Random info picture thread

Random info picture thread

Attached: circuit_symbols.jpg (716x993, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1510329498335.jpg (2160x1406, 602K)

Attached: 1328771413318.png (1818x934, 124K)

Attached: 1259924900180.jpg (1891x1887, 566K)



Attached: 1472391426766.jpg (1500x1022, 619K)

Attached: 1472391709175.jpg (1500x1010, 636K)

Attached: 1472391925277.jpg (1300x878, 462K)

Ill post more if you guys want

Attached: 1443227321533.png (2000x2000, 227K)

Attached: 1472392004918.jpg (1500x1002, 507K)

Attached: good_to_be_home.jpg (540x3951, 391K)

Attached: 1473338869616.jpg (720x1280, 259K)

Attached: 1473340825356.gif (708x1056, 107K)

Attached: 1268722975498.jpg (837x1059, 312K)

Attached: 1489951159873.jpg (723x1057, 592K)

Attached: Road_Sign_Hack_2.jpg (1024x768, 265K)

In case some of you actually end up with a woman.

Attached: 1464275231769.png (498x774, 318K)

Attached: 1394962398533.jpg (700x2800, 510K)

Attached: nwHbisP_d.jpg (640x906, 86K)

Attached: ayy_lmao_guide_0.png (800x2050, 1.48M)

Attached: IMG_2246.jpg (1024x782, 105K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190621-010617_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 373K)

Attached: 1ajGVXw_d.jpg (640x938, 120K)

Attached: 7AAZxse_d.jpg (640x665, 51K)

Thanks user. Not seen a decent one of these in a long time...

Attached: 1549752405801.jpg (1628x1932, 461K)

Attached: 1521071793195.jpg (1200x1800, 820K)

Attached: 1552923048371.jpg (960x774, 121K)

I used to host them but forgot about them until i saw that random image thread

Attached: 1498850899786.png (600x2820, 1.36M)

Attached: 1521070928256.jpg (861x2392, 1.77M)

Attached: 1548887469665.jpg (1000x3400, 944K)

This is sweet

Attached: 1552934091665.jpg (5000x6568, 1.98M)

Attached: 1514825360283.png (1684x1364, 1.33M)

Attached: 1338784949605.jpg (1200x3000, 946K)

Attached: LT6YyGf_d.jpg (640x784, 89K)

Great, another dozen texts I need to buy and read. Interested to see Taos books. Smart fucker, but can he translate it to tards like me.

Attached: e36ff6fe4b807aac9be5c7260a9dd23f.jpg (640x659, 86K)

in case you want to end up with HPV caused throat cancer

Attached: 1547708473742.jpg (1650x2118, 558K)

Attached: dialup_modem_sounds.jpg (2500x1301, 370K)

Breaking out the hard drive with all of my 2010 Yea Forums images

Attached: 1291580239848.gif (650x650, 162K)

He's the real deal

Unfortunately 90% of them are trolling/fake infos...

Attached: scale modes.jpg (800x600, 112K)

Attached: rAkeF9A_d.jpg (640x614, 64K)

Attached: human types art.jpg (2894x1364, 665K)

Attached: time travel.jpg (636x688, 293K)

i live for dumb shit like all this

Attached: politics.png (1375x729, 69K)

i need like guides to obscure constellations or other kinda astrological looking symbols

So comfy. I forgot all about this.

Attached: relaxing day.jpg (822x800, 81K)

Attached: fundamental particles.jpg (1280x971, 697K)

Attached: 1b2433a5-90d7-4eb8-96e7-f04ab35c953b.jpg (1241x1602, 506K)

Attached: massage.jpg (894x1330, 439K)

Attached: spotting weapon.jpg (750x950, 129K)

FYI almost all these symbols are effectively obsolete.
If you look at a modern schematic, you still see a shit ton of resistors and capacitors, a couple of physical switches/buttons, and a couple of coils for the ethernet phy.
But almost everything else is just rectangular blocks because it's all on chips now or managed by firmware logic.
>guy that works in A/V embedded development

Wow nice. Where is this from?

Attached: emotions.jpg (3537x2924, 1.33M)

>Where is this from?
Home Alone.

Attached: 25-times-kevin-mcallister-legit-killed-people-in--2-12956-1419873536-8_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 48K)

Attached: coffees.jpg (484x500, 88K)

Attached: 1291585746137.jpg (693x448, 76K)

Attached: 1353863084601.jpg (448x604, 65K)

Attached: 1415738663875.jpg (720x1195, 300K)

Attached: 1281693806754.jpg (1920x1200, 1018K)

Attached: 1357402090512.gif (1288x1368, 161K)

Attached: 1317476076039.png (1024x1024, 323K)

Attached: 1318963740556.jpg (927x1000, 250K)

Attached: 1291581204983.jpg (3000x709, 196K)

Attached: 1291577746343.gif (417x731, 71K)

Attached: rights-loyalties-slide.jpg (960x720, 113K)

Attached: saxfingering.jpg (1142x1500, 110K)

Attached: health.png (956x1621, 347K)

Another Mr. Obvious fan I see

If Yea Forums is the first human to contact an alien race, we've fucked.

Attached: high-density-planting.png (570x760, 141K)

These "basic play" charts are meaningless without knowing the specific rules of a given casino.
If you don't get the edge cases just right, you're giving away your advantage.
Note the splitting of 4,4 with a dealer 6 or 5 showing and compare to other online charts. You could easily be giving up a good hand for two worse hands.

Attached: Naot5.jpg (792x612, 141K)

Trying to express these types of events in statistics is complete bullshit.

not sure if this fits here exactly, but everynoise.com is pretty rad

Attached: everynoise.png (849x745, 82K)

>smallpox: zero
not anymore

Attached: shoelaces.jpg (860x2871, 343K)

Attached: so you need a typeface.jpg (1983x1402, 507K)

Attached: sleep phases.jpg (1006x4018, 1.96M)

Attached: ties.gif (600x600, 29K)

Attached: EBU_LIOUIAA1tM-.jpg large.jpg (1000x1024, 224K)

Attached: 36dc518b66ee129b5963664dcb68686453490db5.jpg (721x633, 496K)

Attached: 1502180666212.png (1024x768, 593K)

Attached: EBU5A0oWwAAxLNr.jpg large.jpg (719x923, 85K)

Attached: 1291578577834.jpg (805x1024, 541K)

Attached: 1291579619683.gif (1377x1782, 705K)

Attached: 1291579304126.png (460x1046, 49K)

Attached: 1291578660812.jpg (892x1034, 264K)

Attached: 547477577.jpg (564x805, 72K)

There's a few in there that are commonly advocated by the medical community, but can actually have harmful effects.

Attached: 1294090644260.jpg (1045x926, 229K)

Translation: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, etc

This misuses the word deadly.

Attached: 1295217608385.gif (1040x1034, 181K)

Attached: greek alphabet.gif (377x315, 9K)

Attached: lucid dreams.png (2388x2384, 540K)

need more symbol type stuff

Attached: food1.jpg (400x900, 104K)

Attached: 1295220293493.png (568x1429, 849K)

Attached: cat petting.jpg (1064x694, 166K)

Attached: gans signs.jpg (407x600, 53K)




It has been fun going back to my headspace almost a decade ago, vigorously searching for info, lifehack, and background threads. That's all I have.

Attached: 1291578529606.jpg (1440x900, 769K)

ohh fuck this is good thread thanks op

Attached: 1406598644544.jpg (3060x1628, 719K)

Attached: MZh36.jpg (1404x1974, 647K)

Attached: pp9x8i17pka21.png (800x2000, 551K)

>non-consenting partners
fuck off. even if she cant legally give consent its still consent

More like this please?

Calisthenics and shit.

That really needs to be updated.

Just go to /fit/