Celeb T-Thread f-for clinging beta m-manlets, h-hanging on for dear l-life...
Celeb T-Thread f-for clinging beta m-manlets, h-hanging on for dear l-life
Post that Ari treats
I-I-I know m-m-m-many h-hope m-m-m-m-m-my beautiful g-girl w-will dump m-me so s-s-she c-can f-find a-a alpha m-m-man...
post her feet u beta bitch
T-They p-p-p-plainly s-see how I-I a-am c-clinging t-t-t-to Vic l-like an o-old s-shirt and th-they f-f-f-figure s-s-she will e-eventually w-w-wake u-up a-and s-s-see how u-useless I-I am...
mine always taste sweet.
maybe she just inspires me
Don’t be greedy and share
Nice tits
wish i could
o my bone.
Kloss would love for you to share a tasty load with her fans
My boy won the g1
Congratulations qt
why the fuck would u eat ur cum. wtf. faggots
I mean idk why you'd congratulate me lol
Sometimes you wanna eat cum but you don't wanna be gay, all you can do then is eat your own.
Because you’re my qt Sabsbro and anything positive is good news
but who would enjoy the taste as much as me?
I have no idea why she does not have much of a career.
o thanks he isn't my #1 pick to win but he was the guy I wanted to win if my fave didn't so I'm still happy
thats autogay
>Sometimes you wanna eat cum but you don't wanna be gay
That’s true
We’ll make sure you get some too
tfw watching porn and a sweet BJ comes up and you think "I wish i was her"
That face
F-Forgive m-m-m-m-m-m-me f-for having a-a beautiful w-w-woman...
am i going to drink my own cum again tonight?
prove that u have her, fag
Tetsuya Naito.
Lucky for you I already explained it awhile back, I just need to find it in the archives, the site is slow AF.
I know that feel, except I think: "god I wish that were me". :
Here, this is my explanation.
For Kloss, big yep
M-M-Many m-m-m-m-m-m-men l-look a-a-a-a-a-at V-Vics a-a-a-a-and w-want h-her... T-They d-d-d-d-don't know h-h-her th-though... I-I-I know wh-wh-what sh-sh-she i-i-i-is r-r-r-r-really like...
she causes so so much pre cum. thick and taste like cake frosting
I forgive you. Feels good to stroke to her tho
He looks like an amazing wrestler
if emma is not stroking me all day long, its fucking gay
That’s a sign she’s a real goddess
Lick it all up for Kloss
Off the top of your head, try and name one thing less gay than taking another man's cumshot to the face.
You can't.
Hey stutter fag. Victoria has some real nice titties. Thanks for leaking them.
I think he's pretty cool
he's the most popular wrestler in Japan actually
not funny
I like it when she shows cleavage
Pretty awesome qt
What message is she trying to convey here?
That she wants us to fap to her legs.
yeah he;s doing well placed highly in the g1 si I'm glad
I thought it may have been to her hips tits and tummy but you might be onto something.
Milking to Kloss on there?
I mean, how can you deny her legs?
ill cover any part of them, if they ask nicely
I’d be happy to help
I haven't even tried to. :>
Good. And great cleavage mmm
i wanna be her fashion designer, if u know what i mean
For those that like to milk, add Primal#8560
You're only allowed to like ONE thing at a time, everyone knows that.
have a nice day user
I need to get ready to go out
I can't help it user. I like high boots, legs with heels and cleavage
You have a lovely day too qt Sabsbro
Cosmopolitan did an oopsie
>high boots, legs with heels and cleavage
(  ̄ ω  ̄) Forgetting something?
Lipstick/makeup :D
>Be you.
>Try and trick me by pretending you only like three things.
>Actually likes four.
(  ̄ ω  ̄) Such is a life our of control.
Not pretending. Just didn't want to make the list too long kek
i have to share what i live today
>end my day of work
>go to the gas station on the way home
>recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything
>still buy tho
>the reason is her...
>beautiful latina
>black hair n light brown eyes
>her smile and voice bring joy in my day
>she got the evening shift since the last month
>always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work)
>i think today i will ask her number
>arrived in the gas station
>do NOT see nathalia
>the manager of that gas station
>HE's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work
>everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse
>with his retarded voice he say "GOOOWD EVENINNNNNG"
>god i hate his voice
>take a bunch of chocolate bar
>"good choice, those are my favorite"
>GRRRR I DIDN'T fucking ask you anything you fuck face
>"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why shes not working?"
>"nathalia? she's not sick. I had to fire her"
>she WASN'T doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month
>i live without taking anything and went to my car angry
>i never see her again
that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski
i have to share what i live today
>end my day of work
>go to the gas station on the way home
>recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything
>still buy tho
>the reason is her...
>beautiful latina
>black hair n light brown eyes
>her smile and voice bring joy in my day
-she got the evening shift since the last month
>always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work)
>i think today i will ask her number
>arrived in the gas station
>do NOT see nathalia
>the manager of that gas station
>HE's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work
>everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse
>with his retarded voice he say "GOOOWD EVENINNNNNG"
>god i hate his voice
>take a bunch of chocolate bar
>"good choice, those are my favorite"
>GRRRR I DIDN'T fucking ask you anything you fuck face
>"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why shes not working?"
>"nathalia? she's not sick. I had to fire her"
>she WASN'T doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month
>i live without taking anything and went to my car angry
>i never see her again
that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski
i have to share what i live today
>end my day of work
>go to the gas station on the way home
>recently i find myself to go in the gas station even when i have no need of anything
>still buy tho
>the reason is her...
>beautiful latina
>black hair n light brown eyes
>her smile and voice bring joy in my day
-she got the evening shift since the last month
>always have short but interesting discussion with her (i don't want to bother her during work)
>i think today i will ask her number
>arrived in the gas station
>do NOT see nathalia
>the manager of that gas station
>HE's always here in the morning so i stop coming before work
>everything about him give me the urge to slit his throat and burn his corpse
>with his retarded voice he say "GOOOWD EVENINNNNNG"
>god i hate his voice
>take a bunch of chocolate bar
>"good choice, those are my favorite"
>GRRRR I DIDN'T fucking ask you anything you fuck face
>"y-yeah... is nathalia sick? why shes not working?"
>"nathalia? she's not sick. I had to fire her"
>she WASN'T doing the job correctly like i ask her to do and she arrived late twice just this month
>i live without taking anything and went to my car angry
>i never see her again
that fucking piece of shit with cloth named zack kuczynski he fired the only person that was doing a good service in the garbage of gas station i truly wish his family burn in hell and he die from a cancer before he can reproduce any of his retarded genes fuck i hate zack kuczynski
Aaaah, gotcha lol
I wish chicago user would suck me dry
You have a discord, beady?
I used to but I left and don't wanna go back. :--/
Rudesy I was told what you did, this will have consequences
Oh, bummer
Anyone wanna jerk to Sarah snyder or ariana?
Get back on that disco horse bd
Because everyone realized that youre a autistic cartman on disc as well?
No need to reply, rhetorical question.
It's bad news for everyone involved. :---/
I'm gonna do some gaymen for awhile. ' u '
Love those tits
Hot as fuck
I wouldn't mind having you on disco. Could be fun.
Enjoy your gaymen :)
Not everyone is bad there
Try it again sometime
Would plow the hell out of Chloe
Lia is also worth my cum right now. I can't post images unfortunately
Only other thing to do is stroke for her.
Thank you, talk with you later. n u n
I will tho I need to bust a fat nut
Cya beady :)
lol, skank. When is she gonna start giving head for 20$
i wouldnt pay a penny more than a fiver
i wish i was plowing her since she was 12
supply and demand, we hope, huh? Vote with your wallet
thats your dream girl? U r sad
silly nigger
yeah, he is - he wants a girl thats a man
wow rude
show any kind of proof your not a lying asshole. take a pic of her sleeping right now
My beautiful daughter
not that beautiful, but id fuck her brain out, if she asked
hey look, two turds
My name isn't Tim
She is still pure..
she probably isnt pure either
and she hides that frogger smile like daisy, too, so thats another minus
>frogger smile
kek tru
remember when they photoshopped Sanic from the newes movie and main female protagonist from ME Andromeda to look better? Could any1 photoshop Daisy and McTavish here to have a better smile?
and also so that McLaod here has lips that dont look like diseased slugs
ivanka Trump is hot
of course she is because donny took good care of her. inside and outside
Stick tay > thick tay
Yes she is pure!
pure delight when she bounces on my cock, maybe
No I don't. She is my qt
Not true what you say!!
Who dat
so u r saying this fuckdoll is boring in bed?
not eva braun
She's my daughteru, I wouldn't know
But I was saying that she is still pure
shes fucking like a slut. Any1 higher in hollywood. Shes getting the Stein each day
Not true at all. She's getting cuddles and appreciation from me
Sasha Grey better
oof u nigger. shes getting gangbanged by a dozen niggers
and dick from every1 else. She loves being covered in hot loads, dripping down from her chin and onto her titties, as she rubs her thighs together in excitement, wetting herself
You confuse her with Tay...
You make that up. My Kenzie is no slut
she's a total anal queen btw
more like no stranger to orgies, where shes the main dish - a piece of fuck meat
No she is not!!!
Stop it. This isn't true
nah. tay is pure. untouched by savages
imagine not knowing dadfus biggest weakness
"stop" is the last word shed say, especially with her mouth filled with cock and cum
mmm, this is wut i cal a quality thred
No user... Don't say such things
all i want is to spread her cheeks...
They are for a playful tap only...
right. Ill do them instead. Ill wear her like a cocksleeve with her arms and legs wrapped around me
No, that other user is correct
You won't do anything to my qts, user...
No wearing Kenzie
a tap with what?
playful tap with a cockhead in the asshole
ill do everything to her and shell love it all. Shell beg to be raped and violated non-stop
>her future
>ill do everything to her and shell love it all. Shell beg to be raped and violated non-stop
>a tap with what?
My hand of course
You are exaggerating so much... She's a sweet, pure girl
My hand of course
wow its getting hot in here
and thats why it feels so good to stretch her cunny with my fat cock
So take off all your cloth
Bd is that you?
Meh, thread sucked anyway let it burn
that's me in the pic, u like?
Yes, thinner than I imagined you
I just said she's pure...
You don't stretch anything
gym's paying off. :p
i dont fucking care what u said
Just leave my daughters and me in peace
nigga, after ive done with her, she gonna need stitches
ut she cant leave my cock in peace. She keeps sucking, like its a pacifier and keeps begging for more cum. Slappong her only makes her shove id down her throat
Stooooop..... It's not true!
ur a faggot and u remain one
id show u pics if not the image limit. What a tiny little cumslut whore she is. Calls every1 "daddy", as long as she serves their dick. I love when she kisses mine all over, begging to be plastered with cum
That's not nice
Pics of what?
I am the only one she calls daddy