What is your IQ Faggot?

What is your IQ Faggot?

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Iq doesn't Matter, it is a stupid white invention, to keep non whites down.

i aint clicking that shit nigger

So why do people with higher iq scores earn more

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because they are privileged

115 Niggers
and im still a NEET

go suck a dick, you lazy Nigger


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124 :(


they gonna ask for my email or other faggtry personal shit?

no, it is the official Norwegen Mensa side

>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data. Remember that it is a good idea to practice tests such as this - there are many others available online.

Ahahahahah im god ama

I'd bet you're parents molested you many times as a little baby

The vast majority of the population never take a legitimate IQ test. For the most part, the people who get tested are either abnormally dumb or have special skills that point to an extraordinary intelligence -- the people in the latter category are usually found to have an aptitude for pattern recognition and an impressive memory.

While IQ might be the most accurate gauge for future success, it's far from reliable. There are people who are ostensibly retarded with genius-tier IQs who never achieve anything remotely special, and people with average IQs who become rich, famous and powerful.

Do not put much weight on this number. See: Christopher Langan.

121. Am I intelligent yet?


185 on a Stanford-Binet test when I was 10. Gifted classes in school. Graduated at 16. Long successful software engineering career. I'm ancient.

muy iq is 65

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>all these Internet IQs
Online tests don't count, dorks


Kill your self you dumb slut, your life is worthless

you fags even trying

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I quit with 11 questions to go and 10 min on the clock. I'm gonna go with (1) bullshit and (2) really boring.

And yet you are here, on Yea Forums...

>Elite hackers

he's also a retired Navy Seal who can dox you just by the way you type.
>Gifted classes in school
special ed

i'm drunk and stoned and i got bored at 71% and clicked randomly after that and got 115.

>you're parents

how did you score beyond 80 in this test

I guessed the last question, that had to be a meme question.

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best besides op with evidence

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It wasn't a meme question. It was an state switch question, just like the others. It was read from up to down, and you just needed to flip the first image horizontally, and then switch the lines with the second image. Personally, others were more difficult.

BTW, kneel before me, you neets.

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hey we got the same

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I got 128

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I got 108, am I retarded?

Computers are racist why they make them so hard to learn

I took an IQ test when I threatened to shoot up my school 2 years ago, 126

>being this edgy

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i got 115 and stopped trying at 71% and clicked randomly. the odds there are 1/6 so at best, i could say i "tried" about 76%. you should think about it. i bet you guessed a lot or gave up. i don't think it's designed to fool you with possible answers but then again, i was always very sure or completely clueless so maybe some people are sort of sure and go for it.

pretty similar man, 176 SB test, medfag, 6'1", ripped as fuck, but genuinely considered killing myself because of my 3.5 inch penis


>be me
>195 iq age 14
>be 6'4
>shredded to the point of no fat on soles of my feet.
>8.5x7 cock
>Head asset manager at J.P Morgan by 22

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The test is bullshit.

aww did someone get an 85?

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why don't you screenshot a question you think is bullshit? we could discuss it. i noticed that at least one time, it was similar to doing matrix multiplication and at least, being familiar with that helped understand the progression. it's not that i couldn't have recognized it if i had focused and really thought about it, but it's the type of transformation that one would need the capacity to consider.

I got 115 but just randomly clicked for the 2nd half of the test because its fucking stupid and the retarded patterns are just that, retarded.

3.5inch boner? I bet with your huge stature and bulging muscles it looks even smaller than it actually is. Sorry user.

Not retarded as you it seems.

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yeet me too

Nice sentence structure whilst trying to insult somones intelligence.

trying to claw back any intelligence and self esteem you once had by attacking someone elses.

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And yet he can still please 2 women all weekend long...
He hands them his credit card

You’re all pseudo-intellectuals. Get some pussy, faggots.

121. Idk if this is accurate.

>You’re all pseudo-intellectuals. Get some pussy, faggots.
Another 85 IQ cumbrain with only sex on his mind spotted.

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These tests intentionally lie and won't show a score below a certain number.

If you think this is a valid test, you're a certified autistic retard. That's the only thing this test can correctly gauge.

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Only 121.... I actually feel more stupis than I usually do... Thabks op...

Pointing out my bait doesn’t count if you still take it, you degenerate.

did you take the test?

fuck off... you're just jealous of our collective intelligence and you're just angry because you don't meet our standards of superiority.

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i am mexican

>i am mexican
Not intelligent enough to SS

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not because I'm jewish at the same time


ok I guess, stopped too much on a lot of them and only finished like 75% or so

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I assume 290

Guess I’m not as smart as op. In b4 race arguments...

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Bigger question: why does the eyeball standard deviation top out at 80k?

145 not a Nazi

Retarded test waste of time

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We're 125 buddies!!!

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5 trillion iq

good, you are not supid

>Literally too retarded to measure
Proud of you fren

close to you frend. wish I could play chess with you. maybe id win after you get tired lmao

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okay, i suppose

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190. Does this test mean anything?

post proof fag

he probaly talks shit, dont you know how rare this is?



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>he did not ace the test

Are you a nigger?

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Remarkable that so many anons score “superior intellect” levels on a clickbait IQ test

>implying anyone gives a shit about some random guy's score

how did you do it, how did you solve the last question? and the questions with the diffrent size squares on the line

128 according to that thing
inb4 i didn't post the curve

I agree user, we are better than the normies

guess its ok for doing it while drinking beer and watching tv shows on the main screen

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nope a iq of 130 in this test is like getting 100 in a real on so your iq in that stat is 93

this. you guys are fucking mongoloids if you think the average iq of the thread is like 130 lol


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157 (on Cattell B). But mine was a supervised Mesa test, not an on-line one

A lot of these questions were squares chasing other squares around the picture, and exclusive-or; I scored 123,

Great everyone on Yea Forums is genius dosnt seem beliveable to me

And what good did that do you, other than making your wallet lighter?


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lowest iq on Yea Forums

retarded and doesn't work, litterally got bored and quit while at 70% and got 108 still. bs

125 when i was tested at 7 years old by a psychiatrist because of autism.

142 on the mensa thing last year.

Score has gone up by average of 12 points since i took on all the advanced math and physics classes i missed out on in highschool.

Pretty sure mensa just wants to scam people to buy their overpriced supervised tests

first time I took it was like 105, but I got a 148 the 5th



I'm in Mensa. At least 148 wais or 133 cattel. Your call.

>last question
Flip the top image, XOR it with the middle, the result is the bottom picture

>diffrent size squares on the line
it's just "adding the squares", but their size cannot get bigger than the large one

>Pretty sure mensa just wants to scam people to buy their overpriced supervised tests
Figuring this out is the real IQ test.

bow before me, faggots

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133. I only got through 80% of it.

140 and I was pretty baked when I took it.

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>And what good did that do you
Interesting question. If you're asking about the actual IQ then I've been pretty successful in life a chunk of which has to be down to a quick mind, logic and ability to grasp issues quickly. There have been some down-sides which has led me to believe that about 140 is the sweet spot.

If you're asking about the test results, then I'd always thought I was pretty clever but never had any real evidence, so there was the boost in self-confidence - which will also have helped in the small success I've had.

If you're asking about membership of Mensa (yes, I joined...and left - quickly) then fuck, no. The majority of those guys are weird, socially awkward and way further on the scale than I am.

Seems that i lost 7 points since then. I blame it on not taking my concentration medication for 2 months now lol

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Fuck thats a rare insult

>ending on 420 versus
>quad of 7s

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first try
And i am not gay...

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all the problems seem to come down to
On every row? On every column? XOR? Add?
With the occasional flip.

Their IQ test seems to just test how quickly your XOR radar works lol. not complaining, though.

I belive that the Norwegian iq test is for animals.

I wasn't going to post mine till I saw the nigger who got 91

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boi, you stuppid

got 121

but skipped most of it cos i couldn't be bothered

how legit is this test ?

what i learnt over the years is that you do not have to be competent or smart to earn more, you just have to be able to socialise with the higher ups

I'm white so it shouldn't be very low

And now here is a real IQ test:


if you click any one of the answers repeatedly for all the questions you get this

nt newfag

i like how the dude with my IQ makes the most on the chart

>what i learnt over the years is that you do not have to be competent or smart to earn more, you just have to be able to socialise with the higher ups
To a degree. If you're dumb as a stump you'll be the most popular tea-boy on the executive row of offices

>how legit is this test ?
Clickbait to get you to pay for and take the real, supervised Mensa test. Which, miraculously, you'll get a lower score on

-3.14, why do you ask?

Already a member bitch.

Because they are awake, and not stupid wagecucks.

i got 110 im such a fucking stupid nigger

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