What a time we live in

what a time we live in

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How is this cunt still alive

I legitimately can’t tell if that’s just an ugly girl or a failed tranny.

Failed tranny child molester

Who is she exactly?

A man, that's a post op-tranny that like to molest little girls and threw girl only pool parties where parents weren't allowed to attend

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That's the Canadian tranny that sued a woman that wouldn't wax his ball sack.

Thanks leftists & Marxism

That actually sounds pretty based.

You're welcome faggots and conservatives

Why is he pretending so much? Imagine being this mentally ill and emotionally invested in your own delusions and fantasies you legitimately believe this. The future is fucked!

When you dig yourself into a hole that deep the only thing you can do is keep digging.

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This is what americans have done to society. Thanks, 'murica

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Is that Chris Chan?

Hating trannies is on par with hating niggers. I find it actually fun sometimes

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I hate that faggot more than any person on the planet I hope someone beats the living shit out of him and he gets a wake up call from it

It’s her vagina sack now, don’t be transphobic.

That "Chad Faggot" photo is legitimately based and hilarious though. lol

>vagina sack

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Wouldn't that make them a successful tranny since you can't tell

nah, this is

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I had a hard time discerning whether its human or not
It isnt. It is now in a permanent limbo between human and animal, not quite either but nowhere near one

>vagina sack

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>when you put frozen ketchup into your infected wound so you can have a "period" and take laxatives so you can have "menstrual cramps"

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And then to post about it like all other women do! The disclosure that we've been deflowered and can handle a tampon vs a winged pad! Cuz I see chicks post shit like this daily don't you?
His imagined Aint Flo and his IRL cotton pony didn't sync this month

>frozen ketchup

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i watch jessicas interview she said she was intersex so was born with a vagina and she started periods not sure if that's true tho

oh my fucking god that is violently disgusting
if years of chan hadnt hardened against me this shit i would be seriously disturbed

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Thanks, I feel like less of a awkward faggot now. In fact, I feel like I'm the manliest of hunks right now!

Jesus what is wrong with this guy

Ugly girls can look like men.

absolutely NOTHING they say can be assumed as true. They are dependent to encase themselves in a structure of lies not to have a spergout every 30 minutes

Unless she had a uterus that filled up with blood once a month she didn't have a period. A vagina does not a period make

This is mostly false. A non passable crossdresser that calls himself a transwoman who also has a history of saying fucked up and mildly incriminating things about little girls. He has a human rights tribunal case against several women in Canada that do female only bikini wax. He claims they are required to service him as he "identifies" as a woman. Fucking clown world.

Chad faggot seems like the kind of dude you can party with

See Whang's video on Chris Chan for the whole sad tale.

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No. Fucking. Way. So, what the hell did it mean when it said "my period started?"

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My bad, it was Down The Rabbit Hole's video

Jesus fucking Christ

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I thought this was a recent delusion. Honestly wonder if they’re still alive.

Whoa, get a load of that Jeff Bezos tranny on the left

I've viewed hundreds of rekt threads and for some reason this sickens me more than anything I've seen on there.

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you're wrong on both, it's just a fat faggot with a wig

You haven't seen half of it.
Some guy grabbed a forum conversation where one tranny admitted to grabbing used tampons and other used hygiene products from the trash cans in women's bathrooms.
He "reactivated" them with water and stuck them in his underwear so he could experience "regular" periods. This is too fucked up to even type out.

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Someone needs to beat the fuck out of this dude

fucking hell mate

>one tranny admitted to grabbing used tampons and other used hygiene products from the trash cans in women's bathrooms.

Yea, ok, say no more. What you just described is literal mental illness.

Failed jewish tranny who claims to be intersex. This is the absolute bottom of the barrel, to the point where its existence is a danger to civilized human beings.

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Other cunts that can't punctuate?


And then one day for no reason people elected Hitler

I hear ya bro

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It's a fact I will. What's your timescale?

Fun fact: trannies who still have their balls have a way of fingering their "vagina" by putting their fingers into the hole that your testicles descend from.

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im fucking schizo and this isnt even close to stuff i do wtf

Fuck my head hurts when I watch this pic

Tranny's don't have periods

And yet this shit isn't a mental illness...according to the WHO anyway...wtf


Pic related.

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hell yeah, i used to do this all the time and wonder to myself if i was a girl at one point or some shit

crazy psychology

I feel sorry for their waiter cause you know they got a shit tip.

Is it the noses?

>they got a shit tip.
that's what you get when fucking a tranny though

> has diarrhea from a steady diet of Cheetos and mountain dew

> "I can't my period started"

Fake and gay. "She" still has her cock and balls. It was mad when she couldnt get them waxed in BC. Made BC human rights tribunal, along with Canada the laughing stock of the world.


>wax my balls bigot
Can't wait to see this tranny swing

Wow, you can't make this shit up. LMAO

>Frozen ketchup used to create an effect of a period
There's absolutely no way this can be real. Just.... how?

Reading that article has potentially made me dumber. This world is fucked.

shes....shes beautiful

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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If there is anything women should be offended by (particularly feminists), it should be this as it's a total mockery of something women can't actually naturally control. It's beyond disgusting. Yet, they support trash like this. Makes no damn sense.

we are disgusted by it we're just not allowed to say anything or we're considered bigots.

>we're not allowed to say anything or we're considered bigots
I say fuck that. Stand up and show your rightful disgust as an actual woman, and if someone refers to as a 'bigot'. Oh well, there's no room for pandering to the mentally ill, otherwise, the world will continue to crumble.

They're idiots

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it gets better. /lgbt/ has been onto Yaniv for a long time and hae it on record he goes around twitter asking little girls how old they are. His house was raided recently cause weapons and child porn