Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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It's okay thankfully statute of limitations is a thing

I can't help it she's too sexy
And she loves America

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who's side are you on int the tay vs kim feud?

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any vj or dovey?

more avril please

Taylor UwU

Attached: 1457803141119.jpg (1123x1500, 590K)

Any more curly Kiki pix?

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M-My mistress i-i-i-i-i-i-is a very b-b-b-b-beautiful c-celebrity w-woman... I-I-I know I-I'm a-a very l-lucky m-m-m-man t-to h-h-h-h-h-have h-h-her b-because I-I'm s-so w-wimpy...

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Attached: Taylor-Swift-Feet-150354.jpg (854x1400, 158K)

I wanna tongue wrestle a trouser snake

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there is a feud?

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Attached: jones anim1.webm (640x445, 1.91M)

Tay is my mayo queen

Attached: Gaga1.5.gif (799x451, 1.8M)

that doesn't apply to pedophilia afaik

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good morning, how have you been?

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I-I-I know i-i-i-i-i-i-it sounds c-c-c-c-c-crazy b-b-but m-m-m-m-m-m-m-my weak n-nature almost a-a-acts l-like a-a-a pacifier t-t-t-t-to V-Vics s-strong character...

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I need to practice playing the skin flute for JJ

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been ongoing for a long time
gives me a big time boner
i hope they figght on live tv eventually

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oh, I was wrong....

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Attached: Taylor-Swift-Feet-150455.jpg (1770x3000, 1.17M)

Attached: Portman2.webm (920x1040, 1.44M)

I got one waiting for you

I’m so fuckin tired.
How have u been, beautiful

Attached: AEA78694-883F-4FEF-9177-AC2AD114B570.jpg (640x640, 135K)

Me too tbh

You can have mine.

kike puppet$

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What were you wrong about?

I’m pretty good already, but they say practice makes perfect.... I make have to practice for a long time....

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the job been keeping you busy? Or sucking fat schlong for celebs? :P
I've been alright, I always am. Just got up a few hours ago and been chilling since my actual plans for today got cancelled and that left me in a lazy mood.

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Ill let you have your way with my cock if you over exaggerate the slurping sounds :3

Jerking off too much to JJ?

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It's not pedophilia if she's a literal angel

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JJ makes practice easy tbh

Practice purity.

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How old is this girl?

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I wish I was the second thing, but it’s the first. Just got in a lyft home right now at... nearly 3 am
I love cancelled plans and lazy days tbh

I love being a slurpy slut

Is that possible

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Who should I jerk off to?

19 surprisingly

Her tits look nice here

many things user....you don't have to humour me, it's ok....

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Like 14 there

Don’t jerk off, fuck a lucky faggots face

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Idk what you're talking about but I like the pics.

age of concent

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Well that's easier said than done

Not if you’re in Chicago.
Wink wink
Slurp slurp

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so hot

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Afraid not.

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I don't know how much longer I will be here, but I will post her as much as I can

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she's really hot

like that?
they can be good sometimes, if it's 3am how long will you be staying up for? shouldn't you head straight to bed?

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Come here user, suck me for JJ

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Im ready to cum for her

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But she's an immortal entity that lasts all of time

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No fucking way

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Wish I could be in bed, but still in car.
It’s a shared car too. I wonder if the other riders can see me posting about how I’m a cock sucking sissy for celebs....

On my way! Where are you

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bigger pic?

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Thank you. Got any from that esquire shoot?

i feel like you'd be ready to cum to a curvy piece of driftwood.

Be careful, they might make you pay by sucking them off all the way to your place.

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Yes way

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Dude, we get it, you like dick

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this guy thinks he's a hero for trying to derail a thread..

but at the end of the day, he's just a guy with a folder full of black cocks.

makes one think.

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Gasp. How lewd!

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any kendall?

>Gasp. How lewd!

Attached: 787.jpg (70x125, 2K)

Far far away unfortunately :( Canada

Just post JJ ass

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still need to be 16 to consent

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what sort of question is this, user?

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Nice lipstick btw

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best driftwood ever

Attached: 4419d47165a8a9928f29f35f5cd4c.jpg (125x93, 2K)

Say “please”

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"please" just post JJ ass... thank you

afraid not

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Does it make you want to bust a thick juicy load

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Attached: JJfuckingwow.jpg (1242x2208, 247K)

Got discord or kik or whatever???

Fuck yes. More of that please.

of course on her face while she smiles up at me

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What a fucking monstrous cock sucking sound :3

>best driftwood ever

Attached: 51711.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Maybe not that far... I’ve got a car and some unused vacation time

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If you were born at the dawn of creation before god even created man and the earth then you are certainly over 16
plus who could say no to her?

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stone? Vj?

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I would force your mouth around my cock at 80 miles an hour

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Attached: justice anim2.webm (800x525, 264K)

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this should be what the award shows are actually

Yes she is

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Attached: justice anim3.webm (833x720, 1.64M)

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Make it 88 miles per hour, and you’ll see some serious shit

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Attached: justice anim4.webm (960x852, 1.89M)

what if i want slow teasing?

of course, user

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Them tiddies

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I need to shit blood for sexy Laura

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her ass is so big but the rest of her is so smol

Got discord? Just to avoid spam.

Attached: a884552116fab3e70fae.jpg (125x93, 2K)

Then I’ll start by gently kissing and licking your balls...
Then slowly drag my wet tongue up the underside of your huge shaft....

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You secretly hope they catch you, don't you?
hey you!
it's horrifying tbh

Attached: 1547105385438.jpg (1646x2083, 424K)

It's a vigilante cat who can see thru wooden doors.... the banana..... the banana wants to get a job as a telephone repair man

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Attached: more big ass.webm (404x720, 1.46M)

not that I give out, sorry user

Attached: ctj0iwcV_o.jpg (2000x2502, 884K)

Holy fuck her lips

Attached: tumblr_inline_p6d7wk82vS1sdz3y9_500.png (450x588, 352K)

That's OK. You OK with me being a bit lewd?

Yes. The guy next to me was a skinny dorky guy who probably secretly could dominate a mouth
Also babs is so perfect she makes me wanna cry sometimes

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user, Whoopi Goldberg gave me HPV 30 years ago, so you may experience some funny bumps on my cock :3

This is objectively the most perfect image

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Attached: Need cum over her.webm (640x1136, 381K)

Hello there :)

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but she was born in '99

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depends on what that means

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tfw youre dead to dadfu

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Attached: Jordyn Jones tight teen fuck toy 01.jpg (596x375, 43K)

How dare you imply Brina isn't literally an angel

tfw can't cum on lily's face

Attached: M_Sabrina Carpenter 031.jpg (1756x2170, 635K)

Just talking about how hard my cock is right now.

I rather you wouldn't, sorry

Attached: 1sNLvXh.jpg (2000x2361, 1.63M)

Finally home gonna go to beddy-bye now
Dream of my wet mouth, all you straight Chads out there

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What a tease


just ask him then :3
I bet he'd drop a nice load in you for babs you hopeless faggot
how are you this morning?

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she#s a 20 year old angel

Attached: EAWBcqgXkAA0aea.jpg (720x900, 195K)

smokin bomb ass weed feelin crucial

Attached: JJinnapool.webm (736x920, 1.89M)

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For what purpose?

Angels are immortal
That's why it's totally okay that I sodomized her in 2013

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All I want to do is pump my hot macaroni and cheese down your throat

yes ;)

Woke up not so long ago, but now I have a morning wood. Besides that I'm doing good, hbu? Seems we reached the limit..

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Woke up and got back on to say that sounds delicious

Its thick and creamy, would make your eyes roll into the back of your head

Can you share I really need to see more

I really need to see more

Holy fucking shit


immortality doesn't make people older it just means they cannot die

That’s lewd...

woke up a few hours ago, been relaxing since then
not much going on


It’s not I promise. Please...

It’s not I promise. Please...


make new kthxbai