MY neighbor sits in his car in his driveway for hours just blasting loud music...

MY neighbor sits in his car in his driveway for hours just blasting loud music. I work third shift so this is usually when I'm trying to sleep. I've tried talking to him about it, since he could easily just drive somewhere else since it's a car, but any time I talk to him he immediately gets angry and aggressive and the end result is he doesn't change his behavior. I've tried calling the cops but they've never once shown up.

Any ideas Yea Forums?

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have you tried ear plugs?

Directed microwave devices will shut down electronics across a distance(through walls) too. But can't do that while he is sitting in there as it will be dangerous and assault with a deadly weapon, so definitely don't do that. Seriously. You'll rot in jail.

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Have you tried filing a noise complaint?

If you had access under the hood of said car I could give you a possible non-destructive but potentially expensive way to shut it down for at least a few days

How fuckin hard is it to get earplugs? Maybe some noise cancelling headset on top of you need it. Motherfuckers need to let out stress somehow. Why don't you take responsibility for your own well being instead of bitching about how you can't control the world around you? If you want him to stop, you're gonna have to make him, faggot.

This is really your only option. It certainly won't help the anger and aggression, but any other options would probably implicate yourself in a larger crime.

Fucking retarded comment.

haha. defending some asshole adding to the stress of others, because he needs to relieve stress.
you are a stain, sir.

File a noise complaint or keep calling cops.

We live in a society.

While he is sleeping place ten prices of cat food or half cup of sugar into gas tank. If he is a dick that has a "I think it's safe because switch is inside" type, just screwdriver that shit open.
I do this anytime a neighbor has the audacity to fuck around anywhere neary building.
I am the type to throw eggs and pour oil on stupid fucking neighbor kids at Halloween time though.

be more aggro and beat their ass. dont be a pussy and call the cops.

Call the cops (non-emergency line) literally every time he does it. They'll be more likely to do something if they receive repeated complaints.

slit his tiers when he's away?

Underage GTFO

That just ensures that the car stays in the driveway. He wants the music to stop or go away.

>I work third shift
>any time I talk to him he immediately gets angry
>the cops but they've never once shown up
>Any ideas Yea Forums?

get a real job, learn some social skills, and move to a decent neighborhood the cops care about

I'm gonna slit your bloody tires

Stomp a tranny to death

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I am thirty years of age, hence why I referred to them as little shits and kids.
Learn to recognize context.

You do nothing of the sort.

Right, so instead of being a child, you simply act like one. Got it.

It's called balls.
Grow a pair.
Then go over there and tell him to turn his fucking music down or you're going to torch his stupid fucking car with him strapped in the front seat.
If he even dares open his mouth you crack him on the top of his fuckin head with your revolver and smash him in the fuckin teeth a few times before reiterating your point.
Problem fucking solved.

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break his windows and threaten him with a tire iron you bitchboy

>he comes to fuckin' Yea Forums expecting serious advice as to how to not be a cuck.
oh sweet summer child

More shitty advice from children who have never dealt with real-world problems before.

Don't do this shit, OP. Escalating the situation will almost always make things worse.


>just call the cops
>keep calling the cops
>cops tell you to buy some fucking ear plugs because dude did nothing wrong jamming in his driveway midday other than being an inconsiderate ass and the law doesn't handle inconsiderate assholes

Im 37 you fuckin twat
Probably the oldest faggot here
This is how you deal with real world problems
By being a fucking man
Not a pussy ass pleb
My apologies OP
You are no longer faggot
This faggot is now faggot

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Not OP but similar situation. I've tried earplugs and earphones to cover the sound. 1 - not completely effective. 2 - Due to the guy spending HOURS outside doing it (sometimes 6-7) it hurts the ears to have those in for so long.

Not OP but similar situation. Cops come and it's quiet for maybe a month then starts again. Done it a few times but it's not a permanent fix.

Jesus, 37 years old and you still act like this? It must be embarrassing to be around you in real life.

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I work third shift.

It sucks, but it's no one's fault that we work during the night. I can't expect or ask for the world to stop.

Most cities and counties in the US have noise ordinances that prohibit unreasonable noise during certain times of the day. If OP's neighbor does it during the daytime, he's shit outta luck. But if he does it late at night or early in the morning, then his local noise ordinance probably covers that.

not the same guy you have been bitching at but you seem super young and dumb like maybe 16 years old if that

Not so simple. To get anything done you have to call an officer over with sound measuring machines to determine if you have a case. When they see cops they stop.

Dude is right, though. The only way to stop an asshole who isn't doing something illegal is to get in his face.
If he backs down and reduces the volume then you go back and apologize for getting in his fucking face with a caveat.

That's fine if you think that. Your opinion means very little to me.

Yeah your just proving my point lol

You need a static generator. You can build one with a car ignition coil, a buzzer, and a spark plug. You wire it up to a car battery or 12 volt power supply so battery, buzzer, and coil are in series. This will fire the high voltage side and make the spark plug spark. Turn it on any time he starts playing music. It works better the nearer to his car you can get it, while still being concealed on your property. Like in your garage or something. It will drive him crazy because his expensive stereo will sound like shit, but only in his driveway.

And if he doesn't? OP has already mentioned that the guy gets angry and aggressive when confronted. It really comes down to whether OP is willing to risk a beating or assault charges so he'll stop playing music.

These are me. For OP. The only "solution" I've found is we bought a pricey Bose speaker, hooked up an mp3 play to play a deep base drone sound for 10 hours (found on youtube I think) and MOST times it covers the sound and is more pleasing than random beats. Hope that helps you.

OP made it clear he works nights sp dude is making noise during the day. There still might be noise ordinances but the sound limit is probably way beyond what is going on.
OP can deal with it like a cuck or assert himself like a man. He can't hide behind cops

Rape him publicly to assert dominance

>ust blasting loud music. I work third shift so this is usually when I'm trying to sleep. I've tried talking to him about it, since he could easily just drive somewhere else since it's a car, but any time I talk to him he immediate
Get some rockwool insulation board and put it over the windows. It might help enough to isolate the noises. My sister had that issue with the trashman at 5am in her apartment and said that was enough to help her sleep at that time.

How about using a slingshot to shoot dog shit pellets through his open car windows, from some place of concealment?

When you were born the doctor slapped the wrong end

Cut his brake wires

just shoot him bro, it's america after all.

Actually, speakers of your own are a good idea. Anytime he starts up you blast him with some classical music, so his music sounds crappy.

That's the risk you took getting in his face. Could have just dealt with it like a cuck I guess.

Nothing a cinder block through the windshield in the middle of the night won't fix.

Take a shit in his gas tank

brake wires? Brake lines you mean?

you prob sit around and wonder why everyone fucking hates you dont you...

Yup. Of course there is a solid chance dude will back off if met with aggression. That's just how reality often works

>not realizing user is from the future where brakes are electric and not hydraulic

How about a super bright spotlight pointed at his driveway, that has a sound-activated relay? Or maybe flashing red and blue lights and a siren, also pointed at his driveway.

Did the same with with a Polk Audio 12" self amplified speaker. Was like $200-250 on Amazon. Every time they'd start playing bass, I'd turn that bitch on until 8-10pm. They stopped pretty quick.

Burn it down or piss into the holes below the front window.

Get needle nose pliers and take the air out of his tires then pinch the valve stems... do it to at least 2 tires because you know he has 1 spare, he will be forced to get the car towed somewhere... good luck op (and yes this works very well at pissing off your neighbor)

Get some side cutters and cut the valve stems on 2 of his tires, no one has 2 spares.

I didn't mean start a sound war lol. We use it in the bedroom as a sort of sound blanket.

Cut his breaks.

Check your local ordinance laws and shit. If he's doing that shit past the local 'noise time', then he could get written up for it. Or you could provoke him to get punched and get his ass thrown in jail.

...downside is they got a dog that barks constantly when it's outside (luckily it's inside mostly) but our sound covers base and not bark or screaming kids. So it's not 100% but it has given us a good bit of peace. It's the best "solution" we have so far.

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Set up a target. Make sure neighbours car is behind it. Shoot paint balls "at target" oh no what an accident.
Also. Every time you call the cops make sure you get the crime reference number that is associated with your call. Just ask and they will give you it. That way if they show up in regards to you paintballing his car accidentally you can show them a list of calls you've made that they didn't respond to.

If you work 3rd shift, you aren't working a real job?

Next time you ring the cops tell them he pulled a gun/ knife on you, that'll make them come out.
Or just beat the shit out of him so bad he'll never want to listen to music again

Oh I fucking let them have it. You can't have mercy though. If they started bass, it's an automatic bass retaliation until 8-10pm. That's the only way it worked.

This is me again, I think this is the one we have

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If that worked for you then that's awesome. I just don't think it would work for OP but it's an option to try.

>any job that has a third shift isnt a real job
Hows high school bud?

don't do this because it would be illegal.

but you could pay a friend to set his car on fire at night while you're at work. you've got a bulletproof alibi and he's very unlikely to ever get caught unless he's an idiot.

Be louder.

Quit your job.
Move to the forest.
Make runs into town for basics...
Food. Gas. Lolis. Candy. Laundry.

Live your life in a better place.
You've been saving over 60% of every check for over 15 years of your working life like most responsible folks, right?

You're welcome.

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Plus every time he's a sick the suspect list grows.
It's not practical like a little girl farm- off the grid, but good. Wait a week or more since your last talk. Preferably a month.

Or rat him out endlessly.
Might complicate future little girl farm plans though.

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Break his stereo.

Go shoot out window with a pellet gun so no alarm. Snip antenna on his car and smash stereo

I feel for you, OP. I've had to deal with a number of noisy neighbors. Wish I had a solution for you.

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Courtesy of XKCD

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If no cameras. Find out when he sleeps, put go jacks on the car and roll it into the middle of the street. Remove go jacks, Report car in the middle of the street, car towed police are too lazy to find owner typically.

Just carefully follow him to find out where he goes to hang out. Catch him there one night and torch the car. Insurance company isn't likely going to cover the cost of the high end sound system, so that will quiet him down for awhile.