I have a bad problem with homeless junkies in my town. It's getting worse by the day...

I have a bad problem with homeless junkies in my town. It's getting worse by the day. They post up on every intersection with their fucking signs and sob stories. I watched one today while eating lunch. In 20 minutes I saw 3 people give him money, just enabling the problem.

I want to get them out of here. What are your ideas on how to (mostly) legally get them out of here? The only legal idea I have is to stand next to one with my own signs telling people to not give them money because it's not helping the situation.

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>I have a bad problem

yes, go seek therapy OP

Already go weekly. It's not helping get rid of homeless

Fucking hate the homeless.
> Blah sob story I need money for food but I'll spend it on drugs, it's not my fault I was raped as a kid
Big fucking deal, so was I and I got over it. Grow a pair you waste of space

Tldr: homeless needs a cull

how far are you into your 5th reading of Atlas Shrugged?

Nice trips. You never get rid of them completely, you only move them somewhere else. Kind of like water displacement. Homeless people are like the dark matter of earth.

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i kek'd

Put them up in your house. Then they're not homeless.

Problem solved.

find where they sleep and set them on fire

imagine having such a pathetic impotent life that you gotta take all your rage out on homeless people

That's my first thought, but I'm not ready to go to jail yet.

Always wondered what they would do if you gave them several bottles of booze. Would they drink until dead? Or drink until hitting each other?

I don't like what I see and I want it to go away!
>The only legal idea I have is to stand next to one with my own signs telling people to not give them money because it's not helping the situation.
There are a lot of mentally ill homeless out there without the drugs or help that they need to stay sane. You do risk getting chopped with a machete by doing something like that. He's not going to care whether it's legal or not.

Agreed, but if I can at least help hide them in the shadows and not out begging for money, I'd be happy. If they started getting shot with a BB gun or fire bombed at night I bet they would slowly leave my city as word got out

as we become a cashless society, they'll disappear. i've told homeless people for over a decade that i don't carry cash and just use a card and wasn't lying.

i live in tucson. one hour south, in mexico, 90% of their business is done in cash. only like 40% of them have a bank account. can you see how they are like another, rejected planet that's a century behind us?

>Buy each and every one of them a house

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Move somewhere that isn't a shithole. No fucking bums in my town. Cops run them out the second they see them. Tax dollars at work.

Valid point, I'd be armed tho. It would result in one less in the city.

No cash? Hi there, little servant.

You don't live on the west coast of America I take it. I don't live in a shithole, but it's turning into one quickly

you vote trump don't you?

I don't vote

>as we become a cashless society, they'll disappear.
That's a very interesting trend or shift, I'd never thought of that. Something tells me that they'll adapt though, even broken humans adapt. Prepaid cards, gift cards etc? I got about $8 left on a old Home Depot gift card. Next time I see a homer i'll give him that and see how he reacts.

too busy jerking yourself off in a mirror over your 100 bucks

Lefties can fucking kill themselves. You never propose a solution to the problem, you just fucking whine about how others aren’t as “virtuous” as you while prattling on about things nobody in the original conversation gives half of a fuck about. Do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool

Hi kid! Cash is for children nowadays.

>tax corporations
>social housing

lol, you don't even need to be a leftie to support this

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It is a good point I hadn't thought of either. At some point maybe they will get the equivalent of an Obama phone and holding signs with bitcoin addresses. No doubt they will adapt.

I'm a leftie and I proposed a solution:
Might not be one you LIKE but it is a solution.

you mad as fuck lmao

wear a ski mask and rob them at night

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tfw you were home educated by ben shapiro

No joke, people do this. Same with churches around here. They always end up regretting it for one reason or another. Can't take care of everyone.

wow incel rage

Give them poisoned food

You're forgetting something that's key to this solution
> most fatal accidents occur in the home

Added to list. I like it. Like that annoying neighborhood cat

They got shit all

what went wrong in your childhood?

Something tells me you didn't think this all the way through. You're willing to risk your own freedom by taking a risk that could possibly send you to jail for life... for removing a single homeless person from your general vicinity...that will quite likely be gone to somewhere else the next day anyway. Actually, I think you should actually try that. We'd remove two tumors of society in the same event.

homeless people don't need food. i read about how they can always get free food and i wondered how true it was, but then one day i was at the shitty hood walmart where you can always see strange african refugee types and they close early, and it's pretty much the lowest class shopping center i've learned to avoid in town, even though it's on the way home from the university and to avoid one right turn lane, i hooked around the plaza and saw a group of homeless kids coming out with PIZZA FOR EVERYONE! and bringing it back to a tent in front of an abandoned office next door.

homeless people are never in need of "food". they can get free pizza, donuts, whatever and eat like fucking homer simpson all day. there IS a possibility that a "benefactor" bought them slices, but it's basically the thing. i worked fast food. i actually flipped burgers at jack in the box 25 years ago and the rule was that after 30 minutes, the burgers were considered garbage. that's just how the industry works.

I didn't grow up in Disney Land? I never got participation trophies?

then just beat them up

Plausible deniability

Because growing up in disneyland and killing pets are the only two possibilities, amirite? How are you not imprisoned yet?

Video cameres er'rywhere

The cat thing was more of an analogy. Calm yourself. Go sit in your safe place for a little bit until the grown ups are done talking.

Then don't get caught

True, and I wouldn't just run out in the middle of the day full on assault style. Drive-bys, drones, etc.

>the grown ups

the grown ups sperging over homeless people on Yea Forums

Facistbook and Reddit will not allow these types of conversations. So yes, here we are, talking about worthless homeless and how to mitigate their effects.


how's that prager u education?

>tfw a social media provider is fascist because it probably wouldn't tolerate you talking about literally murdering people

Adults are talking? Sounds more like the thoughts of a angsty and angry teenage boy that doesn't understand the world.

No one but you has mentioned murder. I'd just like to do my part to clean up the streets.
I bet you're also one of those ones claiming illegals are being held in "concentration camps" lol. Continue stretching the true. I can see it makes you feel better.

I hear homeless people are pretty flammable when they’re asleep

haha yeah setting people on fire and poisoning their food is just for funsies, imagine actually being as braindead as you, i'm surprised you can formulate words

Hehe that's the kinda Disneyland I'd like to see. It's like a carnival game. Get out of the stolen tent before it's too late. Why am I throwing up.. Is it drugs or poison hmmmm. 50/50 chance, the right guess wins a prize!

>i live in tucson. one hour south, in mexico, 90% of their business is done in cash. only like 40% of them have a bank account. can you see how they are like another, rejected planet that's a century behind us?
Cash tells no tales, only a moron would give it up.

if you have time to stand next to one with a sign, you're a fucking loser.

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OK, I pay some dude on Craigslist 100 bucks to do it for me. Better?

that's even more idiotic. If you have so much money and time to fritter away, find yourself a better place to live.

I own property here. I like where I live. These fucks are bringing down property values. 100 bucks is nothing and it would bring massive enjoyment to me. I'd consider it an investment and a entertainment expense

Some homeless people have venmo lol

Bruh homeless people are always carrying drugs.


yup, definitely autistic

Fuck.. It's happening. They're evolving. Next are cardboard boxes with QR codes pasted on them


well if you own shitty property where the homeless live and you like it there, maybe you belong there with them.

I think you've missed the point there, bud. I like where I live. It's not a shithole. I'd like it to stay that way. If I lose the war on homelessness, I may have to retreat to the hills.

And they throw off heat for hours once you get them burning well...

gotta do what you gotta do to survive lol

Maybe the government should stay taking health seriously so all the mentally ill don't end up being worthless street dogs

That'd be great, but some people don't wanna pay for it. They'd rather complain on Yea Forums about it.

>plagued by homeless people
>not a shithole
wew lad

>Maybe the government should stay taking health seriously so all the mentally ill don't end up being worthless street dogs
Right, fuck personal responsibility. I bet you get a tax refund don't you? I really don't want to hear anybodies preachy bullshit, I was in a Salvation Army homeless shelter a decade ago in Olympia Washington. You have to get the fuck out of that situation. I met people I would call the Professional Homeless, they weirded me out, I went and got two jobs, and in 65 days I had an apartment.

Said the guy who will absolutely take social security and Medicare in his old age without ever acknowledging the hypocrisy.

Yes there are homeless who are cunts, but there are also a lot who are mentally ill. You can't expect them to take care of themselves. I don't understand what's wrong with expecting the government to take care of these people

i've been in a mental hospital for 30 days. i was forced to go, completely sane, because my parents were assholes and said i threatened them. they knew there was nothing wrong with me the next morning but these calm doctors, actually chuckled that they HAD to keep me for 30 days because they found weed in my system and they had to get me "clean". i was in a boring place for a month and technically, few people with any "real" mental illness. i learned that some people are actually broken, but 90% are just troubled and have issues adjusting.

the problem with labeling "lack of being hip and fitting in and being cool" with "mental illness" is... well, a big problem. today, we have given it a new brand as "autism". you have no idea how ugly this can of worms is and how very ugly the solution is. i'm very intelligent and considerate, but i'm afraid the only answer is old school BEATINGS to force people to learn to fit in and try. it's actually that simple.


That's what I'm talking about. Good for you man.

The other thing is these professionals refuse help when it's offered. They want to live this life. They know they can't hold it together long enough to have a job and be sober. They are expecting to get handouts or steal to fund their life. Fuck that.

If you hate homeless people then you are going to super bummed about where the next 30 years of nothing changing is going to put this country.

ah yes, violence as a solution to complex problems. you watch Fox News, don't you?

Have you ever thought about lacing some food with poison?
Simple, effective way to keep the homeless population under control

So what do you recommend doing with them? Picking oakum in a work house governor?

why does the right always express this inability to think in anything but anecdotal terms?

>I have a problem with misdemeanor loitering and pandhandling
>I know, I'll solve it with murder!
sperg harder

a complete and utter lack of empathy. Or, stated more broadly, bad parenting.

Boomers are eating that shit up. Also, if it's still available, and you've been paying into it your whole life, well there's no hypocrisy in that. Again, you're stretching the facts.

Email your governor about the issue, but I'd doubt they'll listen unless you can get a good number of people to sign a petition about the problem.

so you support medicare for all then?

>a state governor has nothing better to do than worry about a small stretch of land with a few hobos in it
unless user is of the donor class, you're delusional.

Maybe volunteer at a local kitchen or local mental institute, do something to help the root cause. These are humans shuffling them along to the next city isn't going to help

did you draw that 90% stat from your subjective experience of one mental hospital?

1. found a successful business
2. employ them
3. so they can afford rent
5. Profit

Mental illness doesn't mean just mean abnormal. It has to be a mental issue that is detrimental to your day to day life. I'm sorry you had a bad experience but it honestly only speaks to my point. Mental illness needs to be taken more seriously

No one but your retarded ass is mentioning murder. What about some laxatives in a nice ham sandwich... Maybe once the streets are covered in shit the city might do something.

Still a socialist minded policy

nice damage control there but you said "poison them" you bloodthirsty right wing idiot.

6. Get robbed by drug addicted employees

OP is a dick that being said a squirt gun filled with old urine and some eggs with holes poked in them a week ago should due the trick.

Go look up the definition of poison

just like batman?

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Actually I said to poison them. Kill them off. They don't contribute to society. They are nothing but a drain on it

from a legal definition, it's a felony no matter what it is. you're still proposing committing a felony in response to misdemeanors. What the fuck is wrong with you? How did your parents raise such a misanthropic monster?

thaaat's it, embrace your bloodlust, if only on the internet where it is safe to do so.

If i weren't a felon

Find out where they sleep.
Burn it down during the day.

No one needs to get hurt. You've now destroyed the little they had. They wont call the cops because they literally cant...

oh that's just per

another nutjob advocating committing a dangerous felony in response to a misdemeanor.

Give them a sandwich.
If they keep begging for money instead of eating the sandwich, loudly call them out on their bullshit story.

My local police buy the homeless bus tickets. They encourage them to go to California.

Well, I guess you're right there. Would need to be done through proxy too. Another Craigslist ad should suffice.
My parents were pretty good. I think I developed a lot of hate once I was in my own and saw the world for what it was.

Lol I'd donate to that cause

TL;DR, your parents raised a sociopath

Selective sociopath. I have great respect for people that contribute to society.

edgy as fuck dude, you're basically donnie darko

said the guy shitposting on Yea Forums

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>"buy each and every one of them a house"
yeah op is elon musk obviously.

well OP said money is no object so why not?

>the world for what it is
implying some dumbfuck incel has any knowledge about the actual world

I've seen some places that setup those little mini sheds they have outside Lowes. Build out a whole little neighborhood of them. Guess what happens next? Rape, murder, drugs, theft, etc. Some people can't be helped

You've been pathetic this whole thread. Maybe you should consider a Disneyworld vacation.

making up stories to get attention is very juvenile user

So close to the root of the issue and missed it.

Sorry for having my own thoughts? Go to another 1st world country. Most aren't nearly as bad as we have it here

did the world hurt your feelings? :(

you should feel sorry for your thoughts, they're bad.

Not going to go find one of the many news articles. Go look it up. A lot of cities have done that.

>made a BS claim
>can't prove it
>"hurr prove the negative durr"

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I feel yours are just as bad. Are we even now?

they do? not american, serbian.
what issue? you're broke, rich, or stable?

mine won't ever hurt anyone. you're a serial killer in waiting.

or at least he's someone who thinks of poisoning cats, which is one of the three big ones that leads to serial killing. he is close.

Vote for policy that will house them, help treat their mental/physical ailments, and seek to find them gainful employment.
We should reintegrate the homeless back into society instead of blaming them for the systemic failures that caused them to be homeless in the first place.

Ugh, fine here. First Google result.

literally this, this guy is fucked in the head and needs help

Let's get back to the original question. How can I get rid of these fucking homeless people without breaking a law

find out were they go at night and kill them in the cover of darkness. I'm sure the cops won't investigate to hard considering panhandlers are a nuisance

Investing in rehabilitation for drug addicts is vitally important in dealing with this problem. So is decriminalizing drug possession, because all the criminalization does is fuck their job prospects going forward into the future, which means we will continue to see junkies on the street.

The fact that 27 people have more wealth than the entire southern hemisphere may be leading to some societal problems.

Now we need markets and rich people to function but we have gone full robber barons gilded age kinda crazy with the wealth inequality. There is no reason Jeff Bezos should pay in all likelihood no taxes for the last 4 years.
The five wealthiest men in the US have more money than 2% of GDP. That's nuts.

I didn't read the thread, I guess this solution has already been thought of

There's always a solution proposed. You idiots just ignore it because you think you know better than decades of research and studies.
gun control helps
video games don't cause violence
safe drug clinics help
but nope, you'd rather believe the earth is flat.

holy fuck don't say that it will explode his brain

No worries, it's the first solution that pops into my head too. That's what got all these pussy hurts crying tho, which is fun too.

no dude, i've taken an economy class.
serbia isnt a shithole like an apartment complex in moscow

Not a fan of the safe drug clinics. They srl have to buy the drugs. That money is coming from begging and breaking into cars/robbery

Start writing letters about the homeless problem in your town. Send them to the mayor, the city council, the local newspaper, the TV news. Make your voice heard, and maybe the ones in power will eventually do something about it.

no rape, no murder mentioned. oh wow you sure showed me

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>Im sure the cops won't investigate to hard
Maybe not in your third world country.

you're missing the point of them moron.

Leave him alone and support the idea of a society where no one is forced to live on the street.

Christ... Should I find another one that specifically says that? Do you know how to internet? The fucking little house shit is a disaster. It doesn't work. Let's just say there is "crime" involved with them.

you made the positive existential proclamation, so you bear the burden of proof. welcome to logic 101 kiddo.

Explain then, cuz ya I don't know how it fucking works. Do the drugs fall out of the sky?

You win, no murder and no rape. Happy? Can we agree it's not a great place to be around and no one wants that shit setup next to their neighborhood?

Be less of a scared little weakling stop hating the poor or damaged you degenerate little shit.

Create a hostile environment where they congregate.

capitulation suits you

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Please take care of them and get them off the street you sweet person. They are fucking up my community

those clinics exist to make sure they use clean needles shit-for-brains. it's about preventing diseases from spreading.

And to bring them back to life after they OD. Cool. Where did they get the drugs?

It's their street you don't have a community if you have to bitch about the weak online.

>Go to the homeless encampment
>start throwing wild birdfood everywhere
>watch birds come from mile away
>birds shit all over homeless
>homeless are forced away

they'll stab you if you do that and there's only one of you and hundreds of them

where they got the drugs is not the point, no matter how desperately hard to try to make it so

>theyre people too
Remember, anyone with this smug fucking attitude has never had to live around these types of degenerates. Never had to deal with their sickening behavior.

Best one yet. Love it

That's the point for me. I don't care if they have diseases. I care about crime in my hood

so you're conflating issues. don't be a dumbass please.

Smug? That's competence talking kiddo when you find your balls and move out of mamma's basement you will have your chance to earn some.

>would rather have birdshit and flying disease vectors than homeless people
you're a bit touched ain't ya?

consider how they'd feel knowing there's a bloodthirsty psycho living near them

You realize one case of hepatitis C treated at a ER costs society more than 100 of your stolen whatevers from your car?

>moms basement
Ya youre just a smug teenager

You could mace them. Or beat them and call it self defense. As long as you are an upstanding member of society the cops will always believe you over a street urchin

I can't wait for a clean meth head to break into my car. I won't have to worry about his blood or any dropped needles. Srsly, not sure what your point is. Clean injection is an oxymoron. The sites are a waste of tax money. Pretty sure they failed in Canada. They passed the laws allowing it here. But no city will allow it in their area. Wonder why... Hmmm

Keep being a scared little weakling then. Your life your choice.

I'll be paying taxes either way. Gimme my shit

Bums live near other bums that are literally just that. Bums are not good people. They're the scum of society that refuses to try at anything other than how fucked up can they get today. They are petulant children who think they deserve pity and free money because they do heroin and you dont.

Start murdering them

We need to form a movement. I can't handle this alone. #trashthehomeless

Youre right. Im just hobophobic, i should be ashamed.

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Needle exchange works as a harm reduction strategy. They are going to get high, at least they can get high with clean kit and not get massive abscesses and spread AIDs and Hepatitis. If they cant get a clean sharp needle they will use a dirty dull one.
To get fresh needles they have to bring the old ones in for disposal. Less infectious diseases, better community hospital finances, and less deaths from OD due to narcan being available. Also these exchanges do try and get rehab services for addicts that want it.

They still going to steal shit to get high but this does dramatically lower the impact to society


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I get it, and ya on a larger level it's good to reduce infectious diseases. At this point in my mind, I'm more concerned with my local community. Providing a safe place to do drugs is what I'm not okay with. I wouldn't want one of those places 100 miles near me. The increase in crime to supply the turbo safe injection junkies isn't worth it to me personally.

Fuck, lol you're going to get me in trouble

Rhubarb is a great plant to feed to the homeless. Just make salad user.

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build a shelter for them outside of your city.

Effective efficient ways to remove homeless humans from any city

here we have homeless shelters with sanitary facilities, as its cheaper than funding their treatments in the hospital when they've been living on the streets.

said the guy fantasizing about murdering them. I'd rather they live near me than you.

clean drug clinics aren't there to prevent crime user, they exist to prevent the spread of disease. Do you also criticize a hammer for being a bad screwdriver?

The replies you quoted are hardly political. Doesn't matter though, you did your job well and got a bunch of angry replies. Bravo, I suppose, I'm sure spending your time being hateful and sowing discourse is very fulfilling.

Oh so now arson instead of murder? Tying up emergency services? Possibly starting a wildfire? Not smart. In most cases arson will get you worse punishment than murder, since it’s a “crime of mass destruction”. Enjoy your prison time.

ITT: Bleeding heart faggots who lecture people on the homeless when they personally don't have to deal with them everyday

Anyone who actually has to put up with that shit hates homeless people

Good call, user. Fix the root cause. Look at Salt Lake City, UT. The Mormons know what they’re doing!

Sounds like a cool way to go to jail!


That’s actually an excellent idea. At least bird crap probably won’t spread diseases? Also it would provide a laugh! Watching the bums dodge bird crap

Build a camp away from the general population where they are given basic shelter, and low quality food, booze, and drugs. Let them live out their lives there if they choose. If they want to come back to regular society, help them clean up and find work. But no begging, or it's back to the camp.

Start a bum fighting ring

Name of the book?

Ty Beeson beat you to it

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Dress up as a homeless and rape/murder someone in the middle of town, perfect false flag to rile up the civilians.

>Home Depot
So 8 dollars worth of sharpies?

Do what the Spanish conquers did.

Wow, somewhere you spend over 2/3 of your life in is where you're most likely to get hurt? Golly gee who'd have thunk it.

>volunteer at a mental institute
Spoken like a true 13 year old. There are no “mental institutes.” There are psychiatric wings of hospitals. But they don’t handle long-term mental patients like schizos off their meds. They handle acute issues such as involuntary commitments and then cut the patients loose once they’re stabilized on medication. There are private mental health facilities that do handle long-term mental health issues, but they are private or insurance pay. Most mental health services for the homeless are handled through social welfare systems like public social workers and public program referrals to licensed psychiatrists. You can’t “volunteer” to help a social worker or a psychiatrist, unless you are training to be one and need the clinical hours. There’s no Arkham Asylum for you to go down and volunteer to mop floors at, kid.

Also, most homeless kitchens have plenty of food. There aren’t homeless lining up and being turned away because of lack of food or cooks. There aren’t homeless lining up, period, mostly because they’re off getting high or in the middle of an mental health event.

You’re buying the narrative and are too lazy to research the truth. Keep giving fivers to junkies and feeling better about yourself, though. You’re really solving the problem.

Just put a sign next to the freeway not to enable them and to call the nearest homeless shelter for help.

4. half don’t show up to their shifts and the other half show up high as a kite
4a. a lot don’t pass the background check because they have a record and are homeless to intentionally stay out of society
4b. a couple of them start threatening coworkers and customers when the voices in their head tell them satan is trying to swallow their souls through the cash register

>Is putting down a rabid dog an act of bloodlust or mercy?
You’d let them live and suffer to soothe your conscience. But this other user is the animal.

>a couple of them start threatening coworkers and customers when the voices in their head tell them satan is trying to swallow their souls through the cash register
Why can't I find quality employees like this? I only get greenchair feminist tranny's that want everybody to be happy.

thank god you're too chickenshit to act on your little fantasies.

I'm homeless AMA

>tfw you live in a society where luring birds to a homeless camp imperils the birds’ health, but somehow the birds are the problem

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It's called norway, they have no homeless people.

What they do near here is "bumfights". Pick the worst drug addicts offer them a decent amount of money or drugs if they win a fight to the death against another bum. Have a party and watch the fight.

He can make bum fights the sequel but make the fighting more action packed

Old white guys screaming about Satan don’t fulfill diversity hiring goals

If thought how to legally kill junky homeless... buy a gram of cocaine and spike it with something lethal that will kill them it'll look like they bought shitty coke some dealer cut wrong how could it ever be traced to you

>wants birdshit everywhere
confirmed touched. How are they bothering you anyway? You're on Yea Forums on a Sunday and yet somehow they're the problem?

>thank god
There is no god. But we can all be our own gods.

another wannabe murderer

Dark matter accounts for 70% of the universe though

oh spare me the platitudes. How many homeless people are you going to "smite" there Mr. God?

No, you were not raped as a child. You’re lying. You’re using this argument to show how strong and inflexible you are when all you’re doing is exposing the scared little child cowering your withered soul. Tl;dr: No one is impressed by your empty bluster.

Thought about this with my ex wife..she was a cocaine addict. Loved the bar scene, then cocaine the rest of the night.
I considered getting a old purse from a thrift store. Filling it with misc. woman related items. In a pocket have some 1/4 gram bags weighed up. The cocaine would be mixed with rat poison.
If the purse was tucked under the rear driver tire, with the straps laying out in the open, in the bar parking lot. Well she may apt to pick it up, look inside, think she got lucky.

By the way, this was just a random thought.
My ex wife is still alive, she still appears to be addicted to cocaine. But I have no intention of harming her in any way.

Then what would you suggest we do about the growing homeless problem ya sage?

>be me
>23 y/o brand new PFC in Army
>stationed at Ft. Carson
>post is in middle of Colorado Springs
>November of 2015
>15in of snow
>come from cold climate, nbd for me
>go to big downtown CO Springs area
>sit on park bench
>enjoying the night life
>hot chicks ice skating, fuck yeah
>lofs of bushes behind bench
>homeless man approaches
>addresses me directly
"Hey man, not trying to scare you, but could I use that bench for a second"
"Sure dude, go ahead"
>get up
>man jumps over bench
>pushes past a bush
>little makeshift home inside
>small tv, sleeping bags, led lights
>reminds me of backyard camping as a kid

Homeless people are typically lazy, if not they're gross and weird. But i'll never forget seeing a dude make a home in the middle of some shrubbery in 15 inches of snow. It was one of the first times I saw them as people with problems, not problems themselves.

>I saw them as people with problems, not problems themselves

Let’s try and set the record straight.....


They are not “homeless” in the sense these are people who went to school, learned a trade, got good paying jobs and a career, had a family, bought a house, payed taxes, pension, took care of their children....then through a sudden job loss, lost everything and became “homeless.”

These are drug addicts, mentally ill, ex-felons, usually on parole or probation individuals who NEVER were part of a civilized society.

But go ahead, feel free to give them money...


make them use the chairs in this video


Constructive commentary, cunt.

>stationed at Ft. Carson
Colorado Springs was the worst place I've ever been. What a cesspool of self centered, ignorant, incest bred hillbillies.
I loved it when it snowed. I was able to drive around town faster in that, than on dry roads.
The entire time I was there fixing their problems, they complained abiut me being there. Saying shit like "how come they bring in out of state guys?" Not thinking I would state the obvious "well if you coloradians could do what I'm doing, I wouldn't be here"
I did like this little restuarant on 21st called Alfonso's. They had great food.

Not just money. Liberals want these people to have free fucking housing as well. Meanwhile everyone else with jobs and kids they raise and pay for themselves get fucked over.

Best thing to do is to give them free carfentanyl. All they want. Eventually the police will run out of Narcan and all the junkies will die.

The patent office has patents explaining exactly how to make the stuff. It's not even difficult, literally mix three or four ingredients in water, put it on a stirrer, and leave it for 18 hours.

I was surprised to see it's one of the top places in the country to live. I'd see city parks FULL of homeless people. Got my phone stolen right from my pocket at a Goodwill and the cop I reported it to said "he looks homeless, but not one of the hundreds we are tracking. We will do what we can but don't expect a call." I think almost no one in that town is local, and yes, most are either Hispanic or suuuuuper redneck (and not the kind with southern hospitality). No one there knows how to do SHIT.

Alfonso's? That tiny ass mexican place? If so, agreed. But they had a good mexican joint every 400ft. I never got too attached to any specific one.

could you even attempt to back that up with any facts or statistics?

Quit being a poorgaf and move to a better neighborhood. Also, maybe theyre not a problem, maybe you are?

Give them a place to sleep

Just go kick his ass. Cops won't arrest over he said she said with the homeless.

>The only legal idea I have is to stand next to one with my own signs telling people to not give them money because it's not helping the situation.
goddamn, you are a vapid, spiteful little shit

This was a great episode of South Park, thanks for reminding me about it.

give them poisoned food

>The increase in crime to supply the turbo safe injection junkies
Do you have any data to back that up?

Not op, but i was routinely ass blasted my my dad. I also think the homeless are a major problem
Ive offered several a job, food, and once even housing, but all they really wanted was their next fix

I have no compassion left for homeless. Jobs are easy as fuck to get. I hear Missouri is hiring now that they busted all those Mexicans

Indeed no in colo spgs. was from colo. spgs. What a retard convention going anywhere there in a car. I was there Jan-Feb. 2014 for work. I watched all the homeless arrive when they legalized the pot for recreational sales. The locals were bitching about it. The few guys I drank with after work said that the town will do nothing but deteriorate with homeless. I've kept tabs on the news, and colo. spgs. is on the up with crime. Monument is a nice little town. There is a diner called Rosie's right off the expressway. It's got a 50's vibe.
Jesus you north on I-25, once you get to monument traffic flows fine. Or when you go south out of Fountain it's good. But that whole town is a fuck you convention to drive anywhere.
And yes, that little ass joint on the west side of 21st. The customers always sticker up the drive through window.

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>Thinking those degenerates could ever reintegrate into society

Have you actually interacted with homeless people? Most of them are trashy, egotistic, and morally bankrupt individuals with no concern for themselves or the people around them. Most of them make ends meat by being manipulative liars too.

Fuck homeless people, they ended up where they're at due to their own stupid and selfish decisions 90% of the time and are beyond help.

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>What are your ideas on how to (mostly) legally get them out of here?
Easy. Vote Democrat. Republicans got rid of asylums through Ronald Regan, even after his democratic predecessor pushed to reinforce them. Ever since this massive failure, republicans now push the idea that homeless are perfectly healthy people who are just lazy.

Yeah, the homelessness never got better. I was there from Nov 2015 to Apr 2018 and, although I won't say I noticed it getting worse, looking back, it did. The homeless would crowd certain stores and weeks later it'd be shut down. I assume because they scared business away amongst other things. And I couldn't STAND how they set up the highways out there. Weird ass half roundabouts for no reason, impossible left turns, lights every 100ft that you could finish an entire song before they'd change, just the worst. Monument and Fountain were rare spots for me to go even though they were little "small towns in a big city". Littered with higher up military guys that knew me every time I went out. If I was off post, I was likely hammered so I would get yelled at for being drunk in public by dudes I didn't care about after 5PM on any weekday.

>Republicans got rid of asylums through Ronald Regan
Then why don't democrats re-open them if that's the case? Right, because what you just said is fucking bullshit.

Now that's a grey area. Junkies are scum, they should be put down for sure. But there are homeless people who don't seek to destroy themselves further and may have ended up on the streets recently due to asshole landlords. I think we should be helping those who can be redeemed and disposing of the worthless trash that can't.

The democrats do user. It's part of the healthcare thing they're always talking about. Every election. At every level.

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They'd kick the shit out of you. Better think harder

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wrong quote, meant for OP

Kill them. Go back to that spot in the middle of the night with a mask and beat him with a hammer.

as much as I hate to say it, unless they're chasing down cars and getting in peoples faces, they're within their constitutional rights to beg, federally at least. some states have different laws about it, but none outright ban it. I think your only option is just to ignore them and just not give em any of your money, it's the only thing you have a right to do.

You must have been in a homeless piece of shit before. the only kind of homeless person I respect is the kind that lives out of their vehicle to avoid taxes. otherwise if you tweaking on the corner of the street you deserve to get your ass beat.

Yea, I interacted with more officers on the base. I agree, if you only make left turns there, you can go anywhere. But going light to light was insanity. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they actually got up to the speed limit, and didn't slow back down a 1/4 mile away to 15 miles an hour to approach a red light.

>The democrats do user
No they don't, not anywhere do they do this.

And unlike you I watched the last 2 debates. Not one word came up about mental health. Plenty of talk about giving illegals free health care though.

Tips fedora


Oh fuck, you are speaking sense. Watch out, man. They'll kill you for that over there. Nothing worse than going 15 in a 40 knowing it doesn't technically matter because you can hardly reach 40 before the next light anyway.

I was a senior medic (yes, even as a brand new soldier. My unit was weird. I never made SGT, but I was always somehow sr medic) . I spent ALL my time with higher enlisted and officers on all pay grades. After the work day was over, I spent 100% of my time avoiding them at all costs. I was happy to go to Copperhead or Cowboys and flirt with the "Natives".

I know your republican mind is going to have trouble understanding this but just tough it out ok? When democrats talk about healthcare, they are ALSO talking about mental health issues. Things like drug addiction, mental health disorder, etc.

Do they have a plan that doesn't involve stealing more money from the population?

>based and incendiarypilled

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Really, so why is it they NEVER want to discuss it when a mass shooting happens? Instead it's an immediately gun grab and dismissal of ANY discussion on mental health, including drug addiction and depression like you say.

Of course not

Yes. It's to stop corporations from writing our tax laws and redirect that money to programs that will grow our middle class. All this has been made VERY clear user. Our last big federal tax laws were made by republicans and big business reps behind closed doors and with literal penciled in suggestions. We ended up with small short term temporary tax break for the people, and permanent huge tax breaks for corporations. Please stop fucking our country?

Vote for politicians who have policies that will improve mental health and support services.

I’m curious where this is?

>programs that will grow our middle class
And giving illegals free health care is going to do that how exactly?

>Really, so why is it they NEVER want to discuss it when a mass shooting happens?
why are you saying this? it just makes it obvious you dont watch any news/discussions on these topics

I watch a lot more than you do, that's pretty fucking obvious. Hence why you think the democrats actually give a fuck about the middle class. That is hilariously false.

Wait for them to starve lmao

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Are you so stupid that you cant see those two things arent related? You basically asked me how much tomato does it take to bannana.

Trust me user YOU need these mental health programs lol.

Yea, copphead road. Someone just got stabbed there.
Crowd was a little young for me. I prefer the dim light non crowded bars. I liked this place up in manitou called the ancient marnier. Pretty good little spot. Or this little spot on 21st. Just north of 24. I can't remember the name

Murder is such a delicious subject though!

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>that's a secret
I don't think my local LEO would like that little factoid to be made public. But ir works.
They take them to our church, the chur h feeds them. Gives them a bath, and haircut. They also give them some decent clothes. Then they put them on a bus for California.

The best thing to do is just ignore them unless they harass you. I usually insult them if they give me trouble. Call them a bum or a loser or explain to them that they don't actually have to take shits inside their pants.

Of course, they don't really care. They make more dough begging in a day than many of the people who give them money. All they'd ever get out of me is a shot of pepper spray. And even that's a waste of money tbh.

>Hence why you think the democrats actually give a fuck about the middle class. That is hilariously false.
Sure thing bootlicker. You can give money to corporations all you like because it literally only benefits me due to my job situation. But fact is that Republicans want corporations to control congress which takes power away from the people (ever wonder why that wall was never built when you had Executive/Legislative/Judiciary control of government? It's because corporations like illegal labor.). Every other problem stems from the loss of the peoples voice in government.

>>I watch a lot more than you do, that's pretty fucking obvious

Knowledge claims with no information about the poster at all. Definitely a republican.

If you think these fucks who keep passing stock buyback programs for the rich and increasing deficit spending for the taxpayers are going to give a shit about mental health, you're a joke.

There are more vacant homes than homeless people.

>There are more vacant homes than homeless people

Incoming samefag argument?

Society is sick so people are literally just laying down and dying to drugs, I.E escapism. What the homeless do is no different than an unemployed neet.

People are sad and afraid and dont know what to do so refuse to do anything. Dont kill the homeless, drop a cell tower or burn down a data center. Killing people solves nothing. Look at communism, 100s of millions dead and they lost.

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Is it really that much of a problem here? Im an 8ch refugee.

It's hard to tell. But there are a lot of paid trolls on 4chin. It used to only be on /int/ and /news/ but now it's spread.

There was a pretty cool bar called Supernova that was lined in oldschool arcade games. That was a favorite if I wasn't out with my friends. Good bar food and 5 dollars in quarters made for a hell of a good night. Lots of weird fuckers there as well. I don't remember going to many places in Manitou. I should have, but it seemed more like bars my parents would go to so I never paid attention.

No one is going to pay anyone to troll on a site where stuff disappears in 20 to 30 minutes.

People are just that stupid, user.

It doesnt dissapear in 20-30 min if you keep posting it again and again with literally the same titles user. You new here? or a new hire? lol

It was like that back in 09 when I left. I figured with the way the site has effectively eliminated vpn ips due to mass banning it wouldn't be such a problem anymore.

The porn threads shouldve been a dead giveaway, they are why I left anyways, then found 8ch in 2013.

Spam killed this place and it looks like it never let up.

Shut the fuck up you freak faggot bitch.

Kek stupid OP is stupid.

People don’t give money to help hobo’s, they give money to feel better about themselves, then they go back to their rich suburbs with a sense of well being, hobos cant reach them there.

>seemed more like bars my parents would go to
Lol, I feel old now. Thanks.
I made a lot of money out there. I worked 10 hours daily, 6 days a week almost half the time I was there.
I hope I don't have to back there. I had a way better time in Alaska. Alaskans are notorious for hating lower 48 folk.

This, people give money to bumps to feel like they 'helped'

Which is exactly why giving those people money should be illegal

You morons never care about your "stolen" money being used for corporate welfare, subsidizing defense contracts, or any other government program that doesn't benefit you in the slightest.
But the second anyone suggests using taxes to help people, it is so obscenely offensive to you, like a giant portion of the population gets legitimately triggered over the mildest social programs, even though the general concept also include YOU as a beneficiary and can potentially save YOU money.