What’s up /b I take a shit with all of my clothes off. But only at home

What’s up /b I take a shit with all of my clothes off. But only at home.

>weird stuff you do but feels normal

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i do it too. its not weird. its liberating

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Oh yeah, pic unrelated

I take my shirt off and pull down my pants around my ankles

and also, have a tay

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When i finish pissing, i milk out the last few drops by squeezing around the base of my shaft and moving my hand towards the tip.

I think these are rather normal.

I meticulously cut all my food before eating it.

I bite my cheek regularly. I search for any areas in my mouth that feel cut or bunched skin and just gnaw away.

Naked shitter master race here as well user. Dont think its weird

when i fart i tilt my pelvis so it goes between my labia, it's a dead silent fart then


i don't comprehend for obvious reasons, may i see a grafic of that procedure?

Same i spread my buttcheeks

I cry in my sleep and sometimes notice blood in my ears and on my pillow when i wake up

i don't think i could do that even if i would want to

well, then...cough cough...a pic?

Dude... go see a doctor

I tolerate ignorant people all day every day without calling them out for being useless dead weight in society. They’re everywhere.

I do it too but when I’m stressed

Everyone does this, especially after jacking off. Unless baby dick

I whizz in the sink to save on water

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I do too. Even when I'm at work.
I also haven't sat on a toilet since I was 10 years old. 30 now.

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whopps it's /k5TGxD4

this is normal

That sounds like something an ignorant person would say.

ignorant about what? or of what? which is the right word in this?

I'm shitting without clothes on right now. It's normal, especially if you live alone.

So you live life like a normal person?

We don't give a shit faggot

Sometimes I’ll take something from someone’s apartment during a party, usually something very small but recognizable like an ornament and only when it’s late when everyone’s piss drunk.

I put it in a box at home and label it and when we go to a mutual friends apartment maybe 6 months later I’ll put it in the bathroom in a subtle area near the soap or light switch.

I haven’t seen a fight or massive accusation from it but when people find out I’ve heard about it and they look at that person like they’re scum for taking it. One time though someone thought his gf was sleeping with the guy cause of it, told me in private.

Have done this for about 14 years now and have had to use labels and a little pad in the box to keep track.

I let me dog lick my ass clean after a poop

I still run up stairs on all 4 limbs like a child. I'm 24. does not matter where I am- the office, the apartment, the courthouse. always all 4.

i have to take at least one pant leg out before i drop a deuce

no im not fat i just like to spread my legs on the crapper


I get completely nude when masturbating. For some reason I hate any clothes on when jacking it.

I pick at the corners of my toenails until I can grab on to a piece. Then I tear a length of toenail off.

Sometimes I chew it up but I mostly leave it on my night stand until my wife yells at me about it.

yeah i have to get butt ass naked before i have a session with my Fuck My Big Fat Titties 36DD Mega Masturbator from Pipedream Extreme. i just feel weird mounting it with any clothes on


that is how i normally cut my nails

i can only masturbate when lying on my back, the only problem is where to gowith the discharge

i tickle the inside of my nose with something long and thin until i nosegasm.
well you'd call it "sneeze".

on the belly quite obviously.

plot twist it's a girl

well, yeah. that's where it goes and then i gotta clean up, which is annoying
nah, i'm a dude

why clean up? just leave it there. that's what civilized people do!

i would just whipe it off and let the rest dry, but the smell

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i constantly check my own heart rate. especially after doing something that raises it. not sure why, use to be just to check for health but now i do it just to feel it. ive actually come to memorize the speeds

I do this but its more because I live naked.

I dont do it, im more on the Virgin Shit site of life.

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I always eat in my bed