My girlfriend is 180 pounds and I really want her to lose weight. How do I tell her without being an asshole...

My girlfriend is 180 pounds and I really want her to lose weight. How do I tell her without being an asshole? How can I help?

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She will never lose weight. Dump her before you have to pay her hospital bills because she's so fat.



Tell her she should lose some weight because you're concerned for her health, say if we're gonna be together forever you just want her to be happy and healthy.

Whatever you need to get that fat bitch to stop being so awful and floppy to fuck.

Get her hooked on hardcore drugs. Replace food addiction with meth addiction.


You ever seen a fat crackhead? It's simple maths

it's really her choice but, if you want to change her do it in a sly way. introduce it as a couples thing. like "hey theres a dance class i want to try, we should check it out." or a group gym thing.

but honestly dude, if you want her to change let her know you're concerned about her health and if she gets pissy its time to break up.

I don't really want to dump her because we have been together for three years, I don't know why I didn't stop her from the beginning. She went through a depression after her mother died and began to binge eat and drink. I didn't want to hurt her feelings while she was going through a rough time.

I just want her to be healthier. She was 120 and excersized regularly when we got together.

Only actual answer is to join a gym with her, get her excited about getting into shape and having someone to do it with. If you want her to put in the effort, put it in for yourself as well. If she won’t do this, dump her as she will never put in the effort, and everyone knows, lazy people just get fatter as time goes on. Just like that, you’re the nice guy with the fat ass bitchy wife


Also, are you overweight, evan a bit? You could offer to do it together

Lace food with laxatives until she's too scared to eat anything at all. Or just talk to her like a normal human being.

No, I am 6'2" and 160 pounds. I try to work out after work as often as I can. Maybe I should suggest she join me in the gym?

How old are you?

I'm 25, she is 23.

That may be a good idea.
But the more important thing is nutrition. There is a need for a lifestyle change.

both good ideas, as far as i'm concerned. there's never an easy way to tell your significant other that trimming down a bit could be helpful.

Fat women are fat for life. Even if they lose the weight they are ticking time bombs. Any time they could revert back and the success rate for any fat person to stay thin is about 5%

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Tell her u r becoming vegan and that she must consider it, and say that every french fry/any fried shit place uses animal fat or smthing


So I'm older, but one thing I've learned is laying down ground rules near the start. Like saying I don't want to get fat or I have to diet on occasion to keep slim. If your girlfriend is thin she will agree and it sets precedence. Then as the weight goes up a little, you say, hey I feel kinda fat, we should diet.

You have to talk to her. The problem is this hasn't been talked about regularly, so she will probably be hurt and most likely will argue. That will get you no where and so it would be best to move on. If she acknowledges she has put on weight and really wants to lose it, then you can start looking at counting calories, keto, etc... 80% of weight loss is in the kitchen, 20% is exercise.

More of her

If she loses a substantial amount of weight she will instantly become more attractive. Kyle and Chad will gain interested and you'll have to deal with it. You'll have to murder them to mark your territory and whilst murdering stereotypes is really fun is it really worth the hassle?

Unless you're a fatass yourself who canale her think working out and dieting together is 99% nothing to do with her just give up.

you can't tell her?
wtf I'm just telling her to loose weight and if she doesn't eat in secret she'll be /fit/ in 2 years

Marry her


Just keep feeding her and feeding her. Around the 450 mark, her heart will give out. Wait three years (Faster if you have a compost bin and a good nitrogen:carbon ratio) and you'll be the proud boyfriend of a sexy, sexy skeleton. Bleach those bones for effect.

Easiest way of all. Take several pics.. Show her your "favorite". Make sure it is not flattering, she'll hate it and start dieting tomorrow and you have said nothing.

Goto the doctors for a general check up, ask her to join you. The doctor will tell her for ya.

Dump her and find a better option

just secretly feed her crystal meth for a couple months. maybe replace he toothpaste with something that has super high fluoride.

I think you should dump her and be honest about why. Tell her she got overweight and it's not a turn on for you.

If she says your an asshole, tell her that you always felt it was your responsibility to stay in decent shape for her and you felt like she was taking advantage of your love by letting her fat ass side.

You should just dump her. She's never going to change. You said it yourself right here you don't want to jump her because you've been together for three years. You can say you don't want to dump her because you love her because she's the most important thing to you or anything like that just that you've been together for three years. You're afraid of being alone. You're definitely going to find someone else so get rid of her and start finding somebody new now she's just going to get better and you're going to feel less attracted to her and eventually hate her for it so start finding a replacement now.