Chubby/BBW thread

Chubby/BBW thread

Attached: 07637647720d87efee1c7a71b9ca1db5 (1).jpg (968x1452, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: g2d6b53.png (656x880, 996K)

Took this right now. What do to my fatty?

Attached: C549813C-64C2-45D6-BD61-B7097024F00E.jpg (2000x2666, 724K)

spread that ass

Attached: 47362623_207871553472607_564670066348523520_n.jpg (720x1280, 109K)

Attached: g2d6b8.png (1170x882, 1.11M)

Attached: 6F621004-964C-4978-A5EB-F687F61D51F9.jpg (2300x3066, 983K)

Attached: 37336474_2001587546519192_5007664440997314560_n.jpg (1616x1212, 63K)

Attached: B6CD48CC-F6CA-4CB5-BC70-4F7EE131D13C.jpg (2300x3066, 1.02M)

Attached: 79B48E6F-0AB5-4CC2-AF0A-76A890C8CA9F.jpg (2500x3333, 1.28M)

Holy fuck MOAR!!

Fuck I would feast on that ass

Attached: 11629.jpg (1080x1430, 148K)

Attached: 1561715498565.png (563x750, 890K)

Attached: 1562701103551.jpg (2316x3088, 1.05M)

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Attached: 1554606159611.jpg (2316x3088, 1.01M)

Attached: 7903645115898.jpg (1920x1080, 1.18M)

I can smell it. Only virgins that have never experienced the stink would be turned on by this.

Who is this? How do I find moar?

Only virgins dont get used to the smell.

If ya want berries and cream go stick your nose in a soapy arsehole.

holy shit since when does she make all naked pics like this???? got moar???

No. Get your girl to clean out her dirty cunt you sick fuck. Only a cuck sticks his face in a dirty unwashed clunge.

Dirty cunt is best cunt.

Attached: B15235AF-2234-491B-A202-605E06AB3BF0.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Attached: 1544932750338.png (891x671, 443K)

Attached: AAE7CFB3-FD9F-4550-9A58-314C685C92AB.jpg (658x971, 72K)

>all these "real" chubby girls
>not one with asshole hair

You faggots can't tell real no matter how many chubbies you fantasize over

Attached: Resized_20190811_060841.jpg (1200x1600, 127K)

Any more Kimberly?

Attached: 1565441677596.jpg (564x1063, 269K)

Attached: 547_1000.jpg (1000x892, 89K)


Attached: 221520797.jpg (1280x960, 117K)

More! Full body too!

Attached: AAD5BB03-710F-42C3-A615-7256648E7998.jpg (2669x3981, 1.92M)

Attached: Busty Elly 011.jpg (1913x2779, 1007K)


Attached: 6E976CC6-9372-43EF-B92E-A1122AF24F0D.jpg (2965x3928, 1.62M)

More! Hardcore?

For some reason, I want that

Attached: E9C6C55D-C8F6-4F31-879D-63D69218C04E.jpg (4004x3000, 1.65M)

Attached: IMG-20170226-WA0013.jpg (747x1328, 75K)

Attached: KIMG0255.jpg (720x960, 94K)

Attached: Busty Elly 015.jpg (2902x2625, 1.45M)

Attached: 7D3DE404-1E88-40F1-A462-89E63B46F870.jpg (1686x2584, 1.01M)

Attached: 022758372_133 (1).jpg (453x604, 43K)

keep posting


Attached: 3D7F91F9-0CDE-4CB0-AABE-7F967FAA43E3.jpg (2397x3162, 1.61M)


Attached: 40_704.jpg (603x452, 50K)

Would smash

Smash or pass

Attached: D493D7CB-69F6-4268-9CC1-6D7B0FAF5595.jpg (1080x1920, 195K)

Solid smash based on body. Would love to see nudes

Attached: IMG_0142.jpg (1774x2364, 1.67M)

My girls fat ass

Attached: BE86C414-9B6F-4F63-B295-B848CE396CD9.jpg (1280x1088, 161K)

pass. don't like shitskins

Fuckkin' saved.

Nice nips on some saggers

Attached: 620_1000.jpg (553x903, 93K)

Since she's had a fucking Patreon

she's a sandnigress

Attached: 149838109872.jpg (1024x580, 72K)

Would pound the fuck out of her!

Attached: Resized_20190811_060755.jpg (1200x1600, 142K)

post more if you have, look like my ex



Attached: 6928F783-FBD8-4660-B51D-2915D2A2A4BA.jpg (744x561, 89K)

Attached: unnamed-1 copy 2.jpg (1200x1600, 184K)

Attached: gonewildreplay-1543835912982190982-a2nqum.jpg (2592x1458, 295K)

Attached: 6BCC2C86-0A3B-4955-A053-EEE80B547081.jpg (1498x2100, 573K)

Attached: gonewildreplay-1541927229222407283-9w2fwe-Veola Barton.jpg (4224x5632, 1.32M)

Attached: IMG_4491.jpg (600x800, 143K)

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Attached: ResizedImage_1442937415127.jpg (459x816, 48K)

Attached: AirBrush_20190807160502.jpg (709x563, 266K)

Attached: IMG-20141204-WA0021.jpg (1147x1280, 322K)

Attached: 33843.jpg (3000x2254, 530K)

Attached: AirBrush_20190708110929.jpg (702x893, 414K)

Attached: IMG-20140206-WA0017.jpg (384x512, 20K)

Love this, she has a tight little pussy it looks like

Attached: q (12).jpg (2048x1536, 211K)

Any full frontal?

Attached: 806009974_43236.jpg (750x1000, 359K)

Attached: 806009974_43226.jpg (1151x1075, 254K)

Attached: 806009974_43240.jpg (720x1280, 85K)

Attached: AirBrush_20190708114100.jpg (279x242, 41K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-04-18-34-13~4.png (720x1124, 739K)

got a bit more if anyone wants

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-24-20-16-22~5.png (501x600, 294K)


Attached: 3409DE19-F84F-4349-BF24-4AE14468A833.jpg (665x878, 66K)


Attached: IMG-20140206-WA0018.jpg (600x800, 44K)

Dubs demand moar

Attached: 98F3962D-75BB-49BD-B9A5-EE2319E6E69C.jpg (1242x2200, 238K)

Show them nice tits


Attached: rtc-snapshot-5817550850858718735.jpg_1551343856542~2.jpg (357x480, 27K)

Attached: 47619.jpg (2254x3000, 582K)

Attached: rtc-snapshot-2098757766130068491.jpg_1550644193391~2.jpg (480x266, 25K)

Attached: rtc-snapshot-7782658457994560487.jpg_1550643665100~2.jpg (480x266, 23K)

she is beautiful

Attached: IMG-20180723-WA0007.jpg (812x1600, 124K)


Bored? why noot check this cool server, full of hot lewds of females and traps!

discord gg/7e5ce36

Attached: IMG-20180808-WA0000.jpg (812x1600, 114K)

Nice trips and glad you like

Attached: 55683.jpg (1538x2048, 519K)


Attached: 4912856.jpg (640x640, 156K)

would eat her for days and days

Attached: WP_20150410_18_40_58_Pro.jpg (3552x2000, 1.47M)


Attached: WP_20150410_18_41_05_Pro.jpg (3552x2000, 1.47M)


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Attached: WP_20150515_16_33_26_Pro.jpg (2000x3552, 1.35M)

Yep, got kik? Rollinghills609

Nice view

Attached: 45075.jpg (2254x3000, 585K)

Anyone recognize her?

Attached: 1558592505363.jpg (540x659, 67K)

any full body or ass shots of this goddess

Got plenty of here

Attached: IMG_0269.png (750x1334, 1.3M)


Attached: 0121191906.jpg (2560x1280, 1.03M)

Scroll up and you’ll see a few:

Attached: 7F4B78D5-DACD-43C6-9F7C-F23F6489E48A.jpg (4128x2322, 935K)

Attached: 0408191804a.jpg (2560x1280, 715K)

hell yes

Attached: 0625182154a.jpg (2560x1280, 817K)

pussy shot

Sorry the orientation is shit. Its normal on my phone but it rotates it here.

Attached: 0121191917.jpg (2560x1280, 782K)

Attached: 69555.jpg (1470x1213, 224K)

still with us?

so fluffy and yummy

Attached: 20190801_102455.jpg (1705x841, 602K)

Attached: 20181118_234957.jpg (1436x1440, 904K)


E fat friend of mine. I helped her by a moving in another flat. She had to pay with Pictures of her spread her ass and legs. These are the wins.

Attached: DSCF3349-01.jpg (1253x1674, 443K)

Looks delicious post more please

Spread Pussy or spread ass?



Attached: 52013.jpg (1538x2048, 550K)

Good ol' Damien.

For the Suspence... At first just her fatty ass

Attached: 0~01.jpg (800x600, 61K)

Attached: B88389B7-2C15-414B-B2FE-AD51A91D40BF.png (750x1334, 1.77M)

Attached: 1YD41ft.jpg (633x960, 67K)

Attached: 00.jpg (800x600, 126K)

Attached: 20190722_175909.jpg (1546x862, 674K)

Attached: [000002].jpg (2096x2795, 744K)

I want to eat it.

Attached: 20190625_002944.jpg (4032x1960, 1.62M)

why the delete?

Please moar

Holy fuck moar!
kik maybe?

I would get her pregnant so very fast

Attached: 20190625_014907.jpg (1713x2784, 1.98M)

post urs ill add u ;)

Attached: _SC_0113.jpg (2096x2795, 698K)


Attached: 5c8016db-5deb-4235-8696-5332a5bf80c3.jpg (960x720, 56K)

Attached: 20181207_005735.jpg (1407x1509, 959K)



Attached: 225855.jpg (4032x3024, 634K)

I require more of her

Any more?

Attached: 20180721_113924.jpg (1407x2521, 1.33M)

Attached: 20180711_211640.jpg (1440x1563, 985K)

yes or no?

Attached: 225858.jpg (2233x2458, 939K)

Yes! Moar! Kik?

Attached: 20180428_210958.jpg (695x563, 232K)

Attached: 5b949e3a5db491.45768062.jpg (1202x1600, 370K)


OC? Would you share on kik please?

Attached: 558989.jpg (750x1334, 55K)

Fckng perfect post more!


Attached: 2A1D55C8-EF1D-4D4A-8B3B-C810799220AF.jpg (750x1334, 148K)

Attached: 2699969.jpg (3088x2320, 263K)

I want in on this too


Attached: 270dae3c-278b-438c-970f-4521ae2a781b.png (960x540, 393K)

Face with tits


no face

Attached: 8d6eadaf-c1ad-469d-86c6-46c96e3595e3.png (960x540, 388K)

fukk body?

Attached: 8d76dfae-34c5-4106-b238-0e0d47b79ad6.png (612x960, 376K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-11-03-18-41-285.jpg (1078x1229, 884K)

Wife. Yay or nay?

Attached: 1511386953649.jpg (1536x2048, 161K)

Go on


Only if she has a cute face

More, please!

Attached: DSCF2092.jpg (667x1000, 187K)

Attached: sketch-1559600830200.jpg (1080x1440, 79K)

Please post more Mariah, love her thickness.

Nudes please

im back

Attached: g2d6b35.png (1154x870, 1.08M)

Attached: g2d6b36.png (1154x870, 1.09M)

That's a hot ass there

Attached: g2d6b87.png (656x794, 871K)

Attached: g2d6b29.png (1158x862, 1.05M)

if you have small tits like that and you're fat, god hates you.


Is she into anal?

yeah of course

Attached: g2d6b10.png (1150x856, 1.06M)


Attached: g2d6b11.png (1154x862, 1.01M)

Would first tongue-rape her assholes, then force-breed her with violent zeal and vengeance

Attached: g2d6b12.png (1144x860, 1.04M)

Anyone like her? A slam piggy i had for a second

Attached: IMG_4102.jpg (4032x3024, 1.72M)

Attached: sketch-1565374796860.png (1080x1440, 1.73M)

Attached: g2d6b13.png (1154x866, 998K)

Attached: sketch-1565374827999.png (1080x1440, 1.63M)

not bad

please more
I beg you
got a link to dump?
a drop or a mega
what`s her name?

Attached: g2d6b16.png (1156x866, 1.17M)

Attached: IMG_4103.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

Kik? Anonmanbro

Tastes are constantly changing sometimes i just crave a fat chick

Attached: IMG_4100.jpg (2576x1932, 982K)

Tits with face

Can't do face unfortunately

Attached: 20190807_202121.jpg (1080x1920, 461K)

Attached: VideoCapture_20190807-191254.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Share face on kik?

Attached: VideoCapture_20190807-191059.jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

Nothing quite like a soft body that will do almost anything with enough talk.

Would fuck her asshole

Is that Snooki?

I don't have a Kik unfortunately, never used

Attached: sketch-1565574339784.png (1080x1920, 1.44M)

Really tho big girls are so desperate for attention they eat up what ever you tell them

Attached: gonewildreplay-1546992786639619039-ae0t0h.jpg (2355x1836, 293K)

Would love to eat that ass and pussy from behind until she’s dripping wet, then fill her with my load

The thick girls that understand they’re chubby tend to take better care of themselves. Tend not to get smelly because they aren’t in denial about their size. It’s those ‘’my body is perfect” bitches that don’t wash themselves peoperly

More more

One of my favorites

Attached: 1487324121071.jpg (1944x2592, 689K)

Would fill her pussy with cum


Attached: V__3360.jpg (437x719, 74K)

You have low standards

Attached: B712D673-FCE5-4D9B-B80E-E9CC835A7091.jpg (1242x1637, 541K)

says the guy in a bbw thread lol


Ass pics of her please
GF or wife

fuckin kek


For sure yes.


Fuck shes hot.


my gf. wwyd? she's a good little whore, tells me how she dreams of getting shared with other men

Attached: 45354641.jpg (1280x1280, 385K)

Ass pics of her please


Attached: 193255.jpg (2868x2680, 608K)

Attached: bitJonathan Gregory Brandis.jpg (550x309, 31K)

Thats Brittany

Attached: C978EBF2-B44F-45C7-9CC1-6099BBAAC1D5.png (640x1136, 810K)

Oh wow
Kik please


Attached: 20181207_001532.jpg (1077x1773, 855K)

Attached: decker.jpg (1982x2582, 281K)


Attached: 1469168702546.jpg (2448x3264, 345K)

Oh wow
Kik please

Attached: decker.jpg (1982x2643, 429K)

Attached: 1469169128285.jpg (750x1334, 101K)

Kik please

No kik

Attached: 1469169999181.jpg (1536x2048, 710K)

Who is she? Is there more?

You should make one

No kik

Attached: 70960431.jpg (750x1334, 130K)

>Be me
>16 starting junior in high school
>school full of niggers, spicks, asians, libbys, chads, thots, normies and tards
>only white boy in the school

Know her? More?

Attached: 636CCD28-551B-40E3-9184-D1B238B4B096-3642-000003CDD6414F54.jpg (1500x844, 673K)

Attached: C360_2011-07-06 22-41-31_org.jpg (963x1600, 149K)

Only one in this thread that does anything for me. Does she give good head?

shes fucking sexy

would bang/10

Stephanie W


More please. Maybe some pussy or bare ass or tits

Attached: IMG_4285.jpg (283x797, 287K)

Discord of kik??

More! Kik?


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-04-23h20m02s230.png (693x893, 481K)

But she can probably fuck all nite.
Lots o stamina in those big girls !!!

That's fucking disgusting