Ask a dude who wears girl short shorts to show off his legs anything

Ask a dude who wears girl short shorts to show off his legs anything

Attached: venostatrain.jpg (1350x1800, 790K)

Why are you still alive?

Damn you got some fine legs bro


Why do you spam Yea Forums with these bread?

Tbh because I am an attention whore

Who has that pic of baguettes in sneakers?

I dude I was travelling with

why do u wear girl short shorts?

Are you gay?
If so, how gay?

They're comfy and I also like showing off my legs

If yes then what is the spectrum?

On god, your legs are perfect bro. Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more perfect pair of legs on a man. Power to you dude.

I seen this pic posted many times before so why are you trying to pass it off as you?

Attached: 1562931971882.png (420x420, 9K)

I'm also kind of pleased but I could have lots of things changed on my legs if that was possible. Smaller knees, the visible veins running through at the front of my left legs, etc

How long you been a homo

I'm tired of proving myself. I may not have posted timestamped pics yet, but I did post photos of the same clothes on a chair, and in 99% of the cases that was enough for the doubtful

I'd say since I was 13-14 but it materialized when I was 21

This answer didnt answer any part of my question.

Attached: fc5a34835aeba8878adb58035592d668.534x300x34.gif (534x300, 629K)

Then I answer in clear terms. I am on the photo

All the way from just gay to bad stereotype. An unfair spectrum.

From normal to "Helllllllllooo!" /gay

why the fuck are you showing your legs off for? faggot.

Maybe the spectrum should be multi dimensional. In your example I'm normal, in a top-uni-bottom spectrum I'm bottom

To get looks and comments

>> Then
>> on the photo
I thought sperm was nourishing, "cum contains everything your neurons need"
Why do doctors always say that?

yeah, but this guy posts NEW picturs of himself, never old copypasta images.
You're a fake.

Wait a while. I don't travel always. But next week there will be a trip to Austria/Germany (9 days), then in September Venice again.

I don't know that, but I'm sure it contains things that make the consumers pretty addictive to it

Well they're nice legs so I understand why



stop being gay...find jesus, eat a steak, life weights, drink beer, eat pussy....JUST SAY NO TO AIDS

how do your parents feel about you wearing short shorts?

Are you on Craigslist

My father doesn't feel anything since 2006, my mother (I guess) thinks this is ok for my age (tho earlier she said they were too short but I didn't care)

No, why?

Cause you've been spamming your shit for 3 years and I always ask that

go to old are you?