>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself
Being white but not supporting White Pride
I'm not retarded
why do you keep posting this thread. back to stormfront nigger
Im jewish.
I love nigger dick
I don't want to fuck family members
I have a chin.
i am god
White pride? Explain that one to me. MAss immigration started by white people and supported en mass by white people, coutnless wars that killed off 80% of white people on earth bbetween WWI and WII alone, current day whites are in favor of population replacement by brown people
yeah whites sure are fucking amazing theyre so amazaing theyre killing themselves off while you come to Yea Forums and make a white pride thread
you misspelled God.
why does the sun wheel represent white pride?
Smart people not supporting scum.
Scum is puzzled.
because you're fucking hicks that me nor my family would never associate with nor invite to family gatherings.
no one likes you; not even white people.
>>thinking that skin color means anything
>>down syndrome trump supporter
so baal peagen idolatry
>not even white people
ESPECIALLY not white people.
Westerners pride themselves on accomplishments, not things they have by chance of being born.
White pride ignores the only thing that made the west great in the first place. White pride is for worthless betas that want to coast off the achievements of their ancestors.
It's ok to be white.
>thinking the skin color means anything
>trump supporter
The entire Democratic party based solely on and obsessed with intersectional and social justice depending on the color of skin?
Don't be such a fucking retard. Out of the political parties in US the only one constantly bringing up race and ethnicity is the US Left.
shut up nigger lover everyone knows you are a faggot that loves big black cock.
Kinda true. Despite what is sold to the public, most americans are kind of tired of hearing about race. We don't really care about it. The left makes it their primary driving force though.
Because minorities aren’t what holds the white man back. It’s the class system that’s existed for all of history. Racism is just a way to misdirect our anger at a scapegoat. Plus I like variety when it comes to neighbors and coworkers, I may not breed with somebody who looks different but I enjoy some casual sex with them. Variety is the spice of life.
>racism is just a way to misdirect our anger at a scapegoat
I'll agree to that point.