Misanthrope thread. Share your edginess and autistic opinions here

Misanthrope thread. Share your edginess and autistic opinions here.
I'll start; I support abortion because it'll decrease birthrates

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Suck a nigger dick and get stabbed by Muslims kike

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I think this is autistic enough.
I think KH1 is the only KH game.

Do you think a well off white family gets abortions? It's poor stupid negresses and white trash. Browners are forced into marriage and multiply like cockroaches they gotta be dealt with otherwise.

>I support abortion because it decreases birthrates
That's not edgy at all. Life is based on suffering and human beings are a cancer on the earth. 50 billion animals die every year to feed and clothe us, and most of these animals live in inimaginably horrific conditions -- and we destroy the environment on a regular basis.

Only in a Clown World would a pro-abortion stance seem edgy.

Fuck off back to plebbit, bleeding heart faggot.

and trillions of smaller organisms die to those animals and so on and so on derp

That is pretty edgy.

>bleeding heart
Hardly. I'm just acknowledging the possibility that this cycle of suffering isn't something worth preserving and perpetuating.

>and trillions of smaller organisms die to those animals and so on and so on
The smaller the organism, the less the suffering. I'm talking about farm animals that feel pain and pleasure and can even become depressed.


Your bait is smelly and wrong like you and your filthy whore of a mother

I know it's difficult to confront these things

Let it out. This is a safe place.

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I might be depressed, but my logic is sound.

I am religious because then I don't need to think myself.

I have absolutely no faith in humanity, considering most of humanity is brain-dead retards who can't stop having kids.

I'm not having kids because of this, I don't want to put more of a burden on this world than we already have, and I don't believe we can ever stop hurting the planet because too many people only care about themselves.

Niggers should be sent back to Africa which should then be nuked and turned into a giant solar panel to end global warming.

If that would be possible, I would support that 100%

Very cool idea!!

Alright then. I fucking hate mexicans, they're all annoying pieces of shit that never shut their smelly ass mouths. I have never met a Mexican that wasn't a total fucking loud monkey. Not totally against a wall to keep those faggots out, tbh.

Honestly, same. Every Mexican I have met has either wanted me to sell me something or beat me up.

Hispanics and Lations crossing the Southern US border is not really a big deal. US citizens should be worried about how all this hate right and left is going to fuck up the country because we only deal in identity politics now.

Fart sniffing white people have gotten us to this state with the babying of violent blacks and letting mexiniggers waltz across the border and letting perpetually dependent welfare dickheads sit on their asses. Reinstate the draft, invade stink countries, take what we need, rape the women. Fuck the weak.

we should mulch those who can't contribute to society such as retards and the elderly

What about the mentally ill?

Niggers need to learn there is a problem in their community and not just white people keeping them down.

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that too


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There is nothing wrong with Islam. The reason decades of integration into western countries have failed is because all white people are inherently racist.

>white people are inherently racist
Yeah, because we're inherently superior

bro everyone can be racist as fuck. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

The blacks have had it hard the last few hundred years but they have had so many luxurys the last 30-40 years. They are unwilling to listen to the idea that there is a problem in their communities not just the shit they dealt with.

Also way to fucking ignore every other nation with a major white population besides the United states. You're fucking retarded.

Only extremely marginally though.

If you think the world is cruel and awful, then you're a loser or you constantly make stupid decisions.

I don't think white people are inherently racist, because they really aren't.

consciousness is a mistake of evolution and in order to survive like the ancient deer who evolution overshot its target with by giving them antlers too big we have to break our consciousness or stunt it at suitable intervals preventing ourselves from falling into depression, suicidal tendencies or questioning the world too much through various psychological methods such as anchoring, sublimation, distraction and isolation. depression is taken as a psychological state but is more accurately denoted as a failure of these mechanisms.

We as humans have developed a moral code of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Good or evil.
And we constantly choose evil behaviors for personal gain.
Humans are malicious, cunning creatures with a general disregard for others of their species or not.
This planet has been infested, destroyed, polluted, and it's very eco system warped by human kind.
We are literally the worst thing that has happened to this planet and our species.
We will kill off our own species with war or famine long before this planet's inevitable destruction by the sun in the next 5 billion years.
We've barely been here and look at the mess we've made.
Astronomers have been searching for other planets for us to inhabit before this extinction event, and it's sickening. We will start off on another planet with advanced tech and destroy it ten times faster.
If we leave, we will be like a contagious cancer that advances as it infects each new host.
A traveling evil that devours all leaving dust and searching for a new home.
Humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet, galaxy, and the universe beyond.
We don't deserve to live for our crimes against nature and ourselves.

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he's a fucking retard to think all people can't be hateful for stupid reasons. Either that or he is a troll.

I'm thinking it's probably the latter.

>There is nothing wrong with Islam.
There is plenty wrong with Islam. Fucking music for one and the chanting and all the people that do are dirty shit in the street fucks.

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Humanity as a whole has been an experiment in futility by a higher being. We develop new and revolutionary technologies just to kill more of each other. Now that having world wars isn't cool anymore we just fight with each other of pointless stupid bullshit like race and ideology.

It because of this I hope our space fairing endeavors get sabotaged so we cannot spread the human plague among the stars.

Consciousness is what gives us so much drive to build and protect. In the end it has it's faults but without these faults we would never advance beyond animals. We would be fine with hunting for food all the time and living in huts. It is a burden as well as a gift.

You get it. You see the big picture.

That I feel is not just something that is specific to humans. All living things as we have known them have gone through these stages. Is it really so strange that we hold onto some.

Also despite all of this there are many who are the oppisite of this thinking. This number increases with each day as well. Couldn' that easlly be the next step that we can reach once the old gen dies off? Something we are slowly working towards like all evolution?

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I'd contribute to the extinction but humans are like roaches. Between thousands of years of warfare, plagues, global disasters, etc. we just keep on surviving. To truly wipe the slate clean one would have to initiate M.A.D. but that's A) a level of social power no one adhering to this ideology will ever hold, and B) the ISS exists so humanity might survive anyway.

So endless hedonism it is

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I support Hitler, the holocaust of kikes never happened. The real holocaust was the fire bombing of Dresden. Jews are devil worshippers alongside their goyim freemason cocksuckers.

Thousands of years isn't long compared to the 4.5 billion years this hell rock has been here and the millions in which life has survived.
Humans are overpopulating and fighting for resources like oil and land.
One day we will end up fighting for food.
Several thousand years, as the sun expands and cooks this place, we will fight each other for shelter.
And if we manage to get off this rock, then it's bad news for another habitable planet.
We already have interstellar junk floating around out there in the off chance another species finds it.
If there is such intelligent life, they will take strict measures to keep us quarantined here until we all die off naturally from solar exposure to the sun.

What living creature other than humans:
Commits large scale warfare against it's own kind
Actively poisons it's environment with agents specifically designed for defoliation, etc
Willfully extinct another species because it 'annoys' them
Seeks out and develops weapons that WILL destroy not only their own ecosystem but the very planet itself
Destroys their surrounding ecosystem for a luxury resource
Kills large amounts of their own tribe for a disagreement in thought
Enslaves their own kind for manual labor and elevates themselves above said slaves for the simple fact that they were born in a certain area

I know a lot of this is hippy-dippy bullshit but the points still stand

I really hope whatever sentient extraterrestrial life exists culls us.

no I get it but that's just the ultimate evolution of animals is it not? Animals don't care about killing off a species. They don't care about killing for food. We just evolved to have greater means to do these things. Do you think the other animals wouldn't exterminate their predators and competition if they where in our position? They would it's just we had the advantage and also we are slowly overtaking our nature.

I know humanity has done terrible things but I feel we are capable of so much kindness too and it's just a matter of time before it becomes much more normal.

Aliens don't exist. And we'll never find another habitable world. It's all about to end anyways so who cares...

are you some shitty blogger/ youtuber or something?

I only dislike people because I find y'all very emotionally taxing. But I wouldn't want to be alone. So I deal

It's both.
But I'm trying.

Everyday we create a new zenith of knowledge, understanding, intelligence.
And everyday we kook down from this proverbial tower, and spit upon those below us.
Every day, humanity grows stronger, and chooses to become an even greater infection.
We are smart enough to behave better, yet, we choose to be vile and greedy creatures.
Humanity, as a whole will never choose to be kind


i support abortion because I hate children


To the rest if the universe, we're the aliens.
Humans are the mutant apes with rockets and bombs that spread disease and destruction.
There are favorable odds that the evolutionary circumstances in which life developed on earth have easily occurred on similarly composed planets.
It's just ignorant to believe we are the only creatures, alone, in an alnast endless void.
That's about on the same level of thinking that the Earth is the center of the universe in which all else revolves around.

Except all the people who devote their lives to helping others throws a huge wrench in that idea. Just because there are many examples of curelity does not mean it cannot change or that it is the majority.

That's like pouring a bottle of purified water in a sewer and saying it's cleaner.
Many of those organizations profit off funds, despite their claims, and piggyback off the suffering of others as a catalyst for attention on social media.

I'm talking about the people devoting their lives not the big organizations people poke at. Most of those workers want to work towards something better. Saying they don't have that spirirt and drive because there are organizations that take advantage of it doesn't change the hearts of those who work towards it.

I hate other people so much I refuse to go into public unless absolutely necessary. I also have extreme OCD when it comes to cleanliness. I detail my cars to absolute perfection. If I park far out in the parking lot at a store and find someone has parked next to me, I pour gelled bleach down in their cowl. If I find they have door dinged me, I crawl under and loosen their oil plug. It is usually lifted truck assholes that do this so it is very easy to get to within 10-15 seconds

Unless the species as a whole makes an entire shift from preservation and perpetuation of wealth, expansion of enterprise, building of new housing and society, these people who "deedicate" their lives to helping, are only acting as a minority of janitors cleaning the waste humanity leaves in its wake as it continues to develop.
Big corporations, big governments, large societies and groups of people have their interests set on money and productivity. They absolutely will hurt and leave people behind to rot in mass numbers in order to continue their goals for money, power, and control.
We can have clean up crews and individuals and parties to help the impoverished and sick, but first world countries are going to continue their destructive tyrannies until they bleed everything dry.
The masses are destructive, and the minority who want to help are futile.
I do all I can to make to make the world around me better, but still have no choice bit to support the greater evil by buying their cars, foods, clothes, utilities, and homes.
My food comes from the suffering if animals and destruction of land.
My home is built upon a grave of natural life and ecosystem.
My car polluted this place as I drive to work to aid a corporation for monetary compensation that perpetuates my secondhand destructive living.
I hate it, and have no choice or way out.
This Every inch of this overpopulated country is owned and regulated by a government or person.
I can't live off the land away from humans because I am a slave of a capitalist country.
We all are. No matter how good we try to be to offset our lives, we are inherently evil and all aid in the destruction of this planet by living here.