Rekt Thread

Rekt Thread

Attached: 1565452777490.webm (450x340, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1563046860623.webm (224x400, 1.8M)

Attached: 1565338260972.webm (576x304, 281K)

jesus fuck


Attached: hDBJqlc.jpg (720x960, 106K)


nigger parenting

Not my proudest fap

Sort of


how fucked up musst one be? Who ever this is is no human and should be eradicated.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

This. Niggers slap their kids to make them "hard"


Needs more stupid Chinese fuckers

Im lowkey sad..

Attached: cute_pupper.gif (170x130, 1.97M)


Attached: 1564965572099.gif (498x278, 1.69M)

Anyone know what happened after?

Crime went down in the city just a bit.

she dead, already coming apart mid air

Attached: 180121.jpg (213x258, 7K)

Texting while driving too fast equals that.


Baby looks asian

Attached: organ donor.webm (800x614, 1.1M)

Shit a bike stole my nigger

that's racist

Attached: pick up the chink.webm (720x576, 1.95M)

Attached: apes can't swim.webm (360x206, 1.48M)

jesus fuck. goddamn niggers

this is why you teach your kids to swim around 4yrs old

Attached: darwin effect.webm (640x360, 427K)

IDK, had to learn by myself at 10

Attached: blonde vs hyppo.webm (608x1080, 1.68M)

Attached: deadweight.webm (400x240, 1.16M)

red means stop idiot

>fat negress gets beaten down by blonde roastie
Wtf? Isn´t it supposed to be the other way around?

This is why u don't take payday loans, even as a baby.

Obviously i learned how to swim so i just have that knowledge, but i don't get how a grown man can get in water and not realise how to move it around them so that they go up.
Literally just use your feet/hands as a propeller, or even if you are really retarded you can move your legs as if you are going up stairs really quickly, even if you are panic struggling you might do that anyway.
I truly believe this is natural selection at work, they died because they were fucking stupid and inept.

these kids are gonna become criminals when they grow up

Yeah, if not for these beatings I'm sure they had a bright and shiny future ahead of them.

Red hair you mong.

panic, head goes under once, get a mouthful of water, stand frantically thrashing around, use up energy, gasping for air, get another mouthful of water, no more street shitting.

Cheerleaders are strong.

that blood gushing out, her head landed over 1000 feet away

Hey dude, I don't know why the nigger tank was beaten, sometimes they are just fat and 0 muscle

Attached: Tazmanian devil.webm (397x244, 1.46M)

Clearly wasnt looking out for the motorcycle. Note my sarcasm. I see way to many idiot motorcyclists think they're hot shit become a shit stain on the road

Attached: IRL.webm (480x320, 376K)

at least he found out it was a bad idea to reproduce.

Clearly, the dad agrees.

Attached: chinese buildings.webm (576x394, 1.36M)

Niggers being niggers. Fucking animals.

This is how innocent niglets, who could grow up to be decent black folk, are beaten into being niggers

She lived, 20 years old. Dude went on trial and tried pleading he lost control of his bike

That's just when a nigger is tricked into staying to rise the kid, with the promise of welfare

Attached: parked.webm (480x270, 1.62M)

I've never cum so hard.

Buffy the Nignog Slayer

Attached: yellow circle of death.webm (548x280, 745K)

How's it feel to be the one they mean when people say, "Jesus, there's one in every crowd, eh?"

okay, but why record your insane criminal abuse?

Attached: protest your protest.webm (854x480, 701K)

Well, you can see it fell at free fall speeds, therefore explosives were used. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams hurr durr durr!

better than when that head land on you

off the charts retardation

it's a nigger

Attached: Zippo® brand de-icer commercial.webm (640x640, 1022K)

are these BLM protesters


i remember this from faces of death

How does it feel to know that your imaginary head is the only head you'll ever get?

Attached: fuck cyclists.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

Attached: ZZZzzzzz.webm (400x400, 1.08M)

Attached: death wobble.webm (406x720, 1.92M)

Also niggers have higher bone density making it harder for them to float

maybe revenge on the father?

anyway i hope this is the norm for hundreds of millions of minors day and night in hell when they die

Attached: fuck da cripple.webm (720x480, 1000K)

Attached: all in a days work.webm (320x180, 1.96M)

Time to get the chainsaw.

Attached: pretty cool.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Attached: Bike Rape.webm (448x448, 1.43M)


please stop breathing.

It even burps and smiles like "aint I a stinker?" Lolol
Wtf are those anyways?

Attached: IncestWhore(223).jpg (900x1600, 448K)

boy has a nice cock

that thing is thick
would suck it forever


I like to think of this post as a pro police webm

Having skin is overrated.

I dont know what is happening but I like it so far keep it going!

a classic

bitch got blackmailed

Ran through a red

Did live?


Nothing better than watch a bunch of poos dying.

biker is deader than shit

www nydailynews com/new-york/ny-bicyclist-fatally-struck-brooklyn-20190811-zgyosvkeffhobauaeo2favh6pi-story.html

I hope the motorcyclist survived?

Jesus fuck how stupid do you have to be to end up in that situation.

she took pics and recorded herself sucking her 14/15 y /o brother. She took pics of herself with "i am an incest whore" written on her body and shit... pretty disturbing. She's pretty cute and hot tho...

Edge lord

I fucking hate baggers

Do you think that's false?
There's a reason why there are few black olympic swimmers

Attached: trashy woman.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

the brother is the hot one

Every time you look at a rekt image or video your brain chemistry alters, just like meth. After a while, non-death and non-pain images just don't do it for you. You can verify that yourself, right? You've imbalanced your brain via conditioning it to respond strongly to this type of inhuman imagery. You're becoming non-human. This isn't a game. You're doing it voluntarily. Find some way to stop and become human again.

I was hoping, oh well.

I think it's called complete absence of situational awareness, some people


Attached: 1565556769294.jpg (640x480, 201K)

China rex

Attached: 1564930927118.webm (450x800, 855K)


Attached: 1564932296623.webm (960x540, 1.21M)

Just doing their duty

Rext face

Attached: 1564932041094.webm (460x460, 1.92M)

yeah, little pleasure pipe.

too bad he didn't fuck her, and would be nice if he wasn't so emotionless but otherwise quiet sexual.

are you sure the dude is 14?

Attached: sure.png (1697x923, 627K)

the fuck is this niggering behaviour

damm i need the vid .....

he's defo 14

Edge Confirmed

Attached: Screenshot_20190812-135928_Gallery.jpg (1078x1268, 746K)

thought he was 12

Moot point, lurker.

too bad he didn't fuck me

Fuck you think thats bad. I live in the Maritimes and know for a fact at least half the lobster fisherman have no clue how to swim.

sauce pls

don't know how many of those are there, only have 2
Yes, I thought he was like 12 or something

Attached: @natelanc7 @LVaughanJones Agreed. https___t.co_iM8djJcWHM.webm (500x280, 935K)

He might of deserved it?

Oh man, i wish it was just an ass rape this hurt to watch

natural selection lmao


Attached: IncestWhore(241).jpg (750x1334, 190K)

I don't even remember where did I get that from, sorry


Attached: 1519103828166.webm (400x400, 1.51M)


Attached: tumblr_o8h8bpGG2E1qz6z2wo1_400.gif (350x368, 1.99M)

Could've gotten out of that by throttling up...oop


then upload it? please....

jeses her face is fucked up

Attached: tickling intensifies.webm (320x426, 1.04M)

Attached: beenie faggot knocked out.webm (852x492, 1.35M)

Fire around propane=boom, who knew?

Why throw a baby around like that. If you are going to treat a baby like that. Why have it at all

thanks for the pic, damn, even after filters her face looks all fucked up

Ask a sheboon

yeah man, no more than 15


im looking at him

Too treat like that.
There's fucked up people on this planet.

she's cute, man.

Asking for vids with minors is cause of ban

Attached: JPEG_20190716_194250.png (985x869, 789K)

Incest whore

Attached: 9981727.jpg (1334x750, 208K)

Attached: 9981272617.jpg (1600x1066, 877K)

Attached: 1564100227064m.jpg (546x1024, 74K)

i seriously hope who ever filmed this is is in jail for the rest of their miserable fucking life!

And nothing of value was lost

best nude?


Attached: iztf.jpg (1068x1792, 223K)

wow long time i havent seen this

We should bring back torture dungeons like the old days

less of the fucking chit chat

Here. I don't have the other ones, there's an antire mega of her i don't know the adress ssry

Is this the trailer for the new Little Mermaid movie?

tfw when your arshole looks like meat flaps

Attached: 868c.png (619x338, 669K)

>Saves 'm' images from Yea Forums

Faggot detected

never seen this one, seen the other 4 videos though. Dont really know the blackmail backstory though

who is?

fucking based