Hey Yea Forums do i have a beta side profile?

hey Yea Forums do i have a beta side profile?

Attached: DSC_0259.jpg (454x606, 26K)

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i hate your nose

The fact that you're seeking validation on Yea Forums is more beta than your side profile could ever be.

You look like a more jewish version of simeon from gta v. Borat would not be friends with you.

>simeon from gta v

his nose is smaller

straighten your back!!

Attached: DickPountain_.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Style your hair, grow beard, youl clap some cheeks

i can't grow a beard...

Than just style your hair, get good perfume, put smile on your face

like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190708-1553382.png (349x557, 261K)

No man, smile a bit, have confidence. You are a man ffs

Are you trying to look like Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode? Don't try, just be yourself.

>Dave Gahan

lmao i'm not trying to look like anyone

This reminds me of a faces of Yea Forums thread ... SOMEONE MAKE IT

Attached: 7F727944-116B-43F6-9A26-131A5E106D24.jpg (1125x1458, 182K)

you again dude? you're fucking ugly. you're not going to get laid. fuck off with this shit.

i know

than delete this thread. stop making it. and then kill yourself

How about you leave, nigger? Leave Yea Forums. Forever. Let the guy express himself

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 17 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1278x637, 108K)

Then don't listen to assholes saying grow a beard, that's media crap that they've bought into to sell beard equipment.

Piss off darth bitcho

You might as well be a yapping annoying yorkie or poodle that should be stomped upon.

Honnestly you kind of have a dickhead, but it's okay if u got a good body.

lmao i really don't

Start getting money then!
Srsly I give u 4/10 for this profile but i'm sure u can look better.

Grow some facial hair

Mehmet my son.......


Lose some weight, it will do wonders for your face. Also stop posting on Yea Forums and worrying about having a beta profile... that's one way of definitly being beta.