What's the cutest trap you've ever seen?

What's the cutest trap you've ever seen?

Attached: Russiandoll00.webm (708x720, 1.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:






Attached: 1516826239411.webm (640x886, 1.45M)

Russiandoll00 is... was my favorite trap. Only problem is he never cums, barely shows any anal work, and fuuucked up his lips

It may just be that one

Need to see her dick.

Attached: Djdi.jpg (2000x1420, 429K)

Attached: 1533411881805.webm (720x1280, 1.54M)

Not a trap bro

The escort I fucked this week.


Attached: 1BA5E00E-7AB8-41CC-AB99-7D45299C5797.jpg (827x1477, 139K)

Also he always has loud music on. Half of what gets me hard are the fapping and butthole fuckin sounds, but sound can also be a double-edged sword I guess cause they may have a manly voice or a really bad fake girly voice



Not a trap, names jack, still top tier though.
Anyone that doesn't think Allana is /our boy/ is objectively wrong.

Attached: 1561675859326.jpg (1080x1920, 501K)

He's meh looking at best


5/10 isn't bad my guy

it's 50% of his true value.

Bruh, he's a chubby boy with a man face
The wig and filters got you trippin

Daisy Taylor:


Femenine buttholes & penis

Attached: Screenshot_12.jpg (676x497, 45K)

>with a man face
>the wig
that's true.
>and filters
>pic related it's an actual filtered picture.

Attached: 1560299040660.jpg (1080x1920, 355K)

More of a cross dresser but I’ve had an urge to fill Emily Apple with jizz for the longest time. It’s unfortunate he stopped.

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I'm guessing you've never heard of the app meitu then
Cos there's telltale signs of face alerteration and filters that are in that app

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Easy one

Attached: D1.webm (320x180, 949K)

Attached: D2.webm (640x360, 1.87M)


Delete post most of these are manly ugly dudes

How do you traps keep your legs smooth and hairless?
Mine gets all prickly after like 2 days.
Do you wax? Is it just keeping up with it daily? is the hormones blocking hair growth?

I know it doesn't matter what I say really, it's going to be "no it isn't" then it's going to be "yes it is" then "not it isn'".

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only if you knew.

Attached: 1565028976863.gif (230x303, 138K)

Fuck off with this ugly piece of shit. He isn't attractive in the slightest. He's just fucking gross.

calm down

Blaire White without makeup is adorable

Attached: blaire white no makeup.jpg (960x960, 86K)

I like her
i wish she would wear just a little makeup

Attached: b sa.jpg (1049x886, 223K)

Attached: bsa d.jpg (1358x824, 217K)

>Remake the thread so it is to my liking
>I demand this without posting anything
You are by far the biggest fag in this thread right now.

Attached: bigbeautifuleyes.jpg (545x800, 80K)

I fucking hate you, why waste your time shitting on true beauty?

He identifies as male and sees crossdressing as a way to make money

No makeup is 10x better than with makeup, abolish all makeup!

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Whos that?


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Attached: Griff.jpg (692x692, 141K)

zoomer chan, underage, no go.

This one

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Thank you for keeping me pure

this thing. moar is needs

all of them. I only fuck traps now because women design stupid shit like the chair in this video


that's a lad

Attached: 7 - Hr6ffVt.jpg (1536x2048, 645K)

who dis

Can't remember her name now, but I know I found them on reddit.

Attached: 14 - UwibZWF.jpg (1410x1074, 143K)

Attached: Angel.jpg (1000x1247, 70K)


Please moar

>he never cums
No shit, that's what happens when you take hormones long enough. Trannies aren't crossdressing men.

Attached: 27 - sXOsRqI.jpg (1391x1067, 151K)

In his mind they are

Any hardcore videos?

there is a video on like xhamster or xvideos but when I found it I just downloaded the mp4

What an ugly piece of shit. Hate his fucking face.

>bitter hon because a nontrans boy is more passable then them.

Attached: WIN_20190130_14_23_07_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Everyone always jumps to the conclusion that become someone doesn't like anothers face they must be a tranny
Could it maybe be that someone just doesn't like anothers face and sees through the filtered bullshit that feminizes peoples face beyond recognition?

ruff is one of those that you desperately want to fuck but if you did, you'd tell no one.

Have you seen his face when it's not being covered up with hair and low resolution photos?
Not a pretty sight

If I fucked ruff I could literally die immediately afterwards because my life would never get any better.

Attached: 73707340b2483621834ca61c2662775f9234b605d85a2d2ac8650b7f93704706.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

>someone doesn't like anothers face
>What an ugly piece of shit.
There is a difference between disliking someones look and having searing hatered for someone. either they are jealous he's cute or isn't passable in the slightest.

Kys faggots

Attached: 1565238594436.jpg (133x255, 8K)

You're jumping to a conclusion pretty quickly though
Plus any time there's a blatant filter being used I personally automatically assume that person is completely different irl coz why exclusively use filters for every picture?

So, just like the vast majority of people in general.

God, that movie sucked.

don't assume things
you sound like an idiot when you assume

Of course it did, it was made by Seth Macfarlane.

That's an assumption

Attached: legs.jpg (1920x1200, 1.07M)

i remember this pic from 2016
she still around?

Name your fav comedy movie
I don't like Seth just curious


Spoken like two dumb cunts who don't leave their homes.

very meh looking

Blazing Saddles

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This. I'm with you on this. This faggot is an abomination, he looks like fuckin Rick Moranis sucking his bottom lip in. lol!

If you discord queers want to post actually passable faggots, that's one thing. But this faggot is downright ugly. Even the best of trolls would make fun of his ugly faggot face.

Attached: Rick-Moranis.jpg (1200x674, 98K)

Why would you need to leave your house to see what people post online?


its actually from around may 2018

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Attached: B1.webm (640x360, 1.97M)


lol i'd love to see you post a pic of yourself

ps: ur an fagot

Attached: youreafuckingfaggotholyshit.jpg (1053x1070, 700K)

ruff waggums

Attached: absolute.png (288x415, 135K)

bitch i just watched a montage video on porn hub of her photos and it was uploaded like 3 years ago
lick my ass


Attached: TAY.webm (640x360, 1.81M)

Kik billgates 565

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Does anyone remember the name of this trap on Reddit? She had a really a small dick and a bush, Her name was something like Edgar_allen_poe_tries_meth

Would you eat this ass?

Attached: ddd.jpg (735x1024, 119K)

The guy was right. He has an ugly weird egg shaped bugman face. Makes me think of the old Howdy Doody puppet. These ugly sniveling faggots are not attractive. I stop by threads just to find one like these and make fun of them. You think the Lord Farquaad phenotype is hot too? LOL

Attached: lord farquaad.jpg (780x631, 90K)

welcome to the new world boys, to hell with ciswomen, this is where it's at now.

Fuckin yikes my dude
Don't post again

iirc that was her screen name

Any ginger haters around?

Attached: c11c9e3918c8c460d508b4ee5d2e483f.webm (608x1280, 504K)

i would just like to point out that I didnt have the arctis 7 white headset until november 2018.

normally dude with large pronounced facial features are normally large and prnounced in other areas too.
>pic related.

Attached: 1564857230865.jpg (612x381, 38K)

Eh, he's alright

you're the worst type of person.

I want those balls. I want to lick and nibble that hanging ballsack.
I'm not gay but I love scrot like that

If that's your only reason you might as well just go with regular men. lol

Those faces are unbearable. Just call this a faggot thread not cutest trap.

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If by normally you mean rarely

I would let her use me as a toilet.

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Yeah that's what I thought but I can't find any of her stuff anymore. Maybe she deleted her Reddit account, at least I have some stuff saved.

It's hard to believe you people are defending these goofy bug eyed weirdo incel men saying they are traps. Would you think Mark Zuckberg is a hot trap too? By your defintion, picture related is a hot passable trap. You like him guys? lol

Attached: Mark-Zuckerberg-Zuckerberg-news-Facebook-Facebook-news.jpg (938x450, 33K)

I do like guys, I like anything I'm attracted to by definition, I don't worry about "lol gay"
I seem to have caught your attention, why did you feel the need to address my factual post?

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>Maybe she deleted her Reddit account,
sad if true

Why do you care?

post some fucknuts

Oh wait I found her lol.

EdgarAPoe_triesMethis her Reddit name

I can't find anything that isn't pay content. RIP

WHOA? moar?????? taylor swift trap wtf???

Is this a Zuckerberg thread now? You guys can post your hottest Zuckerbergs. lmao

Attached: zuckerberg.jpg (615x409, 28K)

>paying for that shit
yeah no

any trap with a smaller penis than my own or none at all (full post-op neo-vag).

get out of here i like my traps with sideburns

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Somebody plz face app mark zuckerburg into a woman & post NOW

>porg phone case

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no one stopping you. you do it faggot

Would you though

Attached: Screenshot_20190811-105648_Reddit.jpg (1425x1434, 1.39M)

Looking for attention? here, have a big PP

Attached: 9.jpg (1286x855, 150K)

Solid 7.75/10 qt

I can safely say yes based on prior experience.

I want him to sit on my face, I don't even fucking care anymore

i am on pc and my phone is charging in the other room


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Literal fucking goddess

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i win this thread

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welcome to the "dark side" enjoy the bussi all you want.

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Why does she look way cuter here

Way cuter? Looks like Yoshi after Mario kicked its ass. kekekeke

Attached: yoshimario.jpg (480x360, 13K)

He/she/it/they is kinda boring. Looked cute for 1-2 pics now I am bored of seeing his mug

then stop being lazy and fix that


Attached: pepe-transparent-laugh-1.png (600x580, 360K)

Taylor Swift

just say he you fucking retard. it's a man

This is also my headset

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actual name?

it's the eyes, the eyes are just beautiful but having said that I can understand why people are fed up of him on here. I just think the dude is beautiful.

Attached: fags and tall buildings.jpg (960x960, 111K)

you clearly want it to happen more than i do at this point

nope. you're the one who brought it up

Attached: droopy faced faggot.jpg (960x1280, 146K)

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fitting file name.

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yeah but i have lost 100% interest in the idea soooo go fly a fucking kite a guess?

Wtf that thing is ugly. Lookin to jerk to hot traps not an ugly fuck that reminds me I'm jerking to a dude. Just cuz ur an ugly trap doesnt mean everyone else is.

could have used "ugly" in there as well

I like everything, if it's hot to me then I like it.. you might not like dudes but that doesn't mean he's ugly, it just means you're a bitter closeted faggot.

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G...g..guys? Am I passable yet? lol

Attached: eminem is so gay lol.jpg (625x954, 45K)

sounds good. do whatever you want nigger

Attached: 1513581813786.jpg (640x640, 73K)

Need a wig.

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It's a good one.

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Oh shit, that's so hot. lol

We have a winner in the thread.

My sides

Attached: nimbus land hot spring.png (956x828, 406K)

dats hot white boi

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Send more of this cock

Attached: 20190811_201452.jpg (1080x1156, 468K)

Fucking mario rpg

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I love her fangs when she smiles.

Attached: 001 Layla (1.18).jpg (500x667, 86K)

looks completely sane

It was a great game, yes.

Attached: smrpg_booster.gif (266x369, 26K)

Kind of easy but i love it

Attached: ffff.jpg (640x480, 25K)

trap feet, best feet.

Attached: 1546630439332.jpg (1440x1920, 530K)

Have you tried Shadowrun, Sega Genesis. Try that one.

Attached: Shadowrun GENESIS.jpg (640x897, 100K)

I have not
here's a list of games i have beaten in the last few weeks

Super Mario World...............[X] 100%
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!........[X]
Donkey Kong Country.............[X]
Mega Man 2......................[X]
Super Mario 2...................[X] No Warps
Super C.........................[X]
Mega Man 3......................[X]
Super Mario RPG.................[X]

Why hasn't anyone posted kayla yet?

They're all good titles.

Try these:

Harvest Moon on SNES
Stardew Valley
Contra III The Alien Wars
Shin Megami Devil Summoner I & II PS2
Final Fantasy II US Ultima Edition
Sailor Moon RPG relocalized english patch

i shall
playing contra 3 yesterday
FUCK that one is hard

One of my favs. You can play through it several times and still discover new things.

i would fuck those 2 until they got pregnant

It's great. How about Castlevania IV?

Try Taito arcade titles using MAME. Good fun!

Attached: jazz-jennings.jpg (799x1000, 468K)

It's randomized as far as which NPCs will join you and be loyal, and which ones will fuck you over.

Sometimes both women will join you for good, but sometimes neither will. Same with the orc or dwarf.

Attached: flawless..jpg (640x849, 92K)

Just got this one in the mail and it's actually pretty fucking awesome
so glad i got it

so much potential but it's all gone now... ruined.

Attached: 1561957735010.jpg (1064x1886, 1.15M)

would be hotter with a smaller cock or none at all

forgot pic..

Attached: vvvvv.jpg (480x480, 42K)

fuck that whats wrong with a big one?
more fun to play with

Attached: 1533685294808.jpg (415x387, 12K)

Not sure why she ever posted pics of her nose surgery bruises. She did the same thing with her boobs. She post more surgery scar bruise pics than she has posted nice hot after surgery pics. Not a hater. Just don’t understand her

Try playing Turbographx or PC Engine. You can find Magic Engine on Youtube or use Mednafen. Some of the best games I ever played.

Attached: Toilet-Kids-Front.jpg (1409x1395, 374K)



i dont know they seem like they are low iq

I have a nintendo wii mod with every turbo grafix game on it

J J and Jeff
Ninja Spirit
Keith Courage
Final Lap Twin

fucking love it

Attached: fffffffffffffff.jpg (1050x899, 121K)

I like to be dominant

Attached: 57640.jpg (660x367, 29K)

It certainly doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe he enjoys belittlement.

I played them all got it on there using the wii letterbomb exploit.

Homebrew channel is the awesome.

I need a name

domination is a state of mind not a penis size.
>being this beta.

Attached: aj6gf3ae7ej21.jpg (638x1024, 67K)

its kalindra Yea Forumsro

Attached: tumblr_pmbk7jinHq1y4aovno1_500.jpg (500x666, 82K)

Also, play Kato-chan & Ken-chan. It's what J J and Jeff is based off of.

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Who is she?? Got more?

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ginger, they've got a reddit and a twitter but I can't be bothered to find the acutal spelling of them.

Attached: 1558905573872.jpg (1061x749, 553K)

god more

Cute af

>hating post op trannies

Attached: alex jones gay frogs.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Just a cute boy

Attached: 593.png (657x527, 127K)

btfo polfag

yeah so fuck?

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What are you, gay?


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anyone got any more of her porn? She money locked them all which is frustrating.


has she showed us her penis yet?

I don't think I will my man.

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That's no makeup makeup, not no makeup

Agreed. Not necessarily my favorite, but definitely the fucking cutest. The little shit.

Am I passable yet Yea Forums

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Lmao wat, even with those weird fem filters that femboy doesn't "pass"

Got an imgur ?

Attached: 1559664158739.jpg (1431x1638, 965K)

Wow. I want that infinite flow to fill up both my wife and I

an Uzumaki tattoo?? what the fuck lol

Would you like a cup of coffee sir? We have coconut chutney and hazelnut.

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ugg, most trans women should just stay their first sex.

A person with gender dysphoria excited about getting surgery that's supposed to make them look more like their gender? Wow how confusing, yeah wonder why she'd be excited about that

It's drag queen story time on Yea Forums lol

Attached: 1559660105271.jpg (2048x1536, 193K)

what an ugly face. what is it doing with its mouth?

I don't understand getting nose jobs, they usually end up looking worse.

Attached: 43262-Super_Mario_Advance_-gameboy-advance.jpg (640x638, 100K)

Have no idea. I thought he looks like Yoshi lol

I can't fathom how this is supposed to be attractive and looks like a woman.

I’ve only ever seen the bulge. I don’t really need to she her peen if she’s not up to showing it. But I wish she would take sexier pics. All her pics look like stuff from a surgeons manual or just face shots. I see others doing very sexy shots and not showing peen.

Attached: 81BoNiwow3L._UL1500_.jpg (1125x1500, 125K)

Bitch please

Attached: sssss.jpg (300x300, 33K)

I played that one. It's good as well.

Attached: ball of laughs.gif (252x276, 50K)

>what is it doing with its mouth?

It’s called swelling. Why we needed to see that I don’t know

My trap thread has been violated by gamers. Get out!

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Tubby boy that's not around anymore
Allana is the new tubby boy I'm the block

it's cool, I'll just start throwing dicks in their threads from now on.

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Who is that?

Show them the true power of Mountain Dew.

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fucking what?

Yea Forums is my favorite website

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Allana is best boi

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He looks like he should be someone’s little brother on a Saturday morning Nickelodeon tv show

I used to chat with Emily Apple a lot a few years back... we even got a bit lewd sometimes. Shame she's not around anymore...


If that's what your into...

Attached: 1565002742899.jpg (800x984, 68K)

I bought her some stuff. Including the shoes to match that maid outfit

i believe you


Attached: tumblr_pjdgyi7uGA1uo77jgo4_540.png (540x720, 516K)

It’s not


true alexis is fucking perfect


mental illness

Attached: transexualism a mental disorder.jpg (1017x665, 99K)

Youre all fuckings faggots, who strome to the guys. They doesnt pass at all. Fap to this retards

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I got some bad news friend, those are real girls

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Proof we should prevent the hons from taking hormones and claiming to be trans

I'm happy with mental illness then.

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who cares? they arent fooling anyone

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>Implying it’s not a biological girl because balding
that was born with vagina

You know what I just don't understand? Why would you go through all this trouble to try to look like a girl, and call yourself a girl and all that gay shit when you can just dress however you want, actually shave like a decent human being and just call yourself a guy.

What's wrong with being a guy and dressing in whatever? Obviously it's a bit gay, but that's something you have to accept when your doing gay shit.

>t. faggot

Attached: IMG_20190610_231525_369.jpg (640x480, 98K)

Attached: Layla Legendz in March (4).jpg (640x480, 105K)

>actually shave like a decent human being
>it's a bit gay, but that's something you have to accept when your doing gay shit.
>shaving is gay

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muh ladies room though

And most fucking beautiful girl on planet is Emma Ellingsen

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For trutrans it's not about any of that
Its a deep seated feeling that you are in the wrong body

lmao that dude is so low-tier
I'll never figure out why you niggers are so into young looking fatboys who look like they got into their sister's costume box

hot, but major thot vibes