I'm going to kill myself next week. What things I should do before I do it?

I'm going to kill myself next week. What things I should do before I do it?
Should I donate all my shit or sell it and donate that money?
I'm thinking on slaying my wrists on a bathtub but if anyone has an easy and painless way to do it Im all ears

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Get a 9mm highpoint, tie a helium balloon to it, shoot yourself in the head. People will think you were murdered and your family can claim insurance.

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not wait....definitely the one thing you should do

Getting a gun isn't an option but making it look like a murder is a really good idea. Maybe an accident?

go work at a thrift store with some retards (i mean literally mentally handicapped), and be the best friend they never had.

shit a little bit, mix with water, inject a little into your veins, win

Except they'll just find your body laying next to a gun with a balloon tied to it.
Might give em a little giggle.

a mossberg shotgun is like 200 bucks a mavrick 88 use 00 buck nigger your dead when they hiyt that brain son

Don‘t do it Friend. Death is pointless.

Rent a lamborghini aventador. Guarantee you won't want to die after driving that shit.

Dont be a pussy jump outta a plane without a parachute on 10 hits of acid and win win win

Not do it.

Don’t be a pussy jump out of a plane without a parachute on 10 hits of acid and win win win

Sauce of girl.

balloon needs to be big enough that it floats off with the gun then pops and drops 20 miles away killing someone else if theyre unlucky.

We love you op. Don't do it


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give me your ps3

>Should I donate all my shit or sell it and donate that money?
Got any credit cards? Max that shit out and give the stuff away. Won't matter to your room temp corpse, but it might help someone else. Can you post your address on your way out? Someone lives near you and can loot the remaining valuables, too. One question, why are you worried about how much it will hurt? Once you get the act in motion assuming you do it up right, it'll all be over shortly. Don't fuck up and be a burden on anyone by almost killing yourself. Take a header off a tall building.


If you are serious the least painful way is nitrogen gas asphyxiation.

Get some help user.

Hmmmm, you honestly shouldn't.

Why doe?

Seriously, heavy inhalation of a fart funnel. Best way to check out.

Please don't. Its a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Remember David Higgs. There's so much good you'll miss out on. Stay a bit longer, see what happens.

>Got any credit cards? Max that shit out and give the stuff away
I didn't think of that. Good idea, thanks.
>One question, why are you worried about how much it will hurt? Once you get the act in motion assuming you do it up right
You do have a point.

>>One question, why are you worried about how much it will hurt? Once you get the act in motion assuming you do it up right

If you're trying to die to end pain, why would you volunteer for more pain on the way out?

There are things worse than dying. e.g. a long slow death from dehydration when your method leaves you alive but unable to move or worse still surviving and being locked in.

I mean if you're goal is to die, why not go out doing something good with your life? There's plenty of corrupt politicians, land owners, businessman, etc. Get you a cheap gun and go to town. That gets you bonus points from me cause I don't believe in suicide, but going out with a fight is fine

Government in my country is runned by a retarded low-IQ mob. I don't want my family to get hurt for payback.

Care to explain why you want to die, Yea Forumsro?

Post credit card numbers you lying faggot

>dreams of being an artist are dead and I'm wageslaving myself 10 hours at day
>mom got back together with dad that left us when I was born and don't wants me on her life anymore
>friends are slowly going apart due their adult lives
It don't sound as much but I don't even feel sad anymore. I just feel empty.

You should explore some drugs before you off yourself. Psychedelics is something everyone should experience before they die.

you should do it in front of your parents if you hate them so much

I don't hate them

ive had this feeling before. feeling empty feels the worst, because atleast when you are sad, or frustrated, it means you care about something, were emptiness results from total apathy. I don't get anything out of you not killing yourself, but it doesn't seem like it's all hopeless, it just seems like a shitty time.

You could always kobain yourself. But if you're already gonna kill yourself, could you go ahead and uhhhhh clear the swamp a bit for us?

wtf? Fuck donating lol, give it to a person if anything.

But more fun that that, I would suggest becoming a traveling nigga. Just go around your country staying in random hotels, practically be homeless. Be free until your last dollar.

THEN, when you have nothing you can kill yourself. But, what's also a possibility is that through this experience you may decide not to end it after all.

Just my suggestion

Try some drugs and shit before you die, like give meth a try or do some heroin like might as well and depending on how you kill yourself you might want to make a show of it, I'd say get some wire that's strong enough to support a good amount of weight at minimum your own, go somewhere as high as you can and in a semi public place preferably public though, tie it to something solid that won't move no matter what you do to it and then tie a noose with the other end and jump off, if you make it so you fall a good 30 ft then when the wire snags it'll decapitate you and make a show for those beneath you

stop being a faggot.
>im going to kill myself next week
no you aren't because if you were truly suicidal you'd be dead right now
>what things should i do before i do it.
absolutely fuck all

you are attention seeking faggot just like all the other threads that i see just like this shit. boohoo your life is bad, so is everyone elses.

either grow a pair or stfu

Shit, man. To be honest, I can't exactly know how you're feeling or have been feeling, but in some degree I can relate. I graduated from a now dead college for a medium that's considered obsolete. My parents are talking about selling the house and moving to Florida (without me). My once tight-knit group of friends aren't around as much... But life's always going to try and kick us in the nuts/overies. Not gonna say that you have to toughen up, but just keep in mind that sometimes life can change around for the better, especially if you give yourself the chance to help yourself make that change. Life's not perfect, but you can always try to make it better for yourself. Instead of just thinking about the bad, try, just try to think of how it can be better and what you can realistically make things less shit. Seriously, sorry that you feel this way, bro, but I really hope you can find something that bring back meaning in your life before you do anything permanent.

What country? Also I guess that's fair. But what about other countries?

Gather as much money as you can: debt, loan and so forth. Leave the country, no traces. Be free to do whatever you want...

Killing yourself is stupid. Your basically saying fuck everything, but at the same time saying "the world got to me". Since you're willing to sacrifice everything, do it by doing whatever you want: drugs, hookers, being a mercenary, being a superhero, being a hooker, live in the wild etc.

Killing yourself is just booring stuff...