What does b think about Reddit fags?

What does b think about Reddit fags?

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thread locked because y'all can't behave

its an echo chamber of retarded memes, pictures of dogs with fake backstories, losers seeking vindication in r/AITA because they are weak minded faggots, and paid communists and bots controlling what is posted in r/news r/politics r/worldnews


assume the status quo or be denied your imaginary validation points
also you can't even post the word nigger there

reddit is the real reason b is shit now

this too

What did Reddit do to b? Invite the shit post memes

Reddit is only part of the problem the biggest issue is how open the site is 4can didn't change but the world did summerfaggots flooded in and its been summer since

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i think that anything accepting of ppl actively wanting to be offended is trash. offended folk are the worst and should be done away with in whichever way offends them the most.

full of normies, nothing but hipster snowflake fags

>losers seeking vindication in r/AITA because they are weak minded faggots
I'll admit I lurk the site a lot, but jesus fucking christ I can't stand the general user base.

They had a thread this morning because some guy didn't know if he'd be the asshole or not because him and his wife used a surrogate to carry their child, and when the little shit popped out, it was obvious that it wasn't their kid. So now OP doesn't want to take this kid this really isn't his because of some mixup or the surrogate possibly never conceived from the donated sperm but possibly got fucked and got pregnant instead, and every fucking faggot on that site was losing their minds saying OP /HAS/ to raise the kid for whatever fucking reason.

I only saw one sensible person on their compare it to keeping a baby from rape, or raising the kid your wife fucking spits out after cheating on you, but every other faggot on their was crying that OP has to take the baby even though the doctors or whoever fucked up, and it's not his. And here I am hours later still peeved about those high-horsed faggots

it's great for porn tbh

It's the only reason why I have a Reddit account just for the porn of it

reminder that there are no normal people. only depressed, delusional and criminal.

Have nothing against reddit users, and their site's not a bad idea. However, their upvoting system has resulted in this whole "karma" farming culture, where the users are more concerned about getting their internet points than actually talking about anything that might seem challenging. The fear of getting downvoted eventually results in less discussion an more cirklejerk.

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It's okay for pron but otherwise idk, if it's not political and the mods on a sub aren't faggot (re: Pretty much never) it's full of echo chamber nonsense. AITA is a good example of a lot of teenagers trying to give life advice from a sheltered and very retarded point of view, and they're well supported by the mods there.

sounds really shitty. in an american societal way.

Better porn then Yea Forums??

I almost lost an eye with a screwdriver

Yup I second that

I'm an OG Yea Forums-tard from 2006, a Reddit user, and I'm working on a PhD. I guess I'm a bit of an anomaly. :-)

seems right

Options on Reddit? And/or Yea Forums?

I found Yea Forums in 2007. For 10 years I thought of reddit as an absolute cesspit and cancer of the internet - basically digesting whatever came from here after it already stopped being funny or fresh.

Now I find myself spending more time on the various subreddits than I do on Yea Forums. I only come here occasionally when I'm really bored or sat on toilet taking a shit.

People say Yea Forums is dying - but it already died years ago and all the new kids that find it these days are playing with its long decomposed corpse.

Reddit was never bad - I was lied to. Obviously the main subs like r/funny will be 80% filled with shitty normie and boomer humour - so you got to find the ones you find funny.

ya them and r/politics infuriate me, that place is a cesspool

>"We ask that you keep the discussion civil and remain unbiased"
>*says anything remotely conservative*
>HOW DARE YOU etc etc
>You have been banned from participating in r/politics

I saw that thread, there were a few other posters telling the OP that the thread was cancer and he shouldn't look to the internet for advice

My god that thread
>She wants a baby thats 5050 me and her not some strangers and her
>The race doesn't matter it's not my chi-
Like, holy fuck. It can be the other way too tho, I've seen some serious cringe from actual boomers who've never really had to work in their life act like giving their one of their kids, and not the other, a 5 room home wasn't a big deal while also not understanding why they other sibling would be mad.

reddit died when they banned WPD



the mods are shit heads the ban you without warning
also they don't allow everything cos it looks bad for the advertisers

Another boomer site. Boomers ruined it too.

Are the public or going public? If a safe space is more profitable, fuck it.

put me in the screencap so the mods of r/Yea Forums can see that I think they are kissless virgins

>kissless virgins
>means something
you stupid little child.

what's b?
also, it's pleddit

[Because we dont agree with it]*

[Because you're spot on and that offends us]

[Nigger dicks are large]

The only thing worse than Reddit is their love of our works

reddit raid when?

Man reddit is truly cancer. I really have no clue how they ALL think it's okay to be such fucking faggots. And then once anyone has ANY different kind of opinion, they swarm you like flies to shit. And that's IF they dont ban you for having a different opinion

Yes, it's better than the constant stream of nigger dicks and gay porn.

You mean /r/fatpeoplehate


I'd be up for that.

Christina Almaraz of Dallas, Texas aka Christy aka all over the fucking place

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Thanks for the Gold, kind stranger!

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