Part 2 Celeb Thread
Again kind conversation and posting qts
no spam because it does nothing but waste time :/
Part 2 Celeb Thread
Again kind conversation and posting qts
no spam because it does nothing but waste time :/
Other urls found in this thread:
Feeling like a fucking idiot now, wasted time thinking the jj poster was chill, turned out to be a jerk.
don't even mention the spam
I-I-I know I-I-I'm not a-a-a-a worthy m-m-m-man f-f-f-f-f-f-f-for having a beauty...
BD day of the rope when
ah well time for another beer
>starts thread calling me a jerk
fake and gay
it sure does, like i told ya, i don't need to hide myself, you do moarphy :)
kek the sources from that kike OP linked are alright though holy shit you faggots aren't even trying here
The left are hilariously bad at politics. 1) The left are against the age of consent. They believe in "free love" this means with animals and children. 2) The left support child murder anyway. 3) Talking to someone doesn't make you a paedophile.
Shills and "trolls" working hand in hand.. this thread is fucking hilarious. It's like a subreddit in here.
Jewzilian you need a new hobby
so from what i'm seeing, either two mobiles, one IOS and the other probably samsung, or just one samsung and you're using safari on the pc am i wrong?
>flirted define fucking flirt in the eye of 14 year old girl?
Freemasons, I absolutely think they are untrustworthy and manipulative. They are some of the most dangerous groups I can think of...
The fact of the matter is that if both Trump and those who openly claim to oppose Trump were united in their desire to see Epstein's future testimony disappear, then he would never have been murdered because he would never have been arrested at all. Since he was arrested, either Drumpf ordered the arrest to hurt his enemies, or his enemies ordered the arrest to hurt Drumpf. Then whichever party was hurt by the arrest arranged the assassination. What shills are actually claiming when they say Drumpf killed Epstein to cover up his own pedophilia is that the globalist Hilldawg/Obongo deep state ordered the arrest to hurt drumpf, which would necessarily mean that his arrest could not hurt them. So every shill who claims Drumpf killed Epstein is also simultaneously c
Okay guys am I the only one seeing the black van in the driveway with featureless rims?
>t. moarpheus
the Epstein docs mention Trump
fuck off retarded libtard
>your alternative is a vacuum >emotionally charged post That's not how it works. You cannot destroy ideas, only replace them. Secondly, emotion traps don't work on anyone other than emotional retards. You don't have a better idea. It's purely orange man bad.
lmao you kids are trying too hard
accuse your opponents of doing what you are doing... FIRST
Trumps major weakness has always been his personality disorders. His time is coming.
I don't know, you seem to be the discord fag
You do know Rothschild had a hunting club in Germany where his friends hunted children?
*austrian >
I keep seeing his name all over /pol/ it's weird...
i know who you are, just quit it faggot
What a larper
Hi stalwarts
>My name is Donald trump and I'm a BIG fan of Israel
Hahahaha the timidness of the trump replies in this thread are hilarious Did you fuck wits actually think they just stopped being friends?
So Epstein (jew) told a journalist (jew) who told Seth Abrahams (jew). It's Jews all the way down.
Freemasons, I absolutely think they are untrustworthy and manipulative. They are some of the most dangerous groups I can think of...
Wait are you saying this is somehow disproving the report because Trump's schedule doesn't say >Pizza time with Epstein
I prefer "MIGApedos"
What is this?
>hey buddy, i'm banning you from every fucking establishment I own for recruiting kids for your satanic pedo island >just wanna let you know >we coo doe
Provide a better alternative and I'll start caring.
Yo! Do they pay well at Sh
spamming/flooding is against the rules
>orange man I think we have different orange man in mind
Shareblue memo in full effect..they will ne vhf er stop lying
What is that pic suppose to illustrate?
>a child sex slave lies about a man who murdered a 12 year old rape victim yeah.. ok.
no proof!
I just gave you the alternative, reject the ZOG and focus solely on spreading redpills about the government. There's a massive opportunity to disrupt the ZOG right now, redpill people that both Trump and Clinton are tied to the pedophile network. If this was revealed to the mainstream it would trigger an immediate collapse and massive happenings would take place. If Trump and Clinton get away with this, it's going to be a long time before things actually change.
Go look at Resorts International faggot. No more wasting time on Q retards like you who are in the dark. Trump is a puppet it's been clear since Day 1.
this video is from 2016
You don't know what cope means you literal subhuman memeflaggot kike
Breaking news some guy says something
cope shareblue. COPE this is only the beginning of your unraveling.
>prove a better alternative Whenever somebody criticizes Trump you just point to >well who are you going to vote for and completely graze over the fact that both parties are run by Jews. There is no alternative in terms of voting, that's why spreading the truth and redpilling the masses is the only option. Spread the truth, trigger the revolt, reject the ZOG.
>An assoc
you spam for no reason constantly faggot
kys bd
can i give ya a tip fren? rename the file names, i can tell you're using an iphone i hope you remember me, i think you're the John Roberts user aren't ya?
kraut, these people are mad rich and it is fact that their circles met at a point in time. the degree of involvement Trump, Bill, and others with red hands is up to investigation. also is trump his handler or something now? trump ejected him from Mar o Lago like said all being said ,everyone with a name attached to this needs to be interviewed for complacency at minimum.
Trump knows wtf happened to Epstein, how the fuck can he not, he's trolling us with his re-tweet of the clinton suicide video. In fact I believe Trump, Barr both know and the whole Clinton re-tweet was meant to give cover for it. It's pretty fucking clear that the entire political/justice system is mocking the public at this point.
Comes from CPAC Feb 2015. Here's a higher quality video:
You do know Rothschild had a hunting club in Germany where his friends hunted children?
Buh buh buh h h he sa said that he hadnt seen him in decades? Did orange man lie again?
>Visited Epstein's home on 12/24/2017 >Pic related Sloppy
the Epstein docs mention Trump
Bush Sr. Funeral, most of the past presidents got served with papers, except good ol' Jimmy. Jimmy couldn't find his letter
Acosta, Barr, Barak
ah the cope bpost again, which only prvoes that trump and epstein were good friends and that trump approved of his lifestyle
Breaking news some guy says something
Where is this from and who's Maria?
i know who you are, just quit it faggot
>oh shit, lemme post the other picture now trump banned him from Maro Lago, "couldn't have been more FORTHCOMING" in epsteins first arrest, Trump's administration is the whole reason Epstein was arrested in the first place, unsealed court d
>acts like a jerk unwarranted
>consequence is getting called a jerk
yeah fuck this not wasting time
Where is this from and who's Maria?
spamming/flooding is against the rules newfag
>why does Trump let him recruit children at Mar o Lago? Why is friends with a child rapist, anyway? Why are you defending child rape enablers like Trump? Vested interest, you sick fucks will meet the same faith as Epstein. Tortured to death in a jail cell.
so from what i'm seeing, either two mobiles, one IOS and the other probably samsung, or just one samsung and you're using safari on the pc am i wrong?
you'll pay for astro-turfing as a Christian morphy
>Epstein at the center of a global sex trafficking ring. >Clear evidence implicating extremely wealthy and powerful world leaders >Epstein arrested, nearly 100 girls give sworn testimony >Epstein initially given sweetheart deal for a lesser charge >all victim testimony sealed forever >documents unsealed after lawsuit show Mueller made Epstein a gov't informant >Epstein re-arrested after new evidence >Epstein locked in jail cell with crooked cop connected to mafia who has killed several people. >Epstein tries to kill self in jail, no details ever released about how/extent of injuries >cellmate had been busted with contraband cellphone the day before >Epstein on suicide watch yet cameras magically malfunction for hours, jailers magically fail to make routine 30 min inspections for hours, body is cold and stiff hours after death >medical examiner unable to determine cause of death despite decleration of suicide But we have paid shills on here trying to push the narrative: >The real conspirator is Trump, Trump is the real pedophile! >Forget Epstein, Barr is a Jew! >Trumo Trump Trump!
Hey dick sucker for a living...come see me!
it's called investigating, go away pedo
kek the sources from that kike OP linked are alright though holy shit you faggots aren't even trying here
>ROLCON Google doesn't even know this word unless you're talking
Netanyahu and his allies lost no time in taking full advantage of Baraks weakness, posting a sinister video asserting that Epstein managed the Wexner Foundation, which gave Barak $2.3 million, for research that never took place and never existed. Barak, till this day, refuses to discuss that research." The video cuts to a clip of Barak avoiding a journalist's questions about the funds he received in 2004. It ends with a narrator asking the insinuating question: What else did the sex criminal give to Ehud Barak? On Wednesday, in an effort to keep the story in the headlines, Netanyahus Likud party went a step further, asking the attorney general to open a criminal investigation against Barak, in order to expose the cover-up of his personal and business connections with the evil criminal pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. (Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution, serving 13 months in jail.) The frequency and ferocity of the attacks on Barak from the Netanyahu camp might lead one to believe the former prime minister and defense minister is Netanyahus chief rival for the prime ministership.
sad but true Doesn't matter, though. I'll keep making threads daily. You can't let these kikes win. The truth will be revealed.
i don't fucking understand why the republican majority senate won't subpoena alexander acosta to a hearing like they did twitter and google. acosta was the guy who got epstein and his co-conspirators off the hook in the first place. there is not a single goddamned thing stopping trump from demanding answers from this fucker he promoted into a cabinet position. who the fuck told acosta epstein was intelligence? why did acosta find this assertion credible??? trump is hiding something you have to be a retard to pretend not
Truth hurts doesnt it? Unsealed documents detail alleged Epstei
Making you smile would be my go-to plan, apart from making you suddenly nostalgic towards an innocent exchange between you and some user you met here, that actually seemed like it meant something. So yeah, I'll take that.
On the other hand, Tay, that lip gloss is on me now and I can confirm it tastes cherry...
Haven't seen that Once Upon movie either. To think how we'd groove to a song like this, you and me. We'd have a good time, no stopping.
Wait. Suck dick homo.
What is the most red pilled brand of crisps? I spend approximately 30-40 a week on crisps and want to make sure that I am supporting crisps companies that are not working against my interests. If you guys know the red pilled crisps brands please post them here.
i can't believe i watched 10 mins of this shit i thought trump was in it you lard faggot nice to know this is the best ya have :)
I repeat,he's intouchable,his daugther will be president after him for sure....
Everyone in Palm Beach knew Epstein. Trump has been crystal clear on the fact they palled around then it stopped cold when Epstein was first nabbed 10+ years ago. The Mar-a-Lago ban is a pretty famous and factually established story, retard.
Here is Epstein's Florida home. Less than five minutes away is the church Trump chose to visit
More drone footage from Epstein's Carribean hideaway: >
Yet she wasn't scared to name Epstein, Maxwell, and Prince Andrew?
thanks, trump will save the world
fuck off retarded libtard
>hey buddy, i'm banning you from every fucking establishment I own for recruiting kids for your satanic pedo island >just wanna let you know >we coo doe
I think it's obvious at this point Trump is deeply involved. To what degree and purpose is the question.
Normal people look crazy to crazy people >pic related
>(((Avi))) Not a bit surprised, leading the army of propagandists.
>America First >Abandons Americans to please the Jews
Is that John Tower in the center?
>Arriving at the Episcopal Church sorry, I missed this. Who cares lmao, I thought Melania was Catholic though...
report me and see if the jannies care :)
they do it again and again
stop posting my fetish pls. i try to focus on the really important stuff.
What is a child rape enabler? You make it sound like the most normal thing in the world that Trump let Epstein recruit children at Mar o Lago.
>The opposite is true according witness testimony. Epstein allowed Trump in to Mar A Lago?
Cant find any pic from 21st century? Nobody knew about Epstein in the 90s. As soon as Trump found out about Epstein he kicked him out of his club
Why is Seth (((Abramson))) suddenly getting shilled so much here on /pol/?
kek, It keeps getting better and better R Zionists and D Zionists can get fucked. I hope they all go to jail.
>America First >Abandons Americans to please the Jews
fuck off pedo defender
what the fuck am i watching?? like what the fuck
Dick sucker is here too! Hey dick sucker...still waiting! LOL!
>An associate told a journalist that Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17 Wow, so some anonymous guy told a journalist that he was there. Such stronk evidence, case closed.
kek the sources from that kike OP linked are alright though holy shit you faggots aren't even trying here
Sauasge= penor Anchovie=vagene
More drone footage from Epstein's Carribean hideaway: >
what about pizzagate?
Here's the same guy, Bradley Edwards, saying it was never confirmed.
>any proof? heres mine >doesn't link anything pls kys
Shills and "trolls" working hand in hand.. this thread is fucking hilarious. It's like a subreddit in here.
oh man, so trumps people are lying for him now. LMFAO this day keeps getting better and better
Also interesting, Trump met with Prince Andrew who was revealed in Epstein documents, right before Epstein's arrest. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Why is Seth (((Abramson))) suddenly getting shilled so much here on /pol/?
So the only source is a quote from a book? How do you know it wasn't a PR move? Show me some actual evidence.
Good job Stalwarts!!!
Why do you defend known child rapists?
wtf lmao Bill Maher is in this too
then you see it correctly. people are blinded by their politics and find ways to make it a partisan ordeal. it's always an us vs them thing here; when we should be unified against this ring. the sad part is that these men have a giant amount of capital to swing around and cover their traces while tiptoeing around the law; or even colluding with whom they've invested with.
>Roy Moore Never actually found guilty you lying kike >muh Ivanka What does this prove you fucking retard?
>what's that, billionaire hedgefund manager is running an international pedophile ring? >yea i'm banning that guy from coming to my burger king >BUT i'm promoting the US attorney that was supposed to investigate epstein and his accomplices, which include ME
Hey dick sucker...come see me...waiting!
Bush Sr. Funeral, most of the past presidents got served with papers, except good ol' Jimmy. Jimmy couldn't find his letter
Seth Abramson is a fucking hack shill cunt Those who scream the loudest.... Maybe we should look into HIS connections to Epstein?
>EPSTEIN FACTS >list is all hearsay at best >DRUMPT VISITED EPSTEI
Good job Stalwarts!!!
can i give ya a tip fren? rename the file names, i can tell you're using an iphone i hope you remember me, i think you're the John Roberts user aren't ya?
>An associate told a journalist that Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17 Wow, so some anonymous guy told a journalist that he was there. Such stronk evidence, case closed.
Here's the same guy, Bradley Edwards, saying it was never confirmed.
Everyone in Palm Beach knew Epstein. Trump has been crystal clear on the fact they palled around then it stopped cold when Epstein was first nabbed 10+ years ago. The Mar-a-Lago ban is a pretty famous and factually established story, retard.
>SethAbramson ROLCON, goyim!
Wait How gay does someone have to be to think Trump had anything to do with Jeffrey Epsteins pedo-blackmail outfit?
Hi stalwarts
lol God is a title not a name you stupid fuck
oh man, so trumps people are lying for him now. LMFAO this day keeps getting better and better
>Trump ejected Epstein from Mar Lago club because he was hitting on the club member's young daughters Any proof? Here is mine. Unsealed documents detail alleged Epstein victims recruitment at Mar-a-Lago The roughly 2,000 pages of records released by the Manhattan-based 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals also show the same woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, appears to have claimed she had sex with a series of prominent men
what about pizzagate?
spamming/flooding is against the rules newfag
cocain is a hell of a drug
thanks have a rare red-pill
Shouldn't you kill yourself then?
yes becasue thats a nono. You are supposed to get poor foreign children for your pleasure
Provide a bet
yeah fuck this not wasting time
he thinks he can spam a thread then act nice in the next one and not be called a cunt
you're a cunt always, 24/7, and will be called one whenever seen
just hang yourself my man :)
just hang yourself my man :)
yeah because he posts always a different celeb to not get called out instantly. bd is human trash. he is mentally ill and needs to be locked up
I didn't mean to smooch you on the forehead so aggressively've been such a gentleman waling me home, maybe you want some coffee?
I post different celebs cause I'm not a fucking boop boop poster and don't want get called out every single thread, I'm in a CELEB THREAD to see CELEBS, not fucking boop boop back and forth for four hours. I don't talk to Babs poster cause he posts a celeb I don't give a shit about.
I don't he's talk to me if I posted an underage celeb all the time.
I didn't mean to smooch you on the forehead so aggressively've been such a gentleman waling me home, maybe you want some coffee?
yeah because he posts always a different celeb to not get called out instantly. bd is human trash. he is mentally ill and needs to be locked up
do not talk to him
>I'm not a fucking boop boop poster
>uses shitty weeb emoticons
yes how could anyone recognise you oh master of disguise? (â–½)
do not talk to him
no you are garbage. your mindset is so much out of norm. you act and think like school shooters. you actually think you are doing something rightfully. you dont understand what consequences are and dont think a second before your actions. you have the brain of a toddler that cries when his toy gets taken away. go fucking kill yourself. nobody in your family loves you and you know that
I wanna cum on those Tayfeet
>I'm in a CELEB THREAD to see CELEBS
I think you spelled DICK wrong there matey
>I'm not a fucking boop boop poster
i rather have 1000 pedo ems here than one single one of you
fucking this, bring us back ems and send beady to the celeb thread in the sky
anyone know who she is?
fucking this, bring us back ems and send beady to the celeb thread in the sky
sad that ems deleted his discord. he will never come back. bd wishes he would be as beloved as ems
>sad that ems deleted his discord. he will never come back. bd wishes he would be as beloved as ems
>deleted his disc
fucking hell I didn't realise, it actually is gone
>fucking hell I didn't realise, it actually is gone
fucking hell I didn't realise, it actually is gone
>i spam dicks the whole day
>why wont people like me? :(((((
booooooooooooop xD
rip him
thank dadfu
mj is sided with dadfu. ems fucked up badly
thank dadfu, wherever thou art.
Since the thread is shit already...what did dadfuck do this time
mj didn't side with anyone, mr. propaganda
mj cried his eyes out and so did dadfu
My brain is churning here, it's churning... maybe... MAYBE... I am the bad guy... not gonna admit it quite yet tho.
True. Dadfu sided with mj
Taylor, our little romance has suddenly moved into a what seems to be a sea of dicks. Which is kind of a funny situation to be, yet not very appropriate.
So, was it coffee and dancing or snoozing and cuddling, Taylor?
whatever you do, do not answer him.
the cope
Greens are important
You can't be a bad guy if you don't consider spamming being a bad thing. So tell us, are you a bad guy, Emma?
I'm a big guy, pretty close.
I've thot about it and nah, I'm good. Thot I was onto something for a minute.
kill yourself
kys piece of shit
>kill yourself
kys piece of shit
kill yourself
kek, pathetic
imagine being such a faggot that all of your split personalities are also faggots
I-I-I-I c-c-c-can s-s-see s-some m-m-m-men would d-do anything t-to get a-a-a girl l-like th-this...
>why do people like different stuff than me?
he needs to be locked up
lol shut it beady you fag
You cold bro?
I want a hot celeb to use my ass
Tay user snoozing on my shoulder, while all the mess goes past him.
Snooze away, user, I will protect your sleep.
why would you want to when there is niggers available
Cultivation is important
Oh yes
*ITT: assless chicks
It looks good atm
Would not mind that on my face
ITP: a nigger
hello III
Don't have too much hope tho
me on the left
Hey there .. perfect timing
Ok why?
>Ok why?
jesus h. christ
I rarely do
Hi :)
Perfect timing for what?
Leak new nudes please.
*autistic screeching*
I wanna kiss kateanon
that's a nice zoe
See, you have no idea why
You forgot your pic m9
I don't say don't have hope. Just not too much
fuck you
Stop bullying anons until they leave
ur a nice zoe
no U
no u also
Ugh. Stop spreading lies, how about that?
But why?
Just leave
Perfect timing for posting, I guess ? :p
I think I'd actually really enjoy that right now, yeah..
oh my
I kiss you twice then :*
i dont know much about niggers, but i know who might, fukkin OP. i bet hed sing the alphabet with a black dick in his mouth, if Tswift ever sat on it; smh, that sad sad faggot.
Some user told me not to leave so I won't
>But why?
>keeps posting literal children
babsfag mad
And that is pedo?
ghosting since an hour
sure looks like it, nice anons about
wait are we both nice zoes then
confused how we got here fren but i'm ok with it
we are ALL Zoe on this blessed day
This thread looks like a dumpster fire! I'm in, Hai frens!
We got thrown away pizza and other leftovers here
I'll be the green or blue one idgaf
Cool any day old bagels or donuts?
Some very sweet one
W H Omegalul
At midday hours, after breakfast serving is over
Ah oki
Cool should I hang around or come back then? How are you daddyfufu
Can someone tell me what's going on here? Honestly, what is this?
If only you knew
i am pirate Zoe
Can you just throw me a bone so I can fuck off?
Turn around and run, run and don't come back
what are you asking exactly kek
Bro I'm not a newfag I'm not gonna get scared off, I just want a quick glimpse of understanding because I'm curious.
Well that's up to you cause I will come back in 7 hours
Not very sleepy but if I don't lay my phone aside now I will not get enough sleep
Nighty you
It's degeneracy
what are you talking about?
Hello everyone~
more pixels
no u
Good night DB.
pixels are overrated
sleep good