

Attached: 66.png (623x850, 185K)

Oh no I keep doing it

I need to pay attention more

I have a gift for apology Master

Attached: 3a1a0335b704f491860ebe99c33fecc4.jpg (735x647, 67K)

i dont like this

Attached: 286.png (188x185, 31K)

cute and wholesome

if only i could die anywhere else...

Attached: 74606101_p0.png (864x1152, 496K)


Attached: 08030e1325cd9170ef2c7fe3ad549a10.jpg (500x255, 32K)

cute .... wholesome...
So come with me
all of this is scary isnt it

Attached: 369.jpg (800x581, 228K)

let's die anywhere else

Attached: 74619056_p1.jpg (700x700, 148K)


Attached: 131.png (1000x751, 389K)

Ok I'll go back if you want me too

I'll Seras Post here and do the other stuff elsewhere if that's what you want.

Attached: b73441edeb1199a1556cb8ac460bd1e1.jpg (735x847, 180K)

just not here

have you seen Yui? i have a cool image for him

Attached: 20961223_p0.jpg (320x320, 67K)

Epic troll


Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (336x188, 18K)

no its not you...
its everything...
i saw him earlier i think he is asleep now...

Attached: 295.png (605x829, 475K)

dis bread hab ice peepol

Attached: 156978537568753.jpg (850x1196, 173K)

dis pohst wus maid by ice peepol

Attached: 306.jpg (623x528, 37K)


and one nice umbrella

Attached: 15897518_p0.jpg (1000x1059, 448K)

dear god, snowmen

>this exists
Already had forgotten about these losers lol

Attached: Krezyx.png (86x107, 9K)

what do you think of refugees
you exist

Attached: 90.jpg (960x540, 52K)

Probably, but theres no time to think about that

Attached: rigshearthstone.png (400x543, 315K)

really depends on what refugees we are talking about

Attached: 1460837632787.jpg (1008x1000, 648K)

what are "the gang" member's stats?

Attached: 266.gif (500x243, 968K)

the ones from infinitychan

Attached: 331.png (350x343, 107K)


have never been to that site, but if it was similar to Yea Forums, i don't see a problem


Attached: 1507817167111.png (1024x1024, 203K)

You missed 25 more rins
also trips

Uhhh lemme see
ive got this one from right hand wamen

Attached: Hedenia Card.png (400x543, 263K)

nice feet

sezz da icest persun
wun ebil brella

Attached: 16789467685793.jpg (850x601, 132K)

nice post

Sorry I'm back

So what's scaring you aki?

Attached: 0295f959ab39c956cfe7db88aeee5016.jpg (480x336, 44K)

wut fug agin


hello and goodbye, i'm going to bed

you didn't see me here

Attached: 41e8c14db31300c3dd5b5f04ac4212c2.png (493x700, 195K)

i thought i saw Kon, where did go?

Thanks. blue anime

Youre here too?!

Attached: rigsshock.jpg (257x184, 20K)

nice umbrella, lewd digits

Attached: 69.jpg (254x547, 44K)

i know you too well...
seems like a very over powered set of cards
:0 eye lake ice bosting
dragon cunt

Attached: 325.jpg (836x576, 209K)

Never A bad time to celebrate

Attached: 73829836_p7.jpg (800x1100, 590K)

i love anons and imageboards

Attached: 47.jpg (525x339, 59K)

do you love avatar fags?

Attached: 283.png (377x357, 197K)

So you two are 8 chan refugees?

Attached: wallpaper-2624181.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

well, as you can see, i'm avatarfagging right now
generally though, yes, we should try to avoid doing that
but since we have a circlejerk here, who cares

Attached: 6.jpg (506x625, 75K)

Fuck your gay erp meetup trannies

Attached: 1565631871454.jpg (247x299, 30K)


no not those people...
this is a comfy circle jerk..

Attached: 202.png (357x480, 149K)

yeah I can explain but i dont knos anymore, huh
nice dubs
amen, santa is eternal

Attached: tumblr_pj3cdawdPd1tp35nvo1_400.png (400x457, 192K)


Never played hearthstone so i wouldnt know



Attached: rigsthumbsup.jpg (512x512, 63K)

Attached: 6ef0a13f3aa6b8b535424ce0484036f8.jpg (421x600, 78K)

nice 2
your mexican friend plays it

Attached: 385.png (752x1062, 760K)

*unzips pants*


Attached: 278.gif (360x360, 605K)

gnight persun eye know sea
smelly fren wiff reel digits
u sayy u ike ebil pwowsting

Attached: 157894576857963.png (800x500, 383K)


Attached: 15746976245.jpg (600x600, 89K)

I guess you can go at it that way

Attached: 20190721_100503.png (388x300, 176K)

Hol up
Dragon Cunt and The blonde from van hellsing(?) are different posters, or nah?

The mexican you talk about plays with a lot of things

Attached: rigsfinnafight.jpg (512x512, 67K)

fucking checked akari


Attached: 20190714_000659.jpg (565x771, 194K)

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

Alucard would be disgusted with someone like you

Attached: 1564394528156.jpg (500x400, 142K)

oh snap a sixer
it may seem like it, but the holidayposting is in everyone

Attached: cn70VNi.gif (320x224, 160K)

i like smelly posting
different people
i think he plays with his boogers
fucking checked user
everyone please let the kitty sleep

Attached: 124.jpg (819x1200, 107K)

yes, but i feel like we are just like tourists visiting old ruins or something, this place is kinda dying
so yeah rules are not being followed, and nobody cares anymore


big dum bulli

Attached: difficult.png (468x384, 212K)


Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_monoheiya__b20c2c20ca0eb6d5dd48ed555b3846f3.png (600x800, 433K)

waste of sex's

Attached: 1255932373041s.jpg (199x251, 5K)

cute cat

where will we go

Attached: 77.png (250x250, 54K)

there are alternatives
and will be even more after this unholy mess of a site will be take down

Attached: Aya 6.jpg (562x754, 41K)

Tis the season, after all
You.. you dont play with your boogers?
What the fuck

Attached: rigsn-naniiii.jpg (512x512, 66K)

sorry i wasn't here

relax, buddy, everything's fine

Attached: Reimu40 1538427621400.png (600x637, 317K)

Ther's this one if you like it better

Attached: f00ce24ee6948a4c23d3f63f38fd9e60.jpg (736x687, 143K)

Attached: 1517892761862.png (599x355, 180K)

No way
Can you put up a jcak spicer for me just a quick sec

Attached: Rigschillin.png (900x900, 184K)

Are you from the UK?

Attached: 1457676162656.jpg (350x196, 14K)

i don't know who that is

Attached: 6650411_p0.jpg (531x1263, 138K)

smelly pwowsting alwise ice
thx u sow kindd two we smelly

Attached: 153789467683525.png (690x636, 212K)


What about a Revy?

Attached: racingrig.jpg (512x512, 99K)

What sort of thread is this, neet support group anonymouse?

Attached: casper11.jpg (679x532, 37K)

Are you the guy posting Jack Spicer before?

Attached: 1424141714139.jpg (800x450, 153K)

is she sad?

maybe we can just go with the site..
uh.... m..maybe...
:P eye no ware
he is a friend from hunger games.

Attached: 271.png (561x602, 348K)

No, but i thought he was, thats why i asked

Alcoholics anonymous for anonymous

Just a bunch of avatar fags.

Attached: 78b5465a04ba6e7bd74b5934d9ca64f9.jpg (500x500, 56K)

talk about your book please...

Attached: 313.png (185x185, 31K)





he's cutting himself alone.
why are you bringing waifu garbage here

Attached: 339.png (1012x1088, 700K)

no, i'm not, sorry
feel free to hit me

i'm not sure what you're talking about
i'm guessing you're talking about different tributes
i don't collect other people's tributes
Reimu was my tribute

she is alive and well

Attached: 8860443_p0.gif (300x300, 24K)

Dont have much new I did make a decision on the origins of the whole Cursed ones Raven born business.

Attached: 187adc834622f0ad1c7861cc80552979.jpg (736x699, 76K)

I need to know why you helped him make the "nice feet" meme so popular by assisting him by posting 23.jpg all the time

you are scaring me
i dont think i did any of that

Attached: 23.jpg (1280x722, 137K)

also woo gratz

Attached: 202429_p0.jpg (480x640, 72K)

this is the insomniacs anonymous group

alright it's been 18 or more minutes since i said i would sleep
peace out and may you find or roll something lucky in the middle of the night or day or afternoon
timezones suck

Attached: download.png (168x300, 12K)

anme ngr

No yelling at Aki

Attached: tumblr_pea7uu14Iy1sx8ybdo7_250.png (250x250, 82K)

You don't remember saving this image, and instantly reposting it?

Attached: nice sting.jpg (600x336, 126K)

can you help me with something?

Attached: 70.png (250x250, 94K)


Attached: 399.jpg (747x1024, 440K)


Attached: isabela-moner-dora-and-the-lost-city-of-gold-press-conference-in-beverly-hills-08-01-2019-7.jpg (1280x1918, 223K)

what about yourself?

You better, NERD

I thought you were the guy who stole other tributes
Wassup Reimu, Calcium keeps sending you hugs

>10 minutes later
>wooo im back

Attached: rigsjudgingyoass.png (902x824, 302K)

What Do you mean I finally came up with a good origin story that fits the themes of the story as a whole.

Attached: r083462_001.jpg (500x382, 43K)

Another one was this, you were on an extreme roll for a week or two, but you certainly did not pass Sachii

Attached: nice button.jpg (800x800, 163K)

>being alkoho-lik
shigger my digger

Avatar fags? Like you guys actually learned that language from that space mining movie?

Attached: casper25_duck.jpg (286x532, 21K)

eye goin fiind u n brang u bak two frens
yee u r, dot tel fibs. eye dew wowrse sqweez u

Attached: 127896768973486.jpg (1078x1500, 655K)

are you a refugee
den eye sea

Attached: 414.png (795x860, 384K)

Attached: nice feet feet feet.jpg (707x1000, 95K)

Attached: 1232077974666.jpg (2328x1746, 1.08M)

Attached: feet overload.jpg (3840x1080, 1.99M)


Attached: 20190714_000730.jpg (444x458, 84K)

Attached: nice casino.jpg (1296x728, 585K)

are you a refugee

Attached: 106.png (450x993, 451K)

Attached: nice scary feet.jpg (549x622, 59K)

I came

predicted this?

Lmao yeah

Ok user, this is a bit spooky
Is there one in Lucas room?

Attached: Rigswhy.png (162x119, 18K)

Kys furfag

Attached: 42c0aa65c63c3ff439267b9efc9d6fc9.jpg (736x736, 78K)

Attached: nice background.jpg (750x879, 273K)

gnight agin hop u ken fal slep dis tim
u know sea fb bliend fowld u

Attached: 1537967856386.png (809x1209, 637K)

feel free to hit me

Calcium is too kind, i really need to pay him back somehow

if it requires more than 80 IQ, i can't guarantee anything

no fibs in this thread
that feels demonic and hellish, i can't believe you would just hug me, does your evillness know no limits?

Attached: 74125530_p0 (1).jpg (2000x1272, 684K)

Aki conveniently forgetting about posting these images is outrageous

sleep well!

Attached: 38742_p0.gif (400x400, 14K)

Attached: 1517993065962.gif (500x281, 944K)

best i could think of, but it fucking sucked
are you avataring as sandy bois?

Attached: casper8.jpg (474x452, 30K)

Attached: somuchfeet.jpg (750x750, 241K)

know eye sea wit dubz yew had
its something you are good at

Attached: 204.png (488x712, 414K)

Attached: nice maid.jpg (500x350, 284K)

No I have only posted on Yea Forums

And only started doing this stuff a month ago.

Your thread was the first /waifu/ typemthread never posted on.

Attached: seras_victoria_by_maryanime.jpg (600x845, 116K)

Attached: nice drawing.png (707x1000, 16K)

nice poster

making bad decisions? :)

Attached: 63920275_p0.png (877x620, 528K)

Attached: nice toy.jpg (586x542, 221K)

nice postere

Attached: 1517542911679.gif (582x540, 1.53M)

Attached: nice feits.jpg (1000x1600, 126K)

Attached: nice google.jpg (1826x141, 50K)

Attached: nice alrighty then.jpg (1440x2560, 776K)

i dunno, figure hed have enough seeing youaaround from time to time

Lets go with that

Cus why not lmao

>ran out of rigs pics so imma just post people that never saw the light of day for a bit

Attached: Volaas.png (81x110, 6K)

oh you

Attached: surprise hug.jpg (900x1206, 557K)

Attached: nice stupid.png (507x488, 97K)

u BIG fibbin rite noww n eyem goin dew et agin n nebar stob dis tim
luuk enside yor miind den u sea dem

Attached: 1789657853624578.jpg (630x630, 173K)

Attached: nice long feet.jpg (707x1000, 97K)

you on the left

Attached: meandqt.jpg (819x579, 126K)

Attached: nicefeet.jpg (703x322, 68K)

Okay good....
Uh.. please dont call it /waifu/ makes me sad.. its for chemo not waifu...
:) no stalking sorta not really
Wow that game has bad graphics
Eye know!

Attached: SentimentalSilkyEyelashpitviper-size_restricted.gif (417x250, 1.46M)

Wow this game exists : ^)


Attached: 7558bf897a9c47ad4a8aae4434143148.jpg (480x640, 98K)

do you think you could ask that question in a nicer way?

Attached: 1517784423554.jpg (698x658, 106K)

dot yell!!!

Attached: 15379856576853.jpg (850x689, 95K)

lol lol my guy are you freaking kidding me??

What is Chemo Aki?

Attached: __pip_bernardotte_and_seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__8f3ef55daf08727c956edbcf3ea1 (626x500, 101K)

maybe i shouldnt of said that name

Attached: 54.png (1000x1580, 519K)

i won't run, i accept my fate, ice ebil

no, i'm not, it's been determined that that's chemo on the left

well, just say what i can help you with

i will just tell him that i'm still around when i see him

Attached: 19192583_p4.jpg (1500x1125, 465K)

not me
then who's on first

Attached: 1529438087373.png (850x1259, 980K)

Ill tell him you said hi next time he drops by

( > :

Why master

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__5e130e2566b69d223b187fc1c30d98d2.jpg (600x539, 165K)

its just weird to say his name here i guess..
chemo is who we are waiting for

Attached: 93.png (600x1100, 459K)

whoever you want them to be, but the second one doesn't work that way

i'm sorry

Attached: D2546dIUcAIaDDk.jpg (848x1200, 144K)

I couldn't tell because the pic was black and white try to recognize Aki by her rose hair

Attached: seras-victoria-hellsing-ultimate-8.08.jpg (210x240, 19K)

grat noww al kneeborz dogz borkin
eye ebil sentins u two deff bye da eturnnal sqweez eny lastt wowrdz

Attached: 153946756235628.png (962x1024, 323K)

Dont worry m8
Im sure hed understand if you dont feel like hanging aroun hg as often

It knows

Whos that pokemon: anime edition

bork bork haha
you are nice to me

Attached: 96.gif (742x362, 658K)

Am I in a cult Aki?

I'll drink the koolade if you ask me to

Attached: Seras.Victoria.600.982426.jpg (423x600, 80K)

Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the ball to who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
it's okay no worries

Attached: 1553696721801.gif (600x338, 1.22M)

he nose
we could make a cult that could be fun

Attached: 208.gif (480x270, 916K)

Of course I am Master

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__b07132b44b3a98e8ba5c4408211fab17.jpg (500x725, 106K)

oy vey master

Who is our Cult leader Aki?

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_tit_horse__dbadb4201626a6a0329b1e190d31adbf.png (510x680, 1017K)

Yes. Welcome to the family. Your application has been sent in the mail 2 weeks ago and should be arriving soon. It must be singed by blood. You cannot refuse.

Attached: 153478967653.jpg (500x350, 37K)

well i guess i would be the leader but we believe in the spirit of the op that disappears

Attached: 251.gif (500x281, 479K)

Post the image with the girl holding the free hugs balloon

Attached: 46902373_p0.png (1200x900, 200K)


Attached: 327.gif (500x281, 943K)

Blood I have plenty of that

Attached: ezgif-5-552976220569.jpg (600x960, 77K)

yes, i would like to thank you

i do post in HG, i'm surprised you haven't determined who my new tribute is yet :) or have you?

adorable, i like you

here it is

Attached: Dr3JnJUU8AAedGD.png (1536x2048, 665K)

nice postere
i'm not adorable, you're adorable.

Attached: 1541315789620.gif (354x534, 208K)

Thanks this makes me smile every time.

Attached: 75013751_p5.png (1059x1000, 734K)

can i have a hug

Attached: 223.png (763x647, 298K)

All hail master Aki

Victory is Salvation

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kouya_libera__c495476799316739f9bf337fd30a06e0.jpg (587x500, 152K)

Hello fellow nice poster

Attached: 48682591_p0.jpg (2107x2891, 461K)

are you done work?
dont hail me im just the prophet

Attached: 375.png (567x748, 462K)

Aki Ali Aki Aki!!!!

Attached: Seras.Victoria.600.1253542.jpg (600x450, 74K)

Well, when you say it like that, i have some supicions...

yes seras?

stob dat u mak dem maad
tiny fren
noww tank u




Lol no, 6 more hours.
Hello umbrella friend. How are you?

am not nice postere but you're nice and i like you

*Bites neck very softly*

em wel hop ets da sam four u

No one's sure what to make of your unpredictable nature, but you've left a strong impression.


Thank you fortune cookie




Goodnight master

bed time already?
sleep well :)