You know what, i voted for trump, i thought memeing him into power was funny for a while...

you know what, i voted for trump, i thought memeing him into power was funny for a while, but it's really gotten tiresome...he hasn't delivered on anything he promised, he's such a fucking clown with a personality that screams insecurity...i'm ready for something different. fuck all you niggers who think otherwise

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obvious bait. He’s actually delivered on a lot. Not everything, but a decent chunk.

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he delivered a shit

>he can't even ROLCON

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like what?
just because he says “i have delivered on almost everything i campaigned on” does not make it true


>obvious retard is obvious

So CNN and Reuters are reporting Q's story that Epstein was raped repeatedly before being killed. Tell me how a man under suicide watch with two guards on duty can be raped and "commit suicide". Even Fox is saying Trump had him killed, and that he might have actually been there to watch him die, If, and I mean IF Trump insists he didn't rape Epstein, let him consent to a DNA test to prove it. Anything less is confirmation of his guilt in my opinion.

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Thanks for part of the problem by voting for this shit for brains, you dumb fuck

lol I think we're a little beyond the point of dicussion, besides, whatever he didn't accomplish was blocked by the most powerful character in the game: "a federal judge", said judge is always an Obama apointee

like he's only got full on treason and near total institutional corruption against him, it's a mircale he hasn't been assassinated let alone accomplish all he set out to

also because I know it will annoy shareblue I must reiterate as often as posible that Hillary Rodham Clinton obviously had Epstein killed to protect herself and her husband both of whom are both pedophiles and have been since the early 1980's

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Now there's a good stalwart ...

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well your a troll.
and yeah obviously clintons are connected to epstein.
so are trump.
so are apple.
so are google.
so are exxon.

if you have 14billion dollars you will hang out with others in similair positions and you will find out about the sex island only people like you can access.
it’s like being in a community where people do drugs, only the ”elite” are brought along for the wild rides


we know Trump's sexuality though, he's the kind of guy to do a rail off of a fake titty blonde hooker's ass, very Hefner, very consistent with his age bracket's culture

then you have like Bill Clinton going to his island for multiple days a whole bunch of times and like, yeah, sorry the Clinton foundation is the worst thing to happen to liberals, it's all going to come out eventually and you guys really have to stop this whole "right side of history" crap where you break even your own rules right and left. remember when Trump was gonna nuke the whole world because he was in a mood and now it's all like he won't even slap Iran back? because he knows he doesn't know jack shit about it and the consequences would be terrible. your picture of him as stupid is just wrong, if anything as a villain he is an emotionless Dalek in shiny power armor, I bet he hasn't even bothered to have sex in 15 years

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> you aren't even american, larping faggot


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TFW liberals can finally admit trump was memed into power and it wasnt russia afterall

Bernie? That you?

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Can trump tri force

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