What does it feel like to get shot?
What does it feel like to get shot?
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It felt pretty good. After I got shot I went bowling.
stab yourself with a screwdriver
probably something like that
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it hurts
Felt like heavin. 1000000% better than sex
Feels Good On Your Cock Try It
Idk, what do you think it feels like to have a small metal projectile enter your body at high speeds? Probably doesn't feel like a blowjob.
Getting shot is not painfull because of all the rush of chemicals your body throws in the organism.
It's the aftermath that is hell on heart.
Can you imagine impale your toe with a nail and ranning on the sand for 10 minutes?
Now do that when being shot in the leg.
That's painfull.
I was pretty high adrenaline when I got shot.
Didn’t hurt until hospital.
When I got shot my back get hot and I thought I tripped, didn’t know I was shot at first
What happened after that? And what led up to it?
Got shot in the left thigh, freely like hot metal sitting on my skin, then shock then agony and freaking out
Kinda like a wasp sting at first, then it starts really hurting, you feel the burn where the bullet is, then about 10 minutes after it really really sucks.
Bags of sand
Painful I suspect, very painful.
Skating with friends, I was 13 or so, apparently wrong side of town and got shot in a drive by.
Still have no fucking clue why.
I’m 100% today. No residual problems. I’m in my 30’s
Only one way to find out for real op
Post pics and let us know
Dunno, didnt go to school in the USA
like salty milk and coins
No rush of "chemicals" or endorphins, felt like getting hit by a sledgehammer three times in quick succession, flak jacket caught the first two and nearly stopped the rounds from going into me, they were superficial, the third went in through my left side about 5 inches above my belt, it exited out of the front of my thigh about3 inches to the right of my balls.
The wound felt like it was burning hot and freezing cold at the same time, that's as near as I can describe it.
All the rounds were from an AK47, the one that got me good had actually turned as it passed through me and exited backwards, the entrance wound was just the size I could put the tip of my pinkie into, the exit was a little bigger than a golf ball and had pulled out with it some unidentified parts of me.
The doctors made a much bigger mess of me than the bullets as they had to cut me wide open to see what the main bullet had done.
I came out of surgery with a little over 120 stitches and apart from tearing my intestines and grazing my pelvis had done little damage on the way through.
I was on a plane back to England in16 hours after being hit, I was never able to rejoin my unit and I have a disability pension now.
I was 22 when I was hit and now I'm 33, would do it all again tomorrow, the war against Islam is a war of survival.
only hurts if it takes a crane to get the bullets out
Holy fuck. Any scars?
Starts with a searing hot pain that numbs our for a few seconds then hits back like acid eating into your flesh. It's hard to describe as you can feel the slug stuck in you if doesn't pass through.
like having a piece of lead go through your body really fast
I think it was .22 or 9mm
I was hit twice in the back. Surgery and all that.
Minimum scar, I have scars but that was from bs in the Army
This was me for about 2 weeks after a .22 in the shin