So I'm not asking you to do him but I'm trying to get some faggot doxxed or harrassed the fuck out. Backstory

So I'm not asking you to do him but I'm trying to get some faggot doxxed or harrassed the fuck out. Backstory.

- So some petty piece of shit spread my friends nudes all over fb insta and twitch because she wouldn't play a ranked game (LoL) with him. And I'm all for nudes but generally if you're that much of a bitch about it I'd like to give him some of his medicine. Have him face some shit but I'm not sure which Avenue to go about this revenge. I she gave me his info I personally want to cause I hate dudes who do shit like this cause they're butthurt over women. Not asking for a personal army though you're free to fuck with him if you want. I wanna know how I can make his life miserable.

Attached: Screenshot_20190811-114919_Facebook.jpg (1080x2220, 361K)

I'm gonna have to see the nudes first.

Post nudes and name

Send the nudes first

>hate guys who do this shit to women
>wants to do the exact same except to men

sounds like you're a real faggt mate

I hear what you're saying but I'm a big, taste of your own medicine sort of guy

Asking for a personal army? On /gif/? Are you stupid? Go to Reddit if you're not going to comply with the nudes first, retard. Kys

She's not gonna fuck you because you defended her honor. You also probably aren't getting the full story.

Don't be a fag dude

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Hi :) I’m the guy from the pic. This girl is actually a complete whore if we are being honest. I met her on Facebook and she sent me her whole nude gallery in less than 24 hours in hopes that I would boost her on league. this was also 2 years ago sick meme bro

>Sluts sends nudes
>Dude posts them
How about not sending nudes in the 1st place?
Fuck your slutty friend.

Ok bud

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Not all heroes wear capes

Since she decided to bring this up when I completely forgot about this go ahead and dm me for some pics :) ps I never even spread her nudes

Oh pls do share the nudes here.

For those of us who don't have FB

true hero of the world


Well this didn’t go the way you thought it would, huh OP?

Just wait

Attached: Screenshot_20190811_175829_com.facebook.orca.jpg (1080x2280, 471K)


im gonna need the nudes, ma'am

Attached: tophatpepe.jpg (182x276, 9K)