I dont understand how you can tolerate rewatching a movie you've already seen

I dont understand how you can tolerate rewatching a movie you've already seen.

Attached: be-kind-rewind-featured.png (620x324, 86K)

Clearly you've never seen a good movie. Watch the Korean film, Oldboy. I guarantee you, it will bring about a few rewatches.

That movie sucks ass

Clearly you like to fuck your own daughter if you rewatch that shit tier movie. Both editions suck ass.

Obvious troll is obvious.
The American version of Oldboy though totally sucked ass.

because good movies have things that you won't pick up on or notice the first time you see them, and rewatching them enhances your understanding and appreciation of the film

i dont understand how oygijwoyhi9jbhkfol,n .gen m nbn

>I have mental problems
We get it.

I can't if I've seen it recently.
But I can haven't watched it in a long while and I actually forget it now. Not all film, but many.
Sorry its time for bed now. Can't write worth shit.

[Deleted] Anonymous 08/12/19(Mon)00:29:41 No.806920707
(You) (OP)
I can't if I've seen it recently.
But I haven't watched it in a long while I actually forget it now. Not all film, but many.


If it's the perfect visualization for escaping reality, why watch anything else?


Then you've got some sort of disorder, meaning you don't really feel the films you're watching or allow yourself to be absorbed.

When you watch a film that does that to you, a couple of years go by and you remember that it's good, but not those feelings and emotions you got from being right there in the film.

It's like sex, you remember that it's good, but you're not getting the right feelings from the memories, so you hit up your favourite cock sleeve to remind yourself.

How are you supposed to feel it a second time? You know exactly what is going to be sad and what is going to happen. Your emotions can't just be simulated? The first time is the only time I ever feel anything

So you remember every scene and detail from every film you've ever watched? And exactly what was visually appealing, emotionally wrenching and the subtle mastery of filming and acting and everything going on?

Probably not, cause like I said it doesn't sound like you really watch the films, you just sort of see them.

Don't be dramatic. Obviously I can't rewrite the entire script from memory but that doesn't mean I understand the gist of what is being said and the Direction the Story is going scene for scene

Watch a comedy those are always worth a rewatch my favorite is the anne frank documentary

I've seen The Hunt for Red October at least a hundred times. I'm not sure why.

Yeah and it sounds like that's all you see, the plot in words said and what's gonna happen.

There's an awful lot more to good films than that.

What's your favourite film?

I don't care how cliche it is my favorite film is the SawShank Redemption. It's not like I'm emotionally blind. I understand the meaning of film is to make you feel something you would have never felt otherwise. It genuinely works the first viewing but never the second


There's nothing wrong with clichés, Shawshank is a hell of a film, I've seen it many times.

Do you do this with music? You only listen to a song once?

I was expecting music to be brought up. There's a reason there are people like me who can't watch films twice but there are far far far far less people who can't listen to a track twice. It's basically audio porn that allows you to feel things if allow it to. It's two different from film compare fairly in this context

So this is some sort of disorder that you're aware of?

You won't tell me how it's disorder

I'll take that as a yes