Room/b/a thread

Room/b/a thread.

Looking to buy one but it seems such an odd item to buy, do you have one? is it useful? Which one do you have?

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lmao, was deadass binging random videos yesterday about vacuums. Look up Vacuum Wars on youtube

Bought one on amazon the other week, love not having to hoover anymore and we put googly eyes on it and its cute

bruh vacuum community is big

Yeah but, does it fully replace your regular vacuum? I don't think it does the just as well as a regular one but would rather just keep it cleaner so you don't have to vacuum every week or so.

for us it has, except for the stairs i guess. someime you gotta sweep stuff out of corners into roomba-ing range too

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My mom bought me a roomba for my birthday because she knows I'm a fucking slob.
Best gift I ever received. I have a small apartment with 2 rooms and it's bascially perfect for that.
I have less than 40 square meters but when cleaning, most of the work is hauling the furniture around.
Ever since I got my roomba, I just haul around the few items that the robot has problems navigating and then I turn it on when going to work.
All in all, it saves a whole lot of time considering it just costs a few hundred bucks.

we got a eufy from amazon, it's the best for keeping up with hardwood floors.

poster ofyou won't really have to worry about edges especially with the newer roombas. They have edge sweepers and are pretty good with room mapping. Only issue would probably be stairs or crevices

definitely useful, as long as you buy one having aerovac and small particles filtering.

don't go for cheaper ones


Kek, I'm not that much of a slob but my current apartment is small too and I don't have a lot of storage space which lead to my vacuum being in a closet behind items which is just tedious to open every week.
Just looking for an easy way to make my weekly vacuum a 2/3 weekly vacuum and this seems like the best solution.

I don't expect it to be perfect, main thing I would like is that it cleans the areas of most ''traffic''
I hate coming home and taking off my socks only to walk in little particles on the ground.

Wasn't looking to cheap out, because your points come up in a lot of reviews.
Mid range seems good enough.

>cleaning anything

Roomba just maps your house for when the feds kck in your door so they have a layout.

GUYS, Roomba with Navigation, or Roomba with random patern?

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random misses spots and can get super annoying

Got the Roomba 960. I love it. Have. German Shepherd who sheds ton during the summer.
>Will get another for the 2nd floor come Black Friday

Alright room/b/ros

I'm convinced. I'm buying my own Room/b/a soon. (Robot vacuum, not specifically roomba)

Thanks for the last push, and if Yea Forums is honest and open about the Robot vacuums then it must be a life changer.


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I clean offices at night for extra cash and have one of these I bring along to do some extra work for me, just gotta make sure it doesn't try to run away

Green text Roomba story
>October 2018
>At Chick Fil A
>Overhear business men talking, laughing. Sounds like a good time.
>Catch the story midway
>Guy is telling his buddies his Roomba of 8+ years recently kicked the bucket
>Never appreciated it or took care of it.
>Now that it's gone, sees what he took for granted.
>Mentions wife and 2 kids don't measure up to Roomba
>Looks legitimately somber, saying he will treat the new one better.
>RIP Roomba

FUQQQQ my roomba is 9 years old

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Swear to you user, the guy looked broken. Appreciate your Roomba. Vikings funeral when it goes

She's nice-lookin'. Know her or just saved?

aw mistreated roomba
checked also nice 0s

TIL people have emotional attachments to their roombas

why are the threads where Yea Forumstards give actual advice and are normal always about hella random shit like robo-vacs lmao

i mean why not its not like anybodys asking for trouble and this is just a pleasant way of spending time with people also interested in potentially killer but cute robot vacuums

imagine feeling threatened by a room/b/a thread

who said i felt threatened

Have shark ion. Great for a basic sweep if you have cats for the hair. Seems okay to keep up with my messy boy. Schedule while you are away unless you simply intend to amuse yourself cuz these things can be noisy.

I still use my cordless stick to get edges and furniture, and a mop on hard floors. Definitely does not eliminate cleaning by my standard, but its helpful.

Bought my wife one. Its alright. It gets stuck under the couch and the shoe rack everytime it cleans but it does a decent job. It's kind of annoying but it makes her happy.

Bored? why not check this cool servver, full of hot lewds of females and traps!

discord gg/7e5ce36

I'm waiting for self-emptying to come down myself. Been interested for years but not self-emptying was a deal breaker.

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didn't your reply make it 34?

you suck at math.

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