Hey Yea Forums the factory I work in just shut down and I've been laid off indefinitely...

Hey Yea Forums the factory I work in just shut down and I've been laid off indefinitely. I have three kids to feed and zero prospects (factory is only jobs in my area)
We can't afford rent this month, and don't stand any chance of being able to afford to move, we face being homeless through no fault of our own.. why is life so unfair??? Idk what to do, I'd kms but my kids need me, considering offing them too while I'm at it.......
Any advice on how to get out of this mess?
Also, I'd appreciate it if any of you bros out there would be willing to buy this guy a drink, my PayPal is [email protected]
Don't have to believe me but it's a seriously dark day for me, would be amazing if any richfags out there might take pity on a guy like me

I can greentext it if anybody wants to know the scoop

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In the meantime, I guess I'll drop some of my spiciest memes. Not like ill need them in hell

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Is there not some sort of benefits scheme you can apply for?

Inb4 "budget better"
>Implying I have funds with which to budget

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We got the severance package cause I been there for more than 5 years, but it was literally $1200 .......which covers us for about 3 weeks .. I just wanna go there and smash there shit but in the end I'm the one that's gonna get fucked by the law after being fucked out of a job.....they basically handed me the severance cheque with a smug look on their face.....idk what to do, my cousin was saying I might be able to get some help with a Kickstarter or something but I just feel dirty asking for so much...I'm a hardworking guy I don't deserve any of this shit and life just fucked me for no reason. Idk what I did in a past life to deserve this man...

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File for unemployment he must

I was looking at doing content writing for websites on freelancer but they pay like 5$/hour, id have to work 10 hrs a day 7 days a week just to get enough to pay rent much less feed my kids...I've considered contacting child protection services but that's a last resort....once their in care it's impossible to get them back out once ur on your feet.

Do this he must, or starve he will

Don't have any friends or family that could look after the kids while you look for other jobs? If there's other factory jobs in your area why not just look for those

Problem there is, I've been audited with my taxes and found in arrears and they won't provide me assistance until I square up the mountain of debt I owe them,
Back before this I was a carpenter and did alot of contract peice work.....turns out they can trace under the table shit and I'm on the hook for over 5grand

Take a personal loan and pay back the IRS, get on welfare so you can eat and have something to fall back on while looking for a job. Struggle to make payments on the personal loan, might have to declare bankruptcy but it could buy you some time.

Yeah I've sent out some applications, but I live in a small town, less than 10,000 people and can't afford a car, so commute isn't really possible. As for my kids, thats actually a super good idea I didn't even consider asking my brother...we aren't very tight though idk what he'd say- it's a big burden but maybe he'd pull through for me. It's that or the fuckin gulag lol.....Ugh idk what to do. I was building car seat parts it's not the kinda thing that's overly transferrable skills.. it's literally drone work I just inspect the same part 9000 times a day looking for offset hole punches

A personal loan???? I wouldn't be in this mess if I knew anybody who could help. My entire life was eat sleep work I have no connections xD I went to get assistance from a payday loan place and they said because I no longer have income they can't give me a loan. Figures that when u need it it ain't there

I hate to sound like a pessimist shooting down these great answers but I'm seriously fucked

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You can apply for loans online if you don't have shitty credit score


If you have literally nothing else to do you can try out ^^

The audio quality is a bit shit for some of the transcriptions but if you find one you're able to make out then it's some money at least

Yeah my credit is alright, not te best, like I said earlier, I owe the government alot of back taxes, and I have credit cards maxed, shit with money.

I'll definately look at Rev, at least it's monkey work anyone can do, I need to find a full-time gig stat, is there anything online that pays enough to live on? Everything I've seen looks great for the third world

Wow rev actually looks pretty good, at least SOME cash to be made there, forsure

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No offense but how did you think tax evasion was gonna go? And having multiple cards maxxed even with evasion, how did you end up in this situation?

Anything that pays online is usually peanuts but i'll see if I can find anything, never really had to use them myself

I don't get it. Is this a click bait?

It's a shitty amount of money but w/e the difference is between starving to death and having something to eat

Hey man I get it. I got myself into this mess, I'll get myself out of it one way or another haha. I was young when I got into contracting, it wasn't intentional I just didn't know how to file them or what to claim. Hell. I didn't even know I had to file my own taxes for contract work I thought that was covered by the tax I charged customers. It was a shock when they told me I owed so much, 6 years of odd jobs working like a nigger for $7/hour just to turn around and have to pay 2/hr in taxes. It adds up pretty damn fast

It's not a matter of starving to death man. If I was homeless I'd still find food, churches will help, there's a food bank in my town, and I can get ahold of dayolds from the bagel shop, it's more a matter of paying the bills, I got three kids to deal with and my woman is a "stay at home mommy" which is a fancy way of saying she's a useless fucktard

Yea it's different where I am, being a wagecuck here just has the govern just take it straight out of your paycheck

don't let her fucking leech of you then, also if she's unemployed surely she's entitled to benefits as well

bro move south its pretty cheap to live here

Sell your useless shit you don’t use and live on cereal and rice. Unemployment will buy you some time and just pull off some gigs here and there. It sucks but starving without a home is worse. Just embrace the suck until you get a new job it could be worse.

embrace the suck you a marine bro?