I'ts a bad thing to feel atracted to 15-16 years old girls?

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nah, it's allright

Attached: 35876888.63999999_1416083655093-1.jpg (683x800, 137K)

jesus fucking christ

i love their clothes so much

I know a 16 girl, and i seriously want to fuck her, but feel weird (im 23)

No, 16 is after puberty, girls that age are sexually ready. Maybe not mentally, but they used to be. Couple thousand years ago sex at 16 - 18 was normal. Imo age of consent everywhere should be 16, it makes more biological sense and is only as dangerous as driving.

You are allowed to feel feelings. You are human. But you need to be an adult and understand that it is inappropriate to sexualize minors.

Depends how old you are...?

At 23 it's pretty normal. Just remember to separate fantasy from reality, fuck 18 and over. Maybe go for a petite, young looking girl legal girl. That might be your niche

this sounds agreeable enough