rat girl tohou nazi is cutting le bread xD this is epiciest!
Rat girl tohou nazi is cutting le bread xD this is epiciest!
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she made this for you!
>le reddit rat
Who are you quoting?
This guys:
he didn't say that tho
I want to kiss Nazrin’s cute tummy and pat her head
you make bread for me for free
oh cool it's pee pudding
SHES A NAZI?????????????? NO NON ON ON ON ON O NONO!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats not cool 0)) -___-
t. me pic related
the proof is in the pudding (literally) (the proof is pee)
what the frick yuji sakai what the freakin freak is this le wtf yuji sakai arga raga grg arg argg
it's pee
*pats on head*
*pees on head*
thats it u activated my trap car
me left AND me rigte fuck fcukfuck
you were meant to bring balance to the forc e not destory it
I love u tonposter
tomposter? more like dumbposter haha ye you can all use that one as much as you like
wait wtf
im literally never usiung that name ever
frog :)
ahhh another one for the sadzom collection good job
*Lures into a glue trap and slowly watches her die*
I can't believe this STUPID DISEASED rat touched my fucking food.
At least she is gone now problem solved :)
Ewwww, a rice cooker
what the fuck there is only his chair in the background?? -____-
linus is a rice cooker deep down in his heart
oh shit
a rat
thank you so much user for this vydia
she dead