Somewhere in the world a nigger just died lmao

somewhere in the world a nigger just died lmao
thats nice

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Somewhere in th he world a teenager just used the n word on the internet and felt an empty and embarrassing burst of power and agency

somewhere in the world a homosexual namefag replied to my thread and then his mom walked into the room and beat the shit out of him

Somewhere in the world a man chopped of his penis and called himself a woman lol nice


lol gottem

DAMNNN NIGGA you got blasted like a fool

cringe niggers

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stfu cracker

Somewhere in the world people are having sex

da qualelty ob pots is bury imports

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NIGGA what the fuk you sayin fool

hey i just wanted you to know that you are very cringe niggers

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word up

ayo hol up

goodbye nigger

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American niggers a re better off than african niggers. They should be grateful they got a ticket to america really.

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>burst of power
you're either seriously overthinking this or projecting lole

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