

Attached: 7.jpg (1126x1154, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1565325904289.jpg (273x184, 5K)

hello friend
do you want a 2nd picture?

Attached: 40.jpg (1017x1440, 394K)

anime nigger

:) animu niggeru

Attached: 297.jpg (687x1223, 122K)

thank you for all the akari reaction images

Attached: 1565549599596.jpg (514x576, 25K)


Attached: 00a0f8f38da6de781156f7f69f045957.jpg (1000x941, 570K)

have my favourite frog picture :)

Attached: bacground.gif (400x400, 26K)

Attached: 9.gif (450x400, 349K)

Attached: scarf (367).jpg (850x824, 106K)

Attached: 0de1a8de5b78a19fbaf45d217cfc2d0c.png (1003x1417, 1.48M)

cute scarf

Attached: 0f86087370ede997c84382035a2c0db3.png (650x914, 460K)

that is one of my favourite pictures...
along with another one thats too big..

Attached: 16.jpg (836x576, 247K)

i like comfy frogposters

Attached: 1565507369399.png (480x355, 46K)

my friend doesnt like frogs.. i dont know why

Attached: 17.jpg (836x576, 209K)

cute mommy idol
it is a great picture :)

Attached: scarf (370).jpg (750x1050, 614K)

Master Aki

Attached: 782604249_640x480.jpg (640x480, 45K)

Must be a fan of toads

Attached: 1565475521894.png (490x406, 151K)

do you like my scarf?
you ignored me today.
maybe ill go ask him

Attached: 168.jpg (1024x1154, 219K)

akari~n a cute
thank you!

Attached: 0fdbca0bc2da49db97ce2ecd6cb61a53.png (1488x1488, 1.7M)


Attached: 20190713_030546.jpg (411x317, 70K)


Attached: DbOilvOV4AAzQAB.jpg orig.jpg (541x800, 46K)

who is this

Attached: cinco.jpg (216x321, 18K)

who is the cute behind the mustache?
what are you doing in this thread all by yourself?

Attached: 34c311425df0180bb3906259868e177a.jpg (800x1131, 473K)

who are you?
its a tsugu in disguise!

Attached: DZYTjYHU0AA4ouk.jpg orig.jpg (959x635, 165K)

Hey Aki!
what would you do if someone bump you on the street, you say sorry but then realize that you're talking to this chicken boy. Then he stares you dead in the eye, grabs your arm and starts screeching. wwyd?????

Attached: chickenBoi.jpg (640x480, 24K)

I don't know master.

Attached: tumblr_pea7uu14Iy1sx8ybdo8_250 (1).png (250x250, 89K)

poopity scoop

Attached: Konata3.jpg (183x275, 10K)

very cute :) can i have it?
she's so pretty

Attached: scarf (249).jpg (849x1200, 506K)

no u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 0e0c474f5526e64de759f54189ceb155.jpg (850x1200, 178K)

uuuh ask him where i can get one of those shirts
i was watching you waifu post
5 dollars

Attached: 7.png (1200x1200, 675K)


Attached: 7.png (714x574, 283K)


Attached: xVEI4Cqo_400x400.jpg (311x311, 25K)

I didn't post that pic

Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (336x188, 18K)

dont post porn in akari threads, thatds rude

Attached: Konata51.jpg (313x250, 28K)

hi sono

heh jews, amirite guise?

oh that happens..
in the traitorous waifu thread

Attached: wow_anon.jpg (884x574, 78K)

dog killer

i wish i was that book..

Attached: scarf (34).png (752x1062, 798K)

Hola amigos

nooo you heard me :)


I'm sorry?

I would read you every day~

Attached: 02c6ca785885e96eca714c856ec0e03a.jpg (1819x2335, 1.46M)

lol forgot image

Attached: chicharito-portada--m.jpg (400x400, 71K)

What is going on?!!

Attached: 20190726_100854.jpg (450x319, 89K)

Hola amigo porfacor habla ingles en los thread de Ms Akari

Attached: Konata5.jpg (728x697, 89K)


Attached: 2.jpg (955x1267, 196K)


Attached: 2a7ce18755a840ebd5f0c8787b5b21c9.png (1200x1526, 1014K)


Attached: appult.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

no problem, also nice benzol trips

she has boobs

Attached: 7.png (833x1000, 339K)

i wonder what i would be about :thinking:

Attached: scarf (8).jpg (708x1003, 108K)

Aki what is going on?

Did I do something wrong where did I ignore you.

When and were were you watching me.

Attached: 20190726_101050.jpg (486x326, 122K)

Haha, i didnt noticed it, btw are you the user from ligamx?

Attached: Konata115.jpg (2896x3722, 873K)

i watched you all day in the waifu thread while i posted here..
i didnt know you liked fem boys
thats pretty gay :)

Attached: 7.jpg (1200x1148, 205K)


Attached: 23873724_p0.jpg (600x702, 149K)

Oh is that it?

Attached: tumblr_pea7uu14Iy1sx8ybdo5_250.png (250x250, 85K)

i wanted you to come and talk to me but you didnt notice :(

Attached: 3.png (514x474, 208K)


Attached: scarf (38).png (600x457, 271K)

Where I never saw your character anywhere?

Attached: 73acf084d782997c7b9ae00587422638.jpg (736x895, 115K)

please don't look at them..

warm and happy thoughts of course

Attached: 4b86c6feec9c732cda23f78b7f3ed6d8.png (800x800, 713K)

Yeah, the same, hope you all had a good sunday :)

Attached: DqURusJUUAA7KUr.jpg (834x1111, 173K)

i was in a different thread...
i messsaged you as an user though...
she has hands

Attached: 2.gif (497x566, 1022K)


Attached: 74bdb691a37440fdb0895c7d6436ca05.jpg (708x1003, 287K)

I was worried

you saw what I was posting on /pol/ today. That's a relief

Attached: AshamedInstructiveBushbaby-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 568K)

Same to you

Attached: Konata130.jpg (1339x1685, 334K)

Attached: scarf (31).png (676x1000, 815K)

Oh I tend to ignore anons. Sorry

Attached: 20190713_121014.jpg (333x379, 53K)

ive never been to /pol/ maybe ill have to go look

Attached: 2.png (1254x1771, 1.56M)

she's kissing you, yes ><
bye for now

im sorry, bye-bye

Attached: fe259072baca04974feb7ce1162d9380.jpg (730x1000, 618K)

Don't master it will corrupt your mind.

I was going down the rabbit hole on the Epstein suicide all day and I think I went a bit crazy.

Attached: __pip_bernardotte_and_seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__8f3ef55daf08727c956edbcf3ea1 (626x500, 101K)

i might have to look into it....

Attached: 31241896_p0.png (661x700, 213K)


Attached: scarf (631).jpg (768x1024, 130K)

Ok but I warned you
So you wanted to talk to me?
About you know that

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 16K)

whats a nanner

Attached: 38822034_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 1.99M)


I was probably complaining about banana posters spamming threads

Attached: d943157908ac9d8cd0a6bf8fb1c18ba1.jpg (419x614, 98K)

im sorry that person called your writing "9th grade writing"

Attached: 27441021_p0.jpg (720x720, 221K)

No hes right.

it is pretty juvenile sounding.

I'm not good with word thats why I draw.

Attached: c91177c9e5e61e82198858d17c0748a6.jpg (736x414, 94K)

i think you are good with words :)

Attached: 27431774_p0.jpg (800x563, 203K)

i always end up sad posting here and i wanted to stop that

Attached: DcuvO8GX4AA_jni.jpg orig.jpg (1024x724, 61K)

we did that yesterday :)
sad posting is comfy

Attached: s_453e6a6b976820e3502fb3754e5f050d.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

comfy thread

Attached: _himesaka_noa_watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita_drawn_by_kirisame_mia_b5858b7570c656ef15767186c2a1cfb2.p (1254x1771, 1.59M)

I found cute akari
good night

Attached: Konata200.jpg (1280x800, 76K)

Attached: 23240109_p0.jpg (768x1024, 478K)

Attached: paint mado.jpg (1000x908, 65K)

all i do is make other people sad or worried

Attached: D947X50U8AAjDUE.jpg orig.jpg (1582x2048, 235K)

thats a cute akari :)
sleep well

Attached: 2(1).jpg (720x720, 410K)

Anyway Aki yeah I'm pretty weird with what I'm into.

I've said plenty of times I'm a degenerate.

I'm not very gay tho. I meant what I said about settling down with a nice English girl. I am primarily attracted to women, I don't think I could manage any sort of long term relationship with a guy I would just be ashamed of myself.

I just mess around you know.

Take some risks.

Attached: b01fee29010a86ad458be3d15889d122.jpg (736x906, 141K)

thats all i do.
thats pretty lewd

Attached: bun.png (600x600, 19K)


Attached: nekonekomado.jpg (569x772, 65K)

Well that's enough about that.

So how has your day been Aki?

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 15K)

i dont want to do that

Attached: DZyv8R2VMAAPy7h.png orig.png (1057x1500, 737K)

i dont want to do that.....
tell me a secret

Attached: 252.jpg (530x750, 122K)

it's 4:30 am here and i can't sleep, i've drank like 4 coffees "yesterday". why am i like this?

Attached: hilter.jpg (600x338, 114K)

Now is not the time Mein Fuhrer

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

i have no secrets i want to share

Attached: DxwyHT4UwAYxfSo.jpg orig.jpg (1494x2048, 165K)

is akari a virgin?

Attached: 1559892147574.jpg (1280x720, 286K)

What happened?

Attached: 20190804_231202.jpg (309x270, 46K)

What is your favourite color
Alot of stuff and alot of nothing

Attached: 1547758979746.jpg (480x480, 33K)

orange, maybe

Attached: DasB_55V4AE2bbm.jpg orig.jpg (768x1024, 118K)

I have already told her all of, mine. Last one I told was a fe second ago.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kouya_libera__c495476799316739f9bf337fd30a06e0.jpg (587x500, 152K)

What do you mean it's not the time? When I am I supposed to sleep? I want to go running "tomorrow" (in 6 hours).

Attached: ado.png (927x879, 1.5M)

based. orange is the best color.
what's the biggest dick/dildo you've ever absorbed up your butt?

Attached: rd.jpg (960x904, 113K)

Orange is pretty cool.. i think ive asked this before..

Attached: 1547763288148.gif (500x281, 846K)

I dont have any secrets to tell

Attached: SentimentalSilkyEyelashpitviper-size_restricted.gif (417x250, 1.46M)

I'm kindof dissapointed with myself.

I havnt worked on my manga in days.

I keep getting stuck trying to decide on Skyler outfit.

So I spent literally the entire day just shitposting.

Attached: 3bbf0ebf0430ad5d3916f201267dc715.jpg (735x606, 102K)


i have no fun secrets, no mistakes which are learned from or juicy gossip.
and ive told my share of them to people i regret telling them to already
i dunno i dont really care i guess
my nephew asked me that a few weeks ago and i said purple for no real reason

Attached: Ds2AR1ZVAAAavR8.jpg orig.jpg (750x1334, 84K)

Take the day off.. but you have to do it tomorrow, set a reminder. For now though just relax and be comfy

Attached: 1547892709797.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Tell me all your secrets, or else...

Attached: Call.jpg (400x526, 33K)

It's just a bit of a awkvard time.

But I can talk I think.

Attached: Schro (1).png (613x640, 675K)

The thread wont connect for me.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__5e130e2566b69d223b187fc1c30d98d2.jpg (600x539, 165K)



Attached: 156.png (725x720, 1.02M)

Why would it be awkward? Here in the UK it's almost sunrise, I can hear the bloody seagulls.
Also, thank Gott we're back up.

Attached: feels good.jpg (600x450, 40K)

Attached: 82.jpg (982x1200, 198K)

I'm back but too tired Aki

I need to sleep I'll talk with you tomoro.

If you seemed on just say 777

Attached: 2563dde57a.jpg (130x200, 7K)

Where u from?

i love you

Attached: 84.jpg (1425x1250, 209K)

Poland, but moved to the UK when I was 8, why?

Attached: waving.jpg (300x466, 20K)

Where in UK u living? South Wales here

West Midlands.

Attached: Despacito.jpg (900x885, 400K)

Attached: 119.gif (180x179, 12K)

Attached: 127.png (1500x1500, 1.33M)