Onwy wittew babbeh!

>Onwy wittew babbeh!

Attached: 47425 - artist 12monkehs cheek_puffing cute dummeh_anon puffed-cheeks safe smarty.jpg (780x1025, 130K)

Attached: 659679__safe_artist-colon-carpdime_crying_fluffy pony_fluffy pony foals_fluffy pony mother_poop.jpg (847x1664, 414K)

Bump for fluffy

Attached: 1528248125231.png (795x704, 331K)

Attached: 47982 - artfag 12monkehs artist 12monkehs bestest-babbeh cheek_puffing rock safe smarty smarty-babbe (640x480, 443K)

Attached: 54198 - artist carniviousduck cute foals hugbox only_little_babbeh safe.png (1467x714, 489K)

Bumping for smarty abuse

>be me
>walk home and hear crying in an alley on the way
>go check it out and it's a fluffy and some sickly looking foals
>"nice mistah be nyu daddeh? fwuffy so hungwy huu huu huu"
>feel sorry for the little bastard and rummage through pockets
>"fwuffy nu wanna be bad mummah, nu hab miwkies fow babbeh"
>her stomach growls and her foals look bad off
>that candy bar I thought I had a piece of is gone
>no pocket change either, my heart breaks when I see one of the foals having trouble breathing
>I sigh and look around. No one is around yet. "Okay fluffy, I've got some special nummies for you. Just close your eyes and say 'Clara thinks you're hot."
>The fluffy closes her eyes. "Huu huu... Cwawa thinks ou so hot... huu huu... so hungwy..."
>I close my eyes and unzip my pants, drawing out my hyper weapon. I flinch a little at the Fluffy's words and tone. Clara was my ex and she talked kind of like that. She was legit retarded.
>I jerk myself off, thinking of Clara the whole time. Knowing I'm jerking off in a public place in front of a fluffy makes it harder.
>No, not harder like that you perv. I have trouble getting off like this because it's frankly an utterly fucked up situation.
>I finally cum and shoot a load onto the ground. Some of it splatters onto the fluffy and one hits one of her malnourished foals.
>"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I announce.
>I open my eyes too and see a foal choking on my jizz. The fluffy mom starts lapping away at my cum, making a few remarks about not liking the taste.
>About the same time I hear footsteps and "Hey buddy, got any spare change?"
>Panicking I pick up the jizz covered foal. I can't shove it into a pocket. My pockets are too tight. Having nowhere else to hide it I shove it up my ass and hastily pull up my pants.
>"Sorry, dude. No change here." I say.
>The bum walks into view and eyes me critically. But ultimately he walks away.
>The fluffy mare is looking at me in horror.

Attached: 32679 - artist societalprolapse ball blockades blocks crying foal hoof_prints room safe shit spoiled (2048x1536, 421K)

>I quickly drop my pants, dig the foal out of my rectum, and gently put it down in front of the mare.
>The stimulation to my ass made me realize I really need to take a shit
>I squat down and drop a huge log right there.
>"Sorry! Have some more nummies!" I say awkwardly, as if it somehow makes things better.
>"If you num poopies you'll make BESTEST CHOCOLATE MILKIES!" I lie.
>"Huu huu.. reawwy?"
>"Huu huu huu... nu taste pwetty... nu smeww pwetty..." she sobs in between gags but seems to have bought the story.
>I start to pull up my pants but realize I need to wipe.
>I take a foal and rub it against my anus
>Its fluff is really soft and absorbent
>I set the shit covered foal down, prompting more uncontrollable sobbing from the mare
>I pull up my pants and awkwardly excuse myself.
>The end

Quads of truth.