I want to get a job at a local computer repair shop. Is there anything I should know how to do before trying to apply

I want to get a job at a local computer repair shop. Is there anything I should know how to do before trying to apply

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Other urls found in this thread:

indeed.com/certifications/s/?q=CompTIA A+&l=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4cGlqvH-4wIVFFqGCh0UwA1sEAAYASAAEgIGufD_BwE


Get A+ and Network+ certified.

Yeah, how to fix a computer. If you think they're going to hire you and teach you everything you need to know then you're in for a bad time.


ey johnny youse gotta membah two tings, numbah wun, ain't nobody will respect ya if yew doin' business wit dem jewish cunts and numbah two, youse betteh come down ta da pizzeria durin' lunch break and give us ya patronage, capiche?

good work on them electronics, yew know wat im' sayin?

How to back up data to save all the free nudes and CP.

What year do you think this is?

is A+ required or can you jump straight into Network+?

A+ is required before network+

A+ sure, but Network+ covers way more than your basic repair guy needs to know. So long as you know the difference between a modem and a router and your basic networking cable types you'll be fine on networking.


Op it's not 1999 it's 2019 nobody gets their computers repaired anymore...

if you're asking for advice you're not qualified. however everyone or at least a lot of people feel that way at the start. look you know yourself better then us. do you have an A+ cert? do you know about diffrent connecters, pins and motherboards. how familiar are you with flux and.other things. can you replace parts on a board. do you subscribe to Luis rosman? if you answer yes to a good bit of these your golden pony boy

cheers from a BA in IT.

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Practice this phrase; "turn it off and on"

Op here I’m looking at it because I wanna get out of the restaurant industry. I like computers and it should be kinda easy. The restaurant industry sucks ass.

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When's the last time you needed to know fucking port numbers to fix a computer dumbass. I have Network+ and it's mostly useless knowledge unless you're an admin or corp IT. Grandma doesn't need her network topology mapped and sub-netted.

Hey op, some basic shit
A+, network+ You'll also want an intimate knowledge of Windows, Mac, and Linux and at least 5 years experience or I won't hire you.
I'll also require soldering skills. Intimate knowledge of basic and advanced analog and digital electronics.
No criminal background at all.
I regularly drug test for things including alcohol and marijuana.
Fat chance getting a job here thinking you need a stethoscope to fix a MacBook.

Jesus Christ on a cracker, soldering skills? Wtf is this, radio shack?

This sucks more. People bring their shitty Walmart PC's in decades old, expect you to fix it for free by next Tuesday or they'll scream their head off at you. It's a soul sucking thankless scummy job where you work long into the night including weekends barely scraping by.

If someone comes in with an Nvidia GTX 2080 ti with a popped capacitor I'm going to expect you to know how to test and fix it.

Ora bad vmu chip or something

So much this... Seriously it's the worst.

Ok, you have my attention. How much do you charge for that and do you try to figure out why it popped in the first place or just slap a new one on and hope for the best?

Op here again so I should get a A+ certification how hard is that To take and how would I take it

Attached: DFBF7C9D-D576-47E2-A839-AC060505EBBE.gif (332x332, 1.94M)

Sorry computers are racist.

It's expensive, and there's a lot to know. More then you realize. If you know nothing of programming or how to fix a registry error you're in over your head.

dude thats a bad apply of paste do a smaller than pea sided in the middle :fatcat:

First of all, don't do what that gif shows. lmao

Neither of those are asked on A+

They ask stupid shit like if you discover your PC power cord is spit can you use the one off your monitor instead. The test is almost 20 years out of date now...

Oh thats brutal

Hellman's Mayo?


That's not even paste, the syringe says hellmann's. That's fucking Mayo. Also the paste goes on top between the chip and the CPU heatsink / fan lol.

holy shit give up now if you don't even know this

You need the put Hellman's under every cpu roflmao

Not trolling, mayonnaise works well as thermal paste.

>not applying your mayo evenly to the bread

It works if you put it in the right place.

Yeah he needs to spread it out first on that bread board.

it doesn't, mayo is just oil which is why mayo on the outside makes such fucking top notch grilled cheese

The most important thing to remember is this. There are going to be a lot of retards giving you really bad advice because they think they're tech gods, but they're really 50 year men who still work for the Geek Squad and wouldn't know a real tech career if it bit them in the ass.

Here ya go op, good luck.

indeed.com/certifications/s/?q=CompTIA A+&l=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4cGlqvH-4wIVFFqGCh0UwA1sEAAYASAAEgIGufD_BwE

Let me know what you get on the practice test.

It was 20 years out of date 20 years ago. Still had questions about dot matrix printers and shit on it.

^ This

>Local computer repair shop
You literally just need to be able to use Google. Almost every computer shop are run by old men who have no fucking clue what they doing and order all their shit on Amazon. Also, computer repair is awful work unless you overcharge out the ass.

Also, DO NOT EVER EVER HELP ANYONE FOR FREE! You will become their 24/7/365 free tech support and you'll be the asshole if you ever bill them for your time.

Linus Tech Tips did tests and it worked better than porcelain thermal paste.

>Spending $5,000 to learn basic computer skills
Anyone who pays for this shit deserves it.

This. The only people who use tech repair shops are boomers and retards too stupid to Google their problems.

Yeah literally, they're about as useful as tv repair shops. Most people just throw out their broken computers and buy new ones for shit like as simple as Windows getting viruses.

NOBODY is paying to have their computers fixed anymore. If they have money they'll just use their phones.

lmao even the network+ is like this
wtf is it with comptia and outdated shit?

Make sure you're passionate about it going into it.

Depending on what you're doing, it can be a lot of frustration, but also intense moments of euphoria when you figure something out. I don't have any CompTIA certs, but I am going to get them within the next couple years.

Recommend an advanced knowledge of Windows troubleshooting, basic soldering skills (if you'll be messing with that stuff), and the ability to problem solve till your brain hurts. Don't let em see you sweat.

>Computers being that hard to learn to use
And people wonder why everyone but peesee gaymerz ditched them for iPhones.

Lol @ Windows... Dude Linux is taking over

>2019 dumbass Boomer not knowing Linux

>Cancerous Linux users

Seriously this. Most people using desktops switched to Linux or spend thousands on their hardware and aren't paying someone to babysit their issues.

Everybody switched to iPhones. Desktop computing is dead.

It's taking over. Sorry boomer.

LOL @ these fuckin faggots suckling on the tit of an asshole (Torvalds), just because muh free shit. How's it feel having to go through 500 lines in the cli just to install a driver? Lmao Lincux defending their dead OS. Keep tinfoil hatting, neckbeards.

I'll bet you're 15 and just figured out how to make a bootable Debian drive, plugged it into one of your school laptops and couldn't get it to work

No, it's really not. Maybe for delusional retards still hanging on to their ancient edgy hax command line trash.

Nobody uses CLI. Sorry boomer haven't you heard? Even Microsoft uses Linux now.

18 and my whole school uses Ubuntu. Dumbass Boomer.

>actually using the word "boomer" because it's a buzzword for Gen Z faggots

Attached: global-os-market-share.png (1352x939, 95K)

>my whole school uses Linux

Underdeveloped eurofag country dweller detected

Even Windows 10 runs Linux. You're sincerely out of touch with reality.


Boomers getting mad they’re called boomers. Classic boomer move.

> Free os that runs the world

Mmkay boomer

Imagine actually being this fucking stupid.

Learn all 3, ive been considering Linux, better than Microsoft spying and, well, Apples shit but knowing all 3 and how to use a shell is important

Wow, so today's your birthday? You can finally enlighten people on Le Edgy Yea Forums that MUH UBUNTUU is best OS? Sorry zoomer (since you love your buzzwords) but Linux is only good for being a codebase. Both MacOS and Windows are extremely fleshed out and will /always/ have support over MUH LINUXX PEECEE

I think we can all agree Linux is absolute trash. I used that pile of hot garbage for a few weeks and what a horrible mess. Talk about a dumpster fire. No wonder Windows 10 is dominant.

>imagine being this old so out of touch with reality
Go back to casket shopping, boomer

Ignore 90% of this thread.
You do not need A+ or Net+ to fix computers.
t. former retail computer store worker.
Former, because after getting over 10 years of experience, I moved on to a more lucrative job.

Yes, you can actually find entry level positions that will train you for everything you need to know.
However, beware. Most places are going to want you to work on phones these days. Use the internet to look up what average pay is for your job in your area. If they aren't paying at least +10% average for phones, do not work there.
Working on phones is like working on small bombs: stressful, delicate, and if you fuck it up someone is going to pitch a goddamn hissy fit.

Tell me more Grandpa how I need support? Maybe you do with your old shriveled cock.

Windows 10 runs Linux dumbass.

This. Linux is just an OS for hobbyists. No software support. No driver support. Can pretty much only run on old ass hardware because - again - no driver support. People still defend it... Not sure why.

I really get a lot of use out of the cross platform compatibility that apple has (using things on both Mac and my iPhone) and I love that I can use the shell. I also jailbroke my iPhone as to have more compatibility with more systems and I love it. Couldn't live without my iPhone terminal ;)

And yet it runs the whole internet...

You're retarded and out of touch with reality. Windows is for Grandpa's who are to scared of change.

>windows 10 runs Linux

No. It doesn't. It emulates Linux in a sandbox that doesn't modify the computer at all. and even then the option is hidden from most people because nobody wants to enable it anyway.

Android is Linux retard

No one's hiring, go suck dicks instead

Android is Linux

Windows, and hell, even MacOS is used by a wide variety of people. Name one successful person that uses Linux? You can't. Because every Linux user is a neckbeard clinging onto their free shit because they're too cheap to pay for a win license.

You try and play literally any game on steam and tell me how that goes. Or any comprehensive program that didn't have to have special stupid modifications for it to run on Linux. Good job, you've got your browser and your terminal. You can't use anything else. You're trapped buckaroo

Not anymore. Read up. Spend less time on Fortnite kiddos.

>Using a PC
Imagine being this old lmao
Hey retards everyone uses Android which is Linux. Not knowing Linux and Android is going to leave you behind.
PC is dead, cope.

Android uses a Linux KERNEL dumbass

Sorry Android is Linux.

So does every other os that matters

Not that faggot, but you're kind of full of shit.
Mac is going down the shitter. Have you seen their hardware lately? It's fucking garbage. Yes, there will always be fanboys buying their shit, but people are wising up to their shit.
Windows is worse, since WinX shit all over people's expectations of having a decent windows release after 8/8.1. Yes, there will always be corporate customers. Yes, their corporate base is what rakes in the big bucks, not their consumer base. But their corporate base is going "what the fuck is shit shit" right now as we're forced to upgrade to 10 and trying to lock shit down for certain environments.
RHEL has support. Lots of businesses, including my former employer, ran Red Hat. Hell, they ran their entire business model off of linux and are making a fucking fortune.
Mac and Windows may always have support, but Linux is growing.

>No software support.
RHEL, individual software companies that make linux specific software, and others disagree.
>No driver support
Pretty much every major manufacturer makes linux drivers, so this is blatantly false.
>Can pretty much only run on old ass hardware because - again - no driver support
Linux has native support for most new stuff and updates to support things as it comes out. Hell, I run mint, not Red Hat or an enterprise distro, and it runs perfectly out of the box.
Your entire comment here is uninformed bullshit.

So much this.
Who the hell under the age of 28 uses a desktop?

Again, it uses a Linux KERNEL. And if you're even gonna argue about Apple, they use XNU which is built on top of FreeBSD. Not Linux.

Not Mac. Not iOS. Not Windows. And they're all more used than Linux.

Someone who wants to play video games on something other than console, or shit screen tap games.
Or someone who wants the security, customizability, and horsepower of something bigger than a goddamn cell phone.
Or someone who works in a business environment and wants to do work as opposed to play on their phone.

Desktop as a platform isn't dead, faggot.

By Grandpas playing solitaire. Nobody uses Apple everyone is ditching iPhones for Android. Corporate are ditching Windows for Linux. Only people still hanging onto Windows are stupid boomers about to die from some old man disease like congestive heart failure shilling for a company that makes Satan blush.

Kek wtf is this retarded gif xD

I'm taking a two year class for it right now... But it's all hands on and cost alot

They just updated the A+ test recently this year. So everyone here is not reliable unless they took it recently

Uses PC with an os made by the same people who make the console
Buys only Intel and Nvidia with an os that actively spies on them forcing updates that can't be disabled...
>Businesses are switching to Linux for everything after getting fucked over by Microsoft
Being this out of touch with reality...

Absolutely nobody is ditching iPhones for Android. I've slowly watched my diehard Android friends and other people I work with all switch over to iPhones. I'm not even on the side of Windows here, I just think they have better compatibility than Linux. I can run my term on my iPhone because I have an easily accessible jailbreak instead of needing a specific phone to use Magisk or whatever.

Linux is far more compatible than Windows. Can't run desktop windows on a raspberry pi. I've watched people who had iPhones for years get Android it might just be a shift as people switch sides. Windows is hanging on by the pc gamers thread. Literally everyone is ditching Windows.

So much this. Single board computers are hot right now. Literally NOBODY is buying new windows hardware. Every company sees PC's as "that platform where everything is pirated and viruses live"

Nobody is going to run Windows on a raspberry pi. The only people that would want one of those would already be running a Unix-based system (more than likely MacOS for security research and using tools like IDA) or want to build something with it for shits and giggles. Windows isn't dying. A stupid amount of servers all run Windows servers, and if you go to the store and buy a laptop or even a desktop, chances are that if it's not running whatever the hell ChromebookOS is, it's running Windows.

>Uses PC with an os made by the same people who make the console
Yes, but consoles are standardized. This is why gave devs love them. They don't have to make special snowflake bullshit.
>Buys only Intel and Nvidia with an os that actively spies on them forcing updates that can't be disabled...
I buy AMD and run linux.
What's what you were saying? You suck cocks?
>>Businesses are switching to Linux for everything after getting fucked over by Microsoft
No, they're really not. Some are, certainly. Others, however, are not.
Ever have anything to do with the manufacturing business, little Timmy?
Allow daddy to clue you in.
Manufacturing plants run windows on their floor machines, because the software that runs their production machines is made to run on windows. These machines are typically on a network with a DC running, you guessed it, Windows (if they're networked at all, most aren't).
Some of these machines are still running Windows 95 and 20+ year old hardware. I'd know, I've changed out enough IDE drives in them as they failed. They don't ever replace these machines. Ever. They have people like me clone them, then when it fails, restore from the clone and keep ticking. They have backups machines with the exact same configuration, so that if parts they can't get anymore fail, they can just swap the drives. Do you know why they do this, Timmy? Because that software, that only runs on windows, costs $20k-$200k+ for licenses, depending on what it is and their licensing structure.

So, it's not that companies are getting fucked over by microsoft. They are and they know it.
No, it's that businesses are getting fucked over by software companies, who only want to write code for windows, because in windows they can lock it down and keep you from pirating it more easily. If you want to bitch, bitch about software companies.

Welcome to the real world.

the windows linux bash shell has been included for 5 years. it's possible to run a GUI on it and soon microsoft will choose a preferred one and you'll just have linux in windows 10 with all features and it won't have to be "virtual boxed". linux on its own is stupid and weak. linux in windows natively is already there.

i'm in computer science and i could go on for hours about how linux blows and windows is actually better. for one, if you compile broken, poorly managed C code in linux, it will not work. if you compile it and run in windows, windows 10 will ACTUALLY be smart enough to FIX all your bad mallocs and it will run perfectly. this is because MS spent decades collecting error reports on poorly written or malicious software and just made it work, safely, even if it was bullshit code.

linux isn't that "intelligent" or "helpful".

>Every company sees PC's as "that platform where everything is pirated and viruses live"
You've never worked in tech, then.
News flash: mac and linux get viruses.
More news: because max and linux didn't get viruses, because they weren't targeted as often previously, they're extremely susceptible to viruses.
Even more news: because people (like you) think their mac or linux can't get viruses, they tend to not observe basic safe usage protocols. Meaning they pick up shit that hides in the background.

To be fair, I dual-boot windows and linux. Windows for games, linux for everything else. I have both locked the fuck down. I don't run AV, because all of it is a scam. I keep regular backups. If something were to fuck up, which it hasn't yet because I strictly observe safe internet usage, I can format it and be back up and running in half an hour tops.

With Mac, you have time machine, but that's one of the first thing mac viruses fuck with. Know what step 1 is, as suggested by Apple themselves, for dealing with a virus?
>Backup data, reinstall OS from network recovery.
Know what step 2 is?
>Reinstall OS from disc.
Step 3:
>Replace HDD/SSD.

t. former Apple, PC, linux technician. Current industrial IT analyst.

Chromebooks run Linux, specifically Gentoo.
>Windows is used by more people.
They voted for Trump. I don't care about politics, so take this as you will. A lot of people seem hate him. Are you really comparing os usage to popularity? Most people are too uninformed and stupid to understand gasoline octane differences. I worked at a gas station where people would put 93 in their Mercury Sables on Thursdays but on Monday, the same people use 87. "It evens out"....

You're letting those people tell you what is to use.

A new version comes out every 3 to 5 years.
I just took the new test and there was nothing on it about old hardware for the most part.

Yo tell us what safe usage protocols are tech-sire, we dont get this training in early college courses

Depends on the virus your average home grown scammer isnt targeting macs last i checked (been awhile) because the ownership are college kids with no money, not saying business dont use it hell ive dealt with a handful of photographery businesses that thats all they run. But no its the older stupid crowd that they target cause they dont know any better

Went on a different rant sorry but thats where the myth started everyone knows that or should. Hell i keep a jumpdrive for a virus just to shut stupid people up. I dont believe it is still super commonnfor macs to get viruses but yet again old ass data

I am late to this discussion.
I use Linux for everything. Linux made Minecraft popular. The targeted argument is pretty null at this point. Nothing gets viruses unless they pirate things or click Facebook ads which usually just install an add-on virus..

I don't know many people who use only Windows. It's usually dual booting or Linux primarily believe it or not.

The uninformed masses switched to iPhones like a decade ago. Nobody is buying Windows PC's. The ones who do at Walmart, buy the absolute cheapest thing they can get on Black Friday. They'll pay $1500 for an iPhone but won't spring more than $250 on a PC.

Companies are switching to Linux as their old Windows 98 printers are dying. Especially law offices. Government installations. Schools. All run Linux at a surprising rate.

Yes there's Windows holdouts. They're a dying breed. In India and China, Linux is huge right now.

If Linux was better, that's what the computers would come with. You can go to the store, pick up a computer, and instantaneously install 7z, Steam, Steam GAMES, all your utilities, Adobe suite, office suite, and be ready to use out of the box. You don't have to go searching for a developer that ported certain windows tools to Unix.

The thing is though, this is why wine sucks. Wine is a good bit of code but Windows runs a lot of shitty code so well it's scary but wine can't. This is why wine will never replace Windows.

>and it should be kinda easy
pic related.

The computers aren't the hard part.

I run a youtube channel on pee cees so you can say I'm something of an expert. How the fuck often are you soldering in a fucking computer?

>drug test for alcohol
Pic related.

Attached: 1551545160854.png (280x278, 103K)

That's not how it works any more. Maybe when Clinton was in office but the world has moved on.

It's bait but I can see why you're upset lol. Lots of arguing nobody is admitting anything properly. Typical night on Yea Forums

Have fun with GIMP plugins and who the hell knows what for a comprehensive word processor

What channel?

LibrrOffice, Gimp, Blender all run on Windows don't be such a sellout.

Not him, it's better then the Trump vs Dem, gun nuts vs vegan tree huggers, tranny porn threads

I run Windows.
I run Gimp. Fuck you it's better than Photoshop.

>thinking you will ever, ever be troubleshooting anyone's PC who was a big enough nerd to install Linux
am I in fucking crazy land right now?

I know, I know. I couldn't resist. I already had the picture selected to reply to the other guy.

I honestly wish I could tell you but the fact that I'm a white male posting on Yea Forums (of all places) would paint way too big of a target on my back. I will say south of 100k subs though, I'm still small.

Attached: 1552362642916.jpg (491x491, 53K)

I know they do. They were all designed with cross-platform compatibility in mind. Not all programs are, and the ones that do have cross platform compatibility usually have a better one that was specifically designed for Windows. On top of that, I like MacOS better because of the portability of the XNU kernel and how apple has everything connected and such, while also maintaining the modularity of a modern-day operating system.

just dont. offer services online using like teamviewer or something. tech stores are for kikes

Most people rich enough won't ever pay to have their PC fixed nowadays. The soccer mom's switched to iOS devices. iPad iPhone etc.

It's a dying market. I love computers. Nobody outside of PC gamers and YouTubers uses a PC or desktop Macs anymore...

I thought GIMP was better for the longest time until I actually used Photoshop and saw all it had to offer. Photopea is better than GIMP imo and that's saying something

Gimp updates are coming. The updates are going to change the game.

Blender 2.8 is such a huge update it makes Maya look like it's open source sperg quality.

Correction, Gimp 2.10.4 was released check it out it's amazeballs.

Hey op, don't it's not worth it.

New to this conversation, ive skimmed it a fair bit.

I'm noticing a paradigm shift. Open source applications are getting release quality improvements so big, they're going to shake everything up... I'm not certain if anybody is paying attention to this trend. But it's happening at a light speed rate. Blender 2.8
Gimp 2.10.4
Lmms nightly.
Nintendo switch emulator
LibreOffice betas...

I mean it's happening at an alarming rate.

Microsoft is a huge Linux supporter.

But as for Linux? I doubt it will ever supplant Windows. BSD has a better chance or hackintosh before Linux would take over things. But Linux is getting a lot of attention and if you don't pay attention you'll be lost. Microsoft is giving up on Windows. You should too...

linux is dogshit for poor 2nd world countries

It's good enough to run your Android device unless you're an iPhone faggot.

Hey kid, Linux ruins everything including your phone from Samsung there. Your smart TV, your Nintendo switch, all run Linux. The PS4 runs bsd.

Runs not ruins

Nice trips of truth.

Nintendo Switch runs on FreeBSD, not Linux

Except everybody is looking into Linux. Everybody that matters in today's economy. We're not talking about your dad who sits playing bingo on popcap.com...

So that's how it got hacked so easily. Nintendo shoulda chose Linux instead.

>at least 5 years experience
>for an entry level position

Attached: 1564065376745.jpg (960x955, 98K)

Nah, the big exploit was a hardware exploit, not a software one. Nice try though.

Imagine being this stupid. It runs Linux. Even Nvidia said so. It's an update to the 3ds software which was sadly mistaken for BSD. It's a heavily modified Linux.

The switch got hacked because of the way the joycons communicated.

Under the hood the switch is all Linux baby.

Obvious troll is obvious.

eat my ass, punk

lookup Louis Rossmann
on youtube and watch his videos!

>Similar to the Linux driver
>Implying it is NOT Linux

>Uses code from the FreeBSD kernel

Attached: 4L_O9WEyCfB.jpg (640x640, 247K)

Which one is the troll though?