Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA/ Paramount /Downey area...

Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA/ Paramount /Downey area, I drive my car all over the area, and I work 70+ hrs a week, drive a Corolla, and eat at Alberto's

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Where can I buy some quality heroin around here?

West Hollywood

What the fuck os up with these threads? They are always on with odd variations, are you mentally ill? Go outside.

Will you ever give up on making these threads? I unironically hope not.

Is this a jew ploy to destabilize the meme economy?

How does it feel that Pepsi is near bankruptcy when Coca-Cola has a superior product such as Vanilla Orange Coke?

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What's your ethnicity? You look Italian or half white half latino

>How does it feel that Pepsi is near bankruptcy

The fuck you talking about? PepsiCo is literally too big to fail

I'm mexican

You ever get product stolen?

I've had my car stolen in Watts

Not if the competition keeps putting out a superior product as I used in my example. Pepsi will decline if it doesn't retaliate.

PepsiCo owns Alot of products, from Frito Lay to Naked Juice, Aquafina, Mountain Dew, Starbucks, Rockstar, etc, they'll be fine

Do you enjoy your work?

Why do enjoy raping children?

And gatorade you jewfag

That's a lie and you know it

Ok. Why do you do it when it's not enjoyable?

Yeah, it's smaller than the others though

I was in a store that only sold Coke products the day they were switching to only Pepsi products. The Coke guy was hauling the Coke out and the Pepsi guy was bringing the Pepsi shit in. I wished I had a camera. Had to find a new store. Pepsi sucks.

What kind of a shitty grocery doesn't sell both?

Price Rite.

So some small time grocery store

No. A big chain that sells good food at a reasonable price compared to Stop & Shop or Shaw's that sell the same shit for 2 or 3 times more.