This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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Are you fat?

No. Pretty athletic.

will you play classic wow?

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I played WoW for a year in 2005. Never even joined a guild because I was such an asocial sperg.



Why dont you just pull the trigger?

Not suicidal.

hey I also play osrs

Do you want to have sex or just see it as overrated

It's more about having a connection to people. Even if its purely sexual.

Shiet I'm getting to that point of no return

Don't worry. This picture is bait. When you are 25 and still a virgin, start to worry.


Why don't you get a whore? Are you scared of travelling to Asia?

I don't have the money to travel to Asia. Also, I don't think a whore will solve the underlying problems.

Nigga it's cheap as fuck. Just go to Vietnam or the Philippines

I'm currently working minimum wage and don't really have any savings left.

International travel is not possible atm.

Fuck a fat female friend. They feel a lot better in the dark than you would think. Nobody will know.

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I don't have any female friends.



Was there ever a fucking moment you were close to at least kissing a female?

No. There never was any situation where I would say a female was interested in me.

Have you tried to go out and talk to anyone?

Of course. Talked to females at parties / bars / clubs, at activities, at school, using online dating (e.g, Tinder) etc.

And you haven't found that "connection"? Out of all that?

No. I haven't.

Oh well, shitty OP

bump become a leftist and lose your virginity

I would see myself as centre-left. Based on European standards.

>implying that those who don't have sex aren't happy with their lives.

If anything, if someone does not have sex and generally doesn't give a shit then it makes stronger and more independant.

Who the fuck wants to rely on pussy to make them feel good about themselves anyway? It's an instinctual thing to reproduce, even if you feel you're doing it for fun it's a responsibility.

Happiness should be within, if you spend your time chasing women for sex and love you're going to find yourself very dependent on what they can give you. By eliminating women or at least reducing them you will find more time to do things that are worth doing like exploring the world, reaching peak physical fitness, movies, games hobbies like bowling, cycling and social activities can be much more meaningful and rewarding.

So many guys brag about having sex with multiple women and not every one us guys actually care... i had sex once and i am 37. Don't even miss it, but perhaps i am too blame for my asexuality as i don't have any sex drive so it doesn't interest me. Women are essentially a waste of time in my opinion, sure some nice ones but relationship material i have yet to find someone i would consider great.

What do you hope to gain from these threads? Honestly curious.

what a fucking faggot

Dude just get laid unless your asexual then fuck off

To OP, have you been to a strip club?


OP obviously cares about sex and women and wants to talk about the topic. By doing so, he can reflect on why he has failed to attract the attention of women.

Obviously, reading some of his posts he's in denial that he wants sex or romance probably because he wants to attain that he is in control of the situation. But reality is he's not, he's fucked up big time.

He's a middle aged man, mid 30's and he realises that perhaps half his life has gone and done nothing worthwhile and no romantic or sexual partners to reflect on. He sounds pretty lonely, what'a things to change but he's already tried most things to no avail so he he thinks his fate is sealed but still posts anyway. He looks back at his past probably depressed about his high school sweetheart because he didn't ask her out.

He can't even talk about it properly, because of the new "incel" trend going round. Men are expected to be big, strong, good looking and confident. By definition an incel is a male who expects everything from a woman but has nothing to provide for the woman and blames the woman typically for his failures. But a good looking man is never an incel, only ugly one's so basically the attitude only arrises because of one's genetics that they were born with. It's a sad reality, but Op will likely die a virgin... just like the weak animals die in the wild.

I just want to talk. And vent.

When I was 19, I was to one with friends at that time.

Wizard level response.

OP here. You're pretty spot on. But I did ask my HS sweetheart out.

Why haven’t you further pursued romance or partners? It’s simply a numbers game. Even if you’re a sperg uggo, some sorry uggo chick will be cool with it. Best case some girl will have mental issues, be out of your league, and still be interested. Love is a transaction game, you pay with money, time, attention, patience. The sooner OP realizes this and dumps the Hollywood version of love the better.

You both just proved my point.

Why so angry? Do you need sex that much that it provokes an angry reply because you lack intelligence in the particular matter?

Tell you what, you go beg for sex from those attractive whores while i enjoy my martini watching some netflix. They play the cards, they decide if youre getting it and its a waste of time.

You need it, you're weak. Now if you want it, that's a different matter but i don't. I don't get the urge, i don't get the primal instinct to reproduce with them.

You want to spend your life impressing women, do it but why should i care? But telling me to go fuck someone is like telling me to eat fish, and i hate fish. Why would i do something that doesn't interest me?

>Why haven’t you further pursued romance or partners?

I have. Even though I am not one of the persons who hits up 20 girls an evening, I have managed to regularly introduce myself to girls in IRL

>It’s simply a numbers game.

My numbers are indeed not that great. Maybe a few hundred girls during my lifetime.

>Even if you’re a sperg uggo

Just sperg actually

Do you think you’ll ever lose it?

what does it feel like?

I'm dead inside.

ive had sex with 15+ women and i am the same...