Posting from 2 billion years in the future. AMA

Posting from 2 billion years in the future. AMA.

Attached: C3.jpg (1000x1412, 1.24M)

What year do we finally leave this shitty Rock and colonize other planets?

Mars is colonized sometime in the 2100s

Sorry what we did to the planet, mang. Hope the robot overlords give you non-irradiated, non-poisoned food and water every once in awhile as a treat.

Damn man, I don’t know if I can wait that long. Are the people in the future happy?

Wrong timeline. I'm currently living in a digital utopia. Hope it works out for your timeline.

If you take care of your health, you might live long enough for affordable life-extension to be a thing.
Depends on the person. I'm pretty satisfied with my life.


what planet are you on, since Earth won't support chlorophyll in 1 billion years.

Some time lol fake and gay

also, you cant be humanoid since genome isnt stable enough for a species to last 2 billion years.

None, I'm uploaded across multiple servers located throughout the Milky Way galaxy
But there are still forests on Earth. It required extensive terraforming though.
It depends on the timeline and I'm not sure how it goes in yours. In mine, it was in 2192.

you dumb fuck

I'm not. I'm mostly a digital entity.

Gay and lame.

its not an issue of terraforming, its the fact that the sun is increasingly intense, ozone layer is destroyed and water cant remain on the planet.

How can you say wait for it when you don’t know what timeline he is in?

We manage to keep the Sun at a certain level of intensity through Star Lifting techniques. It also kept the temperature from rising to a level where water couldn't exist in liquid form on earth.
The Ozone Layer gets quite trashed, but it's later replaced.

Why is it, that every timetraveller from centries to billions of years in the future, with a choice of every possible activity in every age prior to them, always ends up in the early 21st century, shitposting on a Siamese calligraphy appreciationboard ?

Have you had to move out to Europa and Titan because of the sun's intensity?

I would be very surprised if this timeline doesn't discover life-extension technology within the century, judging from your current technological level and rate of innovation.
I just happened to end up here. I've been to other points in internet history as well. But this is an interesting point in time, the dawn of humanity's information networks. For you, it would be like visiting the founding of Imperial Rome instead of choosing to explore the universe before life began.

larping is for faggots op

Attached: yoda.jpg (320x245, 8K)

Should we address you as future faggot or fag of the future

I was born loooooong after the inner-system colonization period, but Earth never grew too warm to sustain life since we managed to get solar shades and terraforming techniques in time.


Whichever one you prefer

How many tron films are there?

Attached: TRON-Legacy-crop.jpg (1000x600, 156K)

Then all your answers are void, they mean jack shit

Countless tron films are made every day, but disney goes defunct as a company in 3129.

My timeline is nearly 100% identical to yours until a little bit under an hour ago. What happened on my end has a high probability of happening on your end as well.

Who won the 3,109th US elections?

Quentin Schultz

What companies from our timeline have lasted longer?
Why are you posting here?

Hows Keith Richards doing?

If I say a specific name of a person are you able to track him/her out and tell me exactly when and where she was born?

False because we will have killed all life on earth within the next 200 years :)

There are no companies from your time that remain in the present day but Microsoft and Google lasted for a very long time.
Mostly boredom

He died a long time ago
Yes, but I'm not going to demonstrate as that would be unethical
Hello fellow dimension hopper. Earth seems rather fucked in your timeline.

>He died a long time ago

I still have my doubts

>Posting from 2 billion years in the future. AMA
> (OP)
>False because we will have killed all life on earth within the next 200 years :)
2 billion years was needed to develop again from single cell organisms to humanoids, and all the radioactive shit decayed covering earth, so it is habitable again.

How many seasons of Rick and Morty?

This timeline seems interesting too.

10 official ones but new ones are being made constantly.

What’s the power ball number for 14 AUG 2019 ?

Don't know, it would take a while to apply reverse-psychohistory and find out

How many TV stations are you up to now? And is it all still crap?

Several quadrillion available throughout the galaxy and many more regional ones. Some of them are good, depends who sets them up.

I must leave now. Hope your timeline turns out alright.