I’ve decided I’m going to commit suicide by shotgun while fucking my soon-to-never girlfriend...

I’ve decided I’m going to commit suicide by shotgun while fucking my soon-to-never girlfriend. She’s agreed to give me one last night of lovemaking. I’ll probably slump between her and the door, the way our bed is so she will even have to move my body to get out.

Attached: 82B5BBCA-4F70-4B37-85CA-3A2741C1650C.jpg (513x614, 85K)

And then?

what a waste. at least be a hero and take out a Clinton on your way out

Who cares.

Attached: DOIT.png (503x142, 142K)

I feel for the limo company

or better a rothschild or a soros
those cunts have been begging for it all their lives

Thats fking hilarious

No worth it bro, move to a different town or something if you can.start fresh. Story on pic tho?

Bro you gotta shoot her first then it's an interesting story