ITT: Why are women shooters rare?

ITT: Why are women shooters rare?

I feel like women can generally get almost anything they want wither it's sex, love, drugs, and acceptance. I also feel like the school system was made for females.

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>Why are women-anything rare?
is the right kind of question to ask.

Because women often internalize any anger or sadness they feel and turn to hurting themselves, rather than other people, where as from a young age, boys tend to lash out and become violent.

It's self fulfilling prophecy
new feminists say men are violent, pig headed, brutish and only want sex.
The more you say it, the more it will be true.

I find females would verbally lash out but guys tend to physically lash out

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Maybe it has something to do with testosterone/estrogen

I feel like men actually have it harder too cope. The reason for high suicide rates, depression and violent outlashing

Women will get judged for their weight, proportions and facial beauty. All somewhat changeable for fixable. Men get judged for their height, penis size, confidence and face structure. One of those only being fix. All excluding surgery

Succesful woman tend to act like men , also their pussy makes them physically weak , if we talk about the things are given more easy to them is truth , if we talk about things they can achieve is easy its not

Several reasons.
1) 2) Female social groups are different. Male social groups (at least in the teenage years) are generally formed as a means to help men become more fearless and test boundaries. If you think about groups of teenage boys, there's generally at least one who is quite fearless (rather crazy even) and at least one who is extremely calculated but who would never take a risk. These groups help balance risk. They hold back the impulsive and push the cowards.
Lone impulsives cause trouble.

Female social groups don't test limits like this and their ability to overcome fear in that manner won't generally change much as a result of female influence. They're caretakers.
3) Women are physically weaker. This is simply genetics. It's far more likely that a woman who is a successful killer would be an outlier that is intelligent rather than an outlier who is strong and fearless. The strongest, most fearless woman (who is an outlier) would likely be quickly dispatched by an above average male.
An outlier female who is intelligent and calculating would likely poison a bunch of people and you would never hear about it.

The same could be said for males though. That one coward in your group, if he is not interested in being physically dominant but is extremely intelligent and an outlier would likely become a successful outlier and you just would never hear about it on the news.


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women will ruin your life socially, emotionally and verbally.

95% they are only abusive in private example being that brooke chick that smacked her dog around and spit on it.

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Militaryfag here. Women can’t shoot. I’ve never met one that can consistently hit black on a target.

OP is Navyfag. I agree most cant shoot

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My wife says I always put the blame on her, even when she is wrong but then proceeds to push the wrongfullness onto me.

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evolution. if tribe a attacked tribe b and tribe a won then the females from tribe a that attacked tribe b the females would be killed. if the females from tribe a didnt attack and waited to get fucked by the winner they would survive and breed. thus non violent women was produced. men dont have this option since they would be killed regardless thus many men are inherently violent

It's a combination of things. Women can take out their anger too but its more often in an undercutting, vindictive way than outright rage--more of a death by a thousand cuts/political thing if you will. Also, testosterone in men is probably a factor for the outward aggression. And as OP says the school system is made for females--increasingly society favors females--schools, work, etc. so more men are marginalized in society and angry.


All you guys are virgins.

Found the female. Attacking through sexual demise and an attempt at mentally downplaying us. Not helping the case here.

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And women tend eke out their anger through small spiteful and vindictive behaviours

B+, Atleast 1 Ref. Next Time

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Posting rest of OP collection

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Have sex.

You know about Brooke too!?! Bitch was beyond craycray. Lies, manipulation, The "How'd you get in my dorm room? The door was locked...", the "Could you stop hitting me for no reason?" Supersuprized I'm not dead.

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Nah; sex is for kids; men read.