When did you first come to the chan, current age and what did you first think of it?
I first hit Yea Forums in like february of 2005 out of boredom, 38 now and i thought the same thing as I do now, Good way to kill time.
When did you first come to the chan, current age and what did you first think of it?
I first hit Yea Forums in like february of 2005 out of boredom, 38 now and i thought the same thing as I do now, Good way to kill time.
It was high school and some kid saw me using reddit and scoffed at me. He showed me what Yea Forums however I trusted him because he was one of those 4.0 going to harvard kids. One year later I lurking on r9k daily and b daily as I finish highschool. Now I only fuck with when I need YLYL, wallpapers, or a request.
2014 lmao i
>the chan
>the chan
eat a dick fly. And, 2008, when my social reject friend showed me where I could find gore and tiddies.
>35 now
>It was my happy place. I was on Something Awful forum in the early 2000s and switched over to Yea Forums
I'd never actually gone to something awful before I came here. Guy I served with broke the first two rules and showed me the place
Soo... like 2019 for you?
Some time in 2004. I was a weeb who was into watching gore and shit.
A friend of mine said Yea Forums had everything I'd enjoy and more so I lurked for a long while. I really got addicted to the people here because at the time I felt we had a lot in common
I'm currently 29, turning 30 this year
>first come to the chan
must have been August 2006
>current age
>what did you first think of it
entertaining AF, more than now