I like rap music

>I like rap music

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Haha get it cause all rap is the exact same and nobody has ever made anything that isnt just rapping about bitches and money Haha I'm a uncultured swine that dislikes things just cause I'm too lazy to look past the mainstream in any way whatsoever haha

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Good rap songs thread

OP isn't wrong

Eww niggers

Go ahead, keep thinking you're superior because you suck up to boomers and their boring ass music.

Listen to some Marty Robbins and shut the fuck up

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You can whatever you want about niggers, but they make hella good music, even if you dont like rap music, bby king, gnarls barkley, jimmy hendrix, michael jackson(he was born a nigger he died a bleached mentally ill nigger)

i agree with both of these posts