Pew Pew
Pew Pew
>Imagine going with a shitty 380 instead of just getting a 9mm
Get a better gun faggot
You get a free vagina wax with that purchase?
you made me stop jacking off to tell you what a faggot you are for buying a goddamn springfield
couldn't even go for a Bodyguard or a PK380
suck a dick
.380ACP isn't a bad option, but shot placement must be a fuckin bitch with sub 18" penetration on a ballistic gel target
You must be a poor fag
bitch i got HK and IWI in the safe, suck a cock
then get a taurus g2s, awesome pistol for a reasonable price. 9mm too so you don't have to worry if you'll be able to penetrate a t-shirt
Fuck your Jew fag rifle
> Taurus
fuck off with that exploding gun shit
380 LCP II is the way to go.