waifus on the TV set
Waifus on the TV set
Other urls found in this thread:
hello hello, I love cock
Aegis claimed.
Why what?
Imagine not wanting to hug him. He's probably the best pal you could ever wish to have.
Aegis, not posting two images immediately after each other.
Why is that?
I love this adorable gamer
hello hello, I love you all
I love you too
You are too easy... how boring.
Dunno.. lost my memory.
Cause my butthole is hungry
Are there any good pics of her gamer girl feet?
hello hello, how's your day going?
Well I hope you find it.
I didn't realize anal vore would be a requirement for this relationship.
Any other cucks gonna play Classic?
What are your opinions on dogs?
Seems to be a controversial subject, and I sure love controversy.
Feeding on semen is vore?
Duke how can u be a cuck? Have u ever had a relationship?
They're cute
Aegis was shit in the awnser despite being right.
Fight me.
Not me, there was a cuck last thread
She seems pretty alright.
But he said not cuck, so who knows
You're a dog.
Why are /pol/ posters so fixated on bein cucked
Bork bork~!
Hey there Loveanon
Hope you are having a great day
T-thank you...
How are you doing Mordred?
I think, but I left it in the other computer
Hey there Aegis
How was your day?
Oh, that's what you meant?
Like I said, my sex drive is fine. I'd be more than willing to meet my partner's needs if it'd make them happy. Besides, I can use a little extra dopamine from time to time.
You're entitled to your opinion.
hello hello, I hate you all >:( >:( >:(
hello Nanami
Mmm... that's not very fun.
thanks mate
Just fine. A lil drunk and having fun. What about u pinky?
Seems most people are fine with killing dogs, since they talk to Sono
I'm feeling a bit down right now, but it's nothing too bad. How are you?
Anytime, gov.
Love user is ignoring me again uwu
At least now I know it exists so I can look for it
How're you, cutie? :3
Do u have enough T to even get it up, tho?
Hey Remalicious, how's your day going? ^^
It is cause I'm the best at sucking cock
Yes. I'm not exactly feminine.
I don't need more cheap whores. I can find that shit at any corner.
Heard something about that earlier
You're welcome
They can be
So am I
Time to go
Yes, just relaxing in the night
Glad to hear you are doing your best!
Do not drink too much or the hangover will be worse, at least you are having fun
Just comfy after uni classes
What kind of drink are you trying?
Did something happened?
Listening to music and random videos are fun
Well you can always look in pixiv
Pretty fine, the night is cold and that is comfy
My classes are gonna start soon... not rly looking forward to it.
Anyways, it's 2am. I need to get to bed. Cya my cute pinky!
Are u sure ur not just low t AND low e?
They can't do it as well as I can
See attached; I won a contest
Night is the best time :3
I guess you're all wrapped up in blankets?
Yes and no. I don't think it's something I should talk about though.
I'm in a youtube mood, it's always nice to find something strange or interesting.
I'm pretty sure I'm fine.
Goodbye, take care
Well you are worrying about classes and that is good!
Goodnight, sleep well
And yes, my hands are cold
I see
I see...
I can relate to that. If you want to talk about it, then I will be there
What youtube vids are you watching
Thank you, I hope yours is pretty comfy as well!
I hope that it will be soon as well.
I'm watching a video about speedruns of Rainbow Road tracks.
I remember that video
Where are meine Kameraden?
Someone wrote a song about me?
That isn't very nice
hello retro waifu! are you well?
Yes! Doing well, how are you this evening?
I am trying my best
For some reason this reminds me of Haken
stupid nigger spotted
No, but I live in northeast Ohio so they're on TV all the time
Awh man I love the Browns they are my second favorite team
her face
Who's your first-favorite?
The Jets
I live in NYC
I'm a Bronx girl
Ah yes, I remember now!
I hope my Jess win one game this season..
Do you like football?
Sort-of, I'm not big into sports, you?
I'm only really big on football...
I don't care for anything else... not even music
shout out tonight's sponsor, spam-chan
Ah, I see. I actually live close to Canton where the NFL was formed, the football HOF is down there, there's a big parade and hoopla every year for the start of the season
:prayer_hands: shitronella-san :prayer_hands:
He's keeping the dream of active posting alive
do you go???
Hello orbiter.
It's pretty much dead, huh?
Nigger faggot, tfu.
it seems as though this is the case, yes.
Not usually, I marched in the parade once in high school marching band, and I've been to the HOF a couple of times
Why would you post my DOX like that?
I'm so jealous...
She's dead Jim.
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Bisexual redskin, UwU.
why are you always here when I’m supposed to be asleep ?! >:(
not. fair.
i liked this one better lol
I'm sorry!
it’s not your fault pls don’t apologies my god! ,_,
it’s the stupid timelines fren... 3:50 rn
just got back from a drive
I never realized how retarded your waifu looks like. Guess you both have something in common nigger faggot.
timezones *
i meant to say that
stfu supreme you nigger loving faggot
This tbh.
Oh mai you should sleep, hon..
We have a lot in common yeah
Indian immigrant, tfu.
So how is everyone?
I'm perfect
What do you do with the mad that you feel?
I was just thinking of doing that
also not really a gud time to be here seems sorta toxic this time of the day
have nice life fren i Hope to see you more often :3
Indian immigrant, tfu.
Tired from work. You?
Shove it up SOMEONE'S ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I post in threads and tell people that I love them very much!
Yeah it was fun
awh... i'll miss you!
please rest well...
exicted and a little lonely
Feeling a bit down, but I'm slowly improving.
What kind of work do you do?
That sounds unfortunate.
i'd like to think it's very fortunate
Nigger faggot, tfu.
That's not very constructive, is it?
Oh hey, me too!
i want to go...
why don't you watch their games more often?
Kill yourself piece of shit.
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Indian immigrant, tfu.
Aw that sucks, sorry to hear that
Ehh.... it's an office job, lots of talking on the phone.
I certainly feel better afterwards!
Why is love user so mad.
I see! it is nice to meet you, love posting friend
As long as you consider it to be fortunate.
It happens, no big deal. Sounds pretty boring to me, though I'm just not cut out for stuff like that.
You post here everyday telling everyone you love them. Why are you so mad everyday.
What's your favorite song?
I do it when I am happy as well! it is capable of cheering me up when I need help.
i couldn't be more fortunate
With me around it's impossible to be sad
I wouldn't do it if it didn't pay the bills yo
May I be your Alice again... I miss you
I watch the Steelers when they're on, but that's about it. I'm just not a big sports person.
Who the hell are you, and why are you linking me in your extra-chromosone-inspired rantings of pure, unmitigated stupidity?
That's good.
I can understand that. You do what you have to.
Do you have one of those dirty yellow towels?
I see.
Kill yourself piece of shit.
Nigger faggot, tfu.