear you apart before you even realize what's happening.

The most horrifying death is death by torture, because it is specifically designed to be the most horrifying thing.

Both of those are very good points.

I'm actually hoping when I finally give in and kms there is an availability of animals I can feed myself to. All I can think of tho is wandering into a forest and injuring.myself hoping it attracts wolves. Animals are vicious and quickly go for the kill so prey gives them as little trouble as possible.

Yeah they want you to be strong and be content. But sometimes you just want to be fucking heard like all I know is pain and it fucking sucks. What happens when you outgrow your grafts you have to get new ones?

also I saw a video where someone was getting cultured skin spray painted onto them. Is that a an option now or in the near future for burn patients?

Oh and how did the blanked catch on fire?

Wouldn't that be a very quick and unexpected death? Quick and unexpected is the most comfy way to go.

Well, animals have an urge to kill you before anything else, for their own safety, but they aren't always methodical like that. I've seen a video of a guy who gets his face chewed off by a bear while struggling to get away.
Animals are a gamble. Crocs are still pretty safe, probably.
Predators will usually go for your throat, but if they fail it's going to be painful.

>New ones
Could have but couldn't get the surgery because I'm (obviously) a fatass.

>cultured skin spray painted onto them.
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about then that only works on fresh injuries.

4yo playing with matches

I fantasize about drowning. Crocodile or alligator is pretty up there.
Going through an industrial sized meat grinding auger I imagine would be pretty rough. In there hosing it out and it gets switched on. First thing you would notice is yourself sinking into the worm gear then you're getting crunched up feet first.
Decompression chamber would also be bad watch the men behind the sun it's a movie. They hit the switch there would be a hissing sound and I guess the first thing you would notice is that ears needing to pop feeling that would be scary as.

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guess I lucked out. I burned down a trailer and brought some matches to school in 1st grade. But my major injury was my skull falling out of a tree. Now I have pain on the left side of my face. and it shouldn't all go down the same side but I swear the left side of me is weaker than the right for some reason. And Ive been in constant pain coming on two decades now.

At least I'm easily amused

Are you going to lose some weight to help your skin? Any easy way to excercise like a swim spa?

"anything is a dildo if you're brave enough."
-arnold schwarzenegger

stuck in a cave like this

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Sodium fluoroacetate otherwise known as 1080 poison would be pretty horrific. You would realise pretty quick you were fuckd, it's a horrible death that takes days and theres no antidote.
Also skinned alive and severe radiation poisoning/sickness

Radiation poisoning, but really any chemical accident. Because if you survived, you'd be fucked for life.
>Ouchi’s exposure to the radiation was so severe that his chromosomes were destroyed and his white blood cell count plummeted to near-zero. Most of his body had severe burns and his internal organs received severe damage.

I actually fantasize about drowning as well. I know this is inaccurate but I almost imagine it as a peaceful way to go. Being surrounded by an endless void slowly drifting off to your fate, everything slowly fades away and you're left reflecting on your life.

Can't do anything with heavy weight or impact. I walk with a cane a a doctor has told me I'm not supposed to walk for exercise (walking is low impact and I need no impact exercise)

I'm basically stuck with biking (but bikes can't carry my weight), swimming, or canoeing. I live on the side of a mountain though and have no transportation so no way of going somewhere to exercise. Couple that with crippling depression killing my motivation. I'll probably be dead in a couple months anyways.

getting raped to death by a lion
their glans are spiked to extend copulation

Surrounded by friends and family. It's gonna break their hearts, I don't want them to see that.

Don't know about the worst way to die, but I have nightmares of getting sucked/pulled into machines and slowly getting pulled apart by the mechanisms. Like the surgery scene from Doom 3 or Prometheus, except way worse and fatal

Receiving massive doses of LSD daily combined with round the clock looping music and flashing lights or whatever not knowing when it would be over but knowing without doubt that when they were done with you you'd be going in a mass corpse pit.
Lethal dose of LSD being like oh fuck as it hits you and eventually dying of a heart attack cos you're freaking out too hard.

Scaphism especially if you have a fear for bugs. Essentially it's an execution in which someone is laid on a boat and force fed milk and honey every day and excrement it. Usually they will be sent to a pond and then bugs will attract them and eat them and breed inside of them etc etc. Basically a slow painful death by bugs.

chinese escalators say hi

Alzheimers and dementia. Losing your mind, losing your memory and losing your identity very slowly over the years - and being aware of it.

i developed an extreme fear of super tight enclosed spaces. like those dudes who squeeze through SUPER tiny gaps while exploring caves...

I did some outdoor rec courses the tutor told me of a real tall dude he was with on a caving expedition. The dude got stuck in a tight but well used cave passage. In the end they had to break his legs with a bottle jack to get him out.


i think that the most bad death will be abortion


Was it the Viennese that liked to shove bamboo through the lower leg close to the bone. The bamboo absorbs moisture from your body, expands and shatters the bone. Then they would steep you a shit pond for awhile, then stake you out in the sun to die from dehydration and sunburn or infection.

Drowning in boiling oil.

>what would be the most terrifying death?

Tetanus. That's a nasty way to go.

That scene from mgs 2 sons of liberty... the massively oxygenated pond for growing microbes, so oxygenated it has near zero buoyancy. Fall in and you sink straight to the bottom and drown slowly in liquid coated oxygen bubbles.

He definitely had an Ouchi

Bet you love rekt threads

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Horribly underrated. Think about it: you’re like 80% water. You’re being lethally deprived of what makes up 80% of you. All of those parts of you that are naturally moist ....
>your brain
>your mouth
>your eyes
>your skin
>no tears
>no sweat
>brain swelling
>tongue swelling
>lowered pulse
>takes forever
>eventual kidney and liver failure
Literal just fuck my shit up fam

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you start to hallucinate way to early feel any driness.