People who dislike other people just because of the color of their skin or sexual preference or religion should all be...

People who dislike other people just because of the color of their skin or sexual preference or religion should all be thrown into a wood chipper feet first.

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>imagine thinking nigger hate is because of mere skin color

>imagine thinking fag hate is because of mere sexual attraction

>imagine thinking islam hate is because they say funny words

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Imagine being this ignorant.
Also nothing was said about language so your Islam comment makes no sense

Oh i dont dislike people for those reasons.
niggers, faggots and religifags just are subhumans.

and of course not all of them, most faggots are ok, some religifags have just been abused as a child (in the form of indoctrination) and some are too stupid so they cant be blamed either.
Niggers tho, they got no excuse.

Nice bait there, son.

Id say about 90%of religious people are religious because they were brainwashed into it. (Indoctrination)

Not sure why people are taking the skin color part to just be about black people. But it just shows that they are ready to meet the chipper

well yeah but they become adults and gain the ability of critical thinking and scepticism, they make all these excuses to keep believing when freedom is just a couple steps in the direction of honesty.


Noone "hates" these people for superficial reasons.
People dislike these groups because of what they do

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Gay people can help you wing man. Religious folks are there for a good laugh, even if most of them aren't terrible people--just brainwashed. And the blacks? Well, you tell me how awful they are the next time you need to buy drugs.

>need to buy drugs.
>need to

just off yourself already, you'd do a solid for you and the rest of us.

This, shit like this makes me hate public fags

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everyone with a low enough IQ to post this here should be sterilized

Maybe, just maybe, the entire system has been up against them. They get pulled from a different continent, are turned into slaves, fight for freedom, just to be put in slums and fight each other over scraps.

>Maybe, just maybe

The memes write themselves

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Yes, "need to", because it isn't a matter of semantics at all. That's really all you've got? Enjoy your food stamps and section 8 while the rest of us work for a living.

Maybe, just maybe, IQ has a major biological factor and lower IQ leads to people being more violent and commit more crimes on average

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These fags will try and force feed dick to the working man and expect you to tell them thanks. When are we going to stand up together and start beating these nigger fags down like we did im the 90's. Let's start revolution!

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How DARE you make a MEME out of ME! I'm literally shaking right now!

Yo, heads up: I think your pizza rolls are finished cooking. Don't wanna let them get cold.

Must be a really sad life if you NEED drugs. Or is it your job that sucks?
or maybe you are just a miserable excuse of a man, we are all eating a giant shit sandwich here and dealing with it too, so sorry you need something extra to forget your troubles instead of solving them.

What should be the crime for a group of people, who all happen to be Jewish, who colluded to get millions of specifically white Americans addicted to opiates through the overprescription of drugs prescribed through a network of Jewish doctors?

So far, it's zero punishment. Yet, a guy trying to get away from a crowd aimed at killing him, stops his car NEAR a fat whale who falls over and has a heart attack and he is given 412 years in prison for the crime of being white?

You seem to have all the answers.

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Go away, tranny shill.

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Alright glad you think that way. I believe all ops should be raped by donkeys then set in fire.

Fair enough. But I don't think the government gives that much of a fuck about the black population to give proper statistics. Every race has their rejects. The black community is pretty poor. Pretty uneducated too. They also get locked up more for petty drug crimes.

People can't take being at the bottom. So they create groups to hate on and blame in order to convince themselves that someone else is actually the bottom of the barrel.

Show me some smart and super successful people (who have plenty of rungs below them on the ladder) who are seething racists spouting rampant hate. Won't happen.

Shut the fuck up gay nigger pagan

People don't hate niggers because black skin, they hate niggers because niggers are statistically dumber and more violent.

People don't hate fags because of pooper-sticking, they hate fags because of negative effects on society (same with trannies).

Christ, I feel sorry for you, dude. You're really holding onto semantics, because it's the only straw your chubby little hands can grab onto.

>sadistic thoughts like this make me a good person

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>Every race has their rejects. The black community is pretty poor. Pretty uneducated too. They also get locked up more for petty drug crimes.

Again, black people commit more crimes ON AVERAGE.
Noone is saying it is all black people.

Black people commit way more crime as a population. It's not because of systematic racism or "muh drug crimes!"

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If simply not liking Jews because they make other races hate you, poison your children with prescribed opiates, and steal your children to rape them on an island gets you thrown in a wood chipper, what is the punishment for the murdering millions of healthy babies and even going as far as to describe baby murder with the Semitic word, "abortion'?

What is the punishment for mass murder on scales never before seen by mankind?

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That's retarded
The unsuccessful might be the most vocal but I've known successful people who would be labeled "racist" as well
You don't hear about it because they have too much to lose to risk saying something even just a little wrong for fear of losing customers or public image and getting smeared and gossiped about

and you are better making fat jokes at someone you have never seen?
Please, just deal with your saddness or get some professional help instead of trying to take it on others.

who owned or otherwise financed the slave ships user? I'll give you a hint. it was "white" people.

Everyone on this part of the site should be sterilized or just offed

No, that’s violent.

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Don't threaten me with a good time.

>Show me some smart and super successful people (who have plenty of rungs below them on the ladder) who are seething racists spouting rampant hate. Won't happen.
Lol kid, you've just described almost every single highly successful person that ever lived.

I mean, take jews for example. Their fake religion actively teaches them to hate everyone who's not them, look down upon everyone else, lie, cheat, steal, kidnap, torture, rape, murder. They're pretty successful though as a group. Racism is actually a concept that was coined by jews to describe their hatred for humanity. But like everything jewish, they project that onto other people.

Your argument isn't even an argument it's so bad.

I don't hate people just because of the color of their skin. I hate people because of their actions. It's just that, the result is pretty much the same.

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I never claimed to be a good person. Im definitely a sadistic person though.

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Everything you know is a lie

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Thanks for making my point. Appreciate that.

Yep, general racism exists everywhere. But seething racists, rampant hate spouters, and the true racial troublemakers rarely exist far from the bottom.

The Sacklers will pay for what they've done. Hail victory.

>seething racists, rampant hate spouters, and the true racial troublemakers
White people are the statistically least racist group on the planet.

jews. blacks, hispanics, sand people, asians: these groups are genuine racists who have all participated in ethnic cleansing in the past and to this day. Jews are so vile that they commit the crimes then blame white people for them, and they'll teach the public this bullshit via media, education, and entertainment.

Face it, shlomo. You don't have an argument and you're not smart enough to understand that.

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why do you type like a hardcore faggot then?

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Your point is retarded
"Racism" as you think of it, doesn't exist.
Noone just "hates" for no reason.
There are cartoons that the British drew in the 1700's mocking the Irish. They drew them like monkeys.

People at the bottom say the things the people at the top don't risk to say.
It sounds racist to people who are too retarded to understand it.

Want to defend your nation? Want a border? Have a different economic theory that isn't giving away money?
"You are a racist"
And that's why the people at the top don't say it.

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The Jewish religion is literally a claim of racial superiority "the Jews are God's chosen people"

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then you're a hypocrite who shouldn't be making moralistic claims. that is of course, if you care about being consistent, and aren't just a Jew kvetching about nothing in a spam thread

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The simple fact is, negroes are much more primitive. They can live without commiting so much crime if they were in their natural habitat - a small tribe with an elder and strict laws and cultural norms. But if you take them and throw em in a already crime ridden megapolis filled with all sort of degeneracy, then its just a recipe for disaster. The evolution of human culture has reached the point of nations and empires, and it has been so for the past 4000-10000 years or so. Before that we were all tribal. Negroes haven't really evolved past the tribal phase. Certain individuals - for sure, but not in general. And there is a lot we can learn from them. Just let em dance around their campfires singing ooga booga and eating cow shit. They are not the ones poluting the air, poisoning the land and killing the animals. They were living in balance with nature.

That doesn't even make sense.

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How does me not claiming to be a good person make me a hypocrite?

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White people have done all that as well. And I'd like to see your "statistics." (How statistics can even apply in that claim is a mystery.)

Again, general racism exists everywhere.

Understanding that every situation and person is different and a product of a million scenarios... that takes mental energy and patience. Lumping BILLIONS of people into a small description based on the acts of the few is extremely lazy cognition and the product of a midget mind. Hence you never being referred to as a smart person - except by close loved ones or those taking advantage of you.

OP is violently bigoted against people who dislike people for reasons he dislikes. Seems by his own logic he should jump into the wood chipper to avoid being a hypocrite.

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>Lumping BILLIONS of people into a small description based on the acts of the few

They're called "statistically significant samples". The average black IS more likely to be ignorant and violent. That fact doesn't change regardless of how hard you cry about it.

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>Hence you never being referred to as a smart person - except by close loved ones or those taking advantage of you.
Jews literally cannot help but project. That shit would be hilarious if it weren't so destructive. You're doing the exact thing you're projecting onto me, projecting your world view and beliefs onto me, so you can tell yourself that I'm you, and that means I am somehow beneath you. A broken mind like yours is a very interesting thing to study. You've been broken since birth. First by being repeatedly raped by your rabbis and elders. Then by having your head filled with lies and hatred. You are not a person, and you're incapable of making a point. You're just trying to deflect and project and just going through a checklist of narcissistic argumentation tactics.

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remind the D-KKK-Rats where they come from.

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You're probably right about some of that.

Anyway, can you just give me my change now and lift the parking gate?

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Caucasian btw and I vote republican. Made my point when you went Jew on that rant.

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> People who dislike other people just because of the color of their skin or sexual preference or religion should all be thrown into a wood chipper feet first.
What if we dislike them because of a behavior or attitude or incivility, and everyone with those traits happen to share a certain skin color or religion that causes it?

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You're statisticing wrong. The average black can't be "more likely to" anything. It's an average. The average black IS more ignorant and violent. That means any RANDOM black is more likely to be, but the AVERAGE one IS. That's what average means. And what it also means, is that more than half ARE.

Fuck off gay nigger boi

well that was fun.

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Good luck purging over half the nation; bitch.

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we can illuminate alot of that hate just by calling a jew a jew.

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people who want to throw other people in wood chippers should be imprisoned for the safety of the general public

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I don't hate their skin color.
I do hate their trash culture.
Pedro invites all his friends and family to emulate locusts.
Tyrone steals shit and ditches all of his kids.
Pooja doesn't understand hygiene and runs scams all day.
Sally thinks female is a race and it's the superior one.
Their skin doesn't cause any of that.

Who sold the black slaves to the merchants?
Oh right, it was black people.

People who want to throw people in a wood chipper for their opinions should be slowly run over with a bus.