why are black people so fucking loud and stand outside all day in the sun doing absolutely nothing in their late 30s 40s the fuck?
Why are black people so fucking loud and stand outside all day in the sun doing absolutely nothing in their late 30s...
WTF Did U Jus Say Nigga Fuckin White Ass Nigga Lookin Ass Cracka Ass Finna Bussacap Inyo Ass Lil Bitch Boy You My Bitch Head Ass Nigga Lookin Ass... Fuck you bitch ass...
Bitch Ass Nigga Fuck You Lil White Boy I'm Finna Bust A Cap Directly Up Yo Ass
Head Ass Lookin Ass Boy Lookin Ass Nigga. Fuck You Bitch.
Fuck You Head Ass Lil Bitch Still See Yo Shadows In MY ROOM Fuck you Bitch WHy Yo Homo Cracka Ass In My Crib? Bitch Ass.
Bixnood shieettt
Why A Niglet Tryna Be Racist Huh Nigga Ass Fuck You Cunt. Fuckin Faggot Ass
This Bum Ass Cracka. I Swear He Finna Get His Ass Clapped Me n' My Crew Crew Finna Shmack The Shit Outta You White Boy
Yeah That's Right Pussy Nigga Ain't Got Shit On Me. Bitch Ass........ I'm A Fuckin' Gangsta.
WTF Did Yo White Fuckin Ass Just Say To Me? Bitch Ass Tryna Say Somethin'. Did All Y'alls Know That Image Mean "U A FUCKING NIGGER NIGGER JAJAJAJ"? Fuck You Nigga Ass
You sound uptight OP, chill out m8
-1 upnote for not respecting their racial heritage.
Because they live 10+ to a house. And they are loud because they are all essentially carbon copies of eachother and are trying to stand out in some way.
Not all do. The ones that do? They're urban rednecks.
They aren't doing nothing. They are watching for things to steal and women to rape.
Why do you live near niggers? Access where you fucked up your life.
I stand by my, whatever it is I was impying in my original post.
This is an actually good explanation. This isnt racist at all.
One word. Welfare. Since 1964.