The direct purpose any creature has is to mate and reproduce, anything else is considered a failure of evolution...

The direct purpose any creature has is to mate and reproduce, anything else is considered a failure of evolution. So tell me, why are things such as homosexuality and transsexuality accepted in a seemingly intelligent species?

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IN THIS THREAD: Failures of evolution.

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Because they are examples of ineffiencies that a system is healthy enough to afford.

Because in an egalitarian society, humans arent solely defined by their reproductiveness, moron.

We should treat someone with no kids the same as someone with 40 kids.

If intelligence is only measured through what would be an evolutionary advantage, then something like rape would be seen as intelligent. Since humans have (mostly) risen above the biological rat-race, there's no real reason to only sustain evolutionary values.

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you can't "This" your own post, you lonely fucking tardpocket

On the contrary, in a general evolutionary context homosexuality could easily be tolerated by heterosexual males. Faggots aren't in competition for females to reproduce with. The seemingly intelligent thing to do would be to kill off your own competition which would be the other heterosexual males. Faggots can do whatever work they can do, whether it's cooking or cleaning or even hunting for the good of the community without any risk of proliferating their own genes. They're basically low-risk free labor.

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Social and economical responsibilities and some people like myself just don’t like children. We have advanced enough to not bow to the whims of nature. Gay people have the curse of a smaller pool but the blessing of just enjoying the faggotry.

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>why are things such as homosexuality and transsexuality accepted in a seemingly intelligent species?
Other species indulge in these activities, too. If the individual dog or dolphin keeps it up they are the end of their genetic line - a failure. Humans who spend their energy getting their bodies altered in such a way as to void their reproductive prerogative are politely removing themselves from the gene pool. Because we are exposed to radiation from earthly or extraterrestrial sources there will be mutations that keep these "sports" around, but they can't breed in a natural way. It's a shame we let our intelligence and science help lesbians through sperm banks have access to what the incels would be wasting on the ground. As to straight up fags, that's why nature shared AIDS. Did I miss pissing off any of the freaks?

Even from an evolutionary perspective there is much to weight in.
-epigenetics: perhaps said traits, if genetic, become only active under a special circumstance, and wouldn't be detrimental to reproduction otherwise.
-evolution is not isolationist. Even if a trait doesn't make an individual better off, it might make a family more prone to survival. Picture a gay dude, with dude strength, protecting the women's hiding place when straight dudes are off to war/hunt.
Now what I believe is that sexuality and gender identity is a multi-variable trait that perhaps is somewhat influenced by genetics, but I don't think it's predominantly genetic, but rather a matter of upbringing, socialization, experiences at younger ages. I mean, we have grown, straight men bending their gender identity and sexual orientation out of porn addiction. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is.
And what I'd like to add is that, even if sexual orientation is 100% environmental, that is no reason to hate homos. Let them be, who cares.

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Not a fan of anime or manga thanks

we evolved past evolution, old man. the individual follows the mob, and the mob wants you to be special.

Yes I know that some gays have kids but what I don't get is that if they don't CONSISTENTLY contribute to the gene pool then how the fuck are they still around?
As this user noted gay must be environmental

That's the kind of fag you prefer? Sorry I'm not a grungy fedora wearing 15 year old. But if that's what you like, fine by me. Leaves more females for the rest of us fully functional males. I'm already past the point of nature needing me since I successfully raised 4 heterosexual children.

I know this is high School level shit, but some people seem to need it

Because (((someone))) has guilted us into accepting it.

You can make up your mind user, unless you are willing to be controlled.

Fall back to caveman days. Young males trying to prove themselves to The Tribe. We developed societies that hire police forces to protect us from our own violent children until they can be guided into military service or become the next generation of police, or titty bar bouncers.

You mean like in the US university system where you will conform, join antifa, and go queer or be labeled a fascist?

We all can make up our own minds. If you are stuck on "guilted us into accepting it" well then hat's on your own weak mind, nobody else's.

Because altruistic traits are a thing, and even without directly reproducing you can still contribute to society,. even if you're gay, Alan Turing for example, who laid the groundwork for the machine you're using to post this badly thought out mess.

Same reason that grandparents who can no longer reproduce contribute to looking after children. Same reason sterile worker ants will give their life to protect the queen. Sure there's more nuance to it, but that's the basic gist.

Think it through.

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Yup, used to be stigma for being odd. Not it's required, but you have to conform in your weirdness. How dare a person choose to express their sexuality "as assigned at birth"? I feel no guilt for being hetero, but I'm not a rainbow tinted, choose one of the 47 genders, and change it next Tuesday freaks. It's to my advantage since anyone I date will recognize me next time we meet.

>Think it through.
No longer allowed. According to liberal policy you must feel. Thinking is the white man's way of repressing minorities.

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and how do you feel now snowflake?

I think homosexuality is mostly a mental illness, but even with the population of straight men modern genetics show that most of them didn't reproduce, it was just the top alpha men who got to fuck literally the entire female population I.e. a harem. We're slowly returning to this model after the failure of religion and monogamy and the classic roles of women to stay around, it's why the male incel percentage is increasing much faster than the female incel percentage.

You must not understand my view point. I have "played the game" I didn't just break even in a ZPG way. Three sons and a daughter so my genes will carry on. Unlike the current batch of confused souls trapped in a body that's "not how i FEEL..." wah, go cry in your soy flakes.

No snowflake problem here. Based, hetero, and proud to be near the end of the baby boomers. I got lucky being born before being a freak was resume enhancement.

>being born before being a freak was resume enhancement
ok i keked, you're ok user

The amount of stds though

>it's why the male incel percentage is increasing much faster than the female incel percentage.
So you agree that modern feminism has had a detrimental effect on society? By emasculating our young men we now have a higher percentage of non-binaries in the possible gene pool. If the choice is rape a lesbian, jack off forever, or date a trap it's a no win situation.

This post has no benefit for mating or reproduction, then why does it exist?

If those are your only choices you need to improve your life somehow or kys, nobody is that powerless

Op loudly doesn't understand evolution. Shocking

Side effect of loss of monogamy. Couple that with a more mobile population lets a disease carrier fly to another country and spread something that should have stayed in Africa with the monkey fuckers, or Scotland with sheep fuckers.

Because that's an appeal to nature fallacy. We do tons of shit that isn't natural.

like ur mom does tons of shit that isn't natural with MY DICK in her COLON

Look up what percentage of them were molested as kids.

you like fucking dead people?

I'm sure many of them feel that way. "If I can't get some, I'll gear up and walk into a Walmart..." Used to be a process - it was called dating. It required talking to the girl, buying her supper, and getting some. Not sure where it went wrong. I was married for 30 years and continued to "date" my wife through the standard courtship rituals. Since then had two GFs through the same process, but we aren't the youngsters that are all gender fluid fucked in the head.

Dating is still a very real and natural occurrence, not as common sure but it's still around. These young men need to get themselves together. Stop blaming the world for their shortcomings and learn to overcome them or even use them to their advantage. Anybody can get laid.

Well, don't tempt me

My sides

So to continue to accept other than biologically correct behavior is contraindicated. "Doctor it hurts when I do this" Well, stop doing that you twisted fuck head.

Ok is that his mom taking the picture? Can't be a gf.

We're on the same page, Sir. I don't know the numbers but now I'm curious what percentage of incels historically and current.

I'm not the one who called you a snowflake you utter downie.

Not really. It is the purpose of the species to perpetuate itself. There are many instances of homosexuality in the animal world. Considering humans have not been around that long, we are only beginning to understand the purpose of many aspects of animal behavior. It could well be that homosexual behavior contributes something to the well being if the social group. It could very well be that you are projecting your own insecurity onto behaviors the complete dynamics of which you know nothing about.

>if they don't CONSISTENTLY contribute to the gene pool then how the fuck are they still around?
It must be a thing where gay people aren't a recurring species, just people who turn out to be gay for whatever reason

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Any biological behavior is value free in nature. Who are you to judge what is correct? An ignorant hairless ape banging out crap today he hopes impresses us.
It doesn't.

I helped my buddy turn away from going down that road, he's in a better relationship than I am now. I'd try to help other incels like that but since I don't already have an established friendship with these people they usually tell me to fuck off.

Humans arent even the gayest species. Bats have like 60% homosexuality rate. OP. Don't be a fucking retard

This. Explaining how homosexuality persists is a basic test of understanding natural selection and evolution.


>It required talking to the girl, buying her supper, and getting some.
That's called harassment and patriarchal misogyny now. And maybe rape.

Only if you're ugly.

Because it stops the lesser evolved from reproducing you retard. Can’t fucking connect the dots yourself?

you and I might be the same age but you seem awfully pissed off about shit that has nothing to do with you. if you were actually interested, you would have studied social sciences and the pluses and minuses of each generation other than spout out this "I see dis, I don like dis" shit. it was always fucked up. you just don't remember it clearly. when I was growing up, people beat up gays and blacks and latinos and guess what? that was wrong. the world survived that stupidity, it will survive this. and the whole, I passed my genes on! Whoo Hoo!! who gives a shit? you're not a geneticist, certainly not a historian, you have zero fucking context and you sound like one of those fools with no education who's figured everything out and can't wait to tell us about it. fuck off.

Lesser adapted I should say

Didn't say you did, but I had it on my mind when responding to the next post. I answered you "Only way to win is don't play".jpg

You know, I've never thought about it like that, but you are kinda right. This would be a good litmus test for understanding evolution.

Homosexuality presents in tons of different species. It's a strategy for males to become more feminine to get things they need for survival in zero sum situations, if there isnt any room for more males, some homosexually leaning men will mate with the alpha/leader. some males like with cuddle fish present as more feminine to present as non threatening to competing males in order to get access to mates, also In chimps females will ignore the more aggressive males in favor for older/weaker males who showers them with gifts and grooming, and general affection. Theres a huge spectrum of strategies for males who arent going to be the sterotyplical Male with a harrem that so many species in nature present with.

>Considering humans have not been around that long, we are only beginning to understand the purpose of many aspects of animal behavior.
In a larger sense, I agree. We are The Universe experiencing itself. Little greasy sacks of self awareness. Maybe the occurrence of sociopathic behavior is on the rise.

Some men are nest builders, some are show offs, some are warriors and leaders, some are friends and companions. And some are hot babes. checkmate darwin.

>Any biological behavior is value free in nature.
In the individuals case, sure. We can afford to loose a percentage of sports and mutants if they don't seem to forward the species. That's how animals other than human do it. You're a goat with fucked up horns? You loose the head banging contest. You're a twink who prefers to suck dick and get ass plowed? No vagina for you.

Not if it's consensual between adults. Shame men have to CYA with a signed affidavit of consent. When women admitted to enjoying sex that leveled the playing field. They want it,too. Ulterior motives of finding a stable mate cross purposes with the males desire to know the female is an acceptable sexual partner. In the long run and on average these relationships work out. Unless her daddy is a lawyer, or she regrets going black.

I dunno, maybe Darwin's wrong.

This whole thing is moot, because the type of people who see the world in this way are obsolete, who want and prepare for: everything to come crashing down because thats the only world they can compete in. Move on, humanity is going to become more than tribes of hunter gatherers. We already are, we will colonize the stars and we will ascend as a species.

Evolution is correct. It's changed since DarwIn. But it's correct

>when I was growing up, people beat up gays and blacks and latinos and
Easy, there fella. Got your jimmies rustled. Yes, I'm sharing my opinion on live, The Universe, and whatever. Yes folks used to get in fights. Now it's drivebys. Feel better? I've never beaten up a fag, spic, nigger, etc. No I didn't go to university. I'm well read across many subjects and have my share of life experience. If you don't like my ideas you are free to leave the convo. You do not get to pull that antifa crap and shut me down because you disagree.

For those that choose to express their frilly pinkness they ought to understand they are other-than-as-nature intended. Maybe there's a butch chick that's looking to be impregnated by a femboy, but will they maintain a family unit long enough to raise a child? Not knocking single parent families but that puts them at a disadvantage and we're talking survival of the species. Well, not the outlying oddities. They don't really count as long as the vast majority do the biologically correct thing.

Hooray for The Singularity! It's happened before; Stone age, copper brass & iron. Mass production. Now we're getting our feet wet in Information. Combining materials science with computers and wet connections? The next step will transform the species and get us off planet or kill us off. There have been extinction before.

>Not if it's consensual between adults.
As a feminist I nullify their consent! Women cannot give consent as they are the oppressed! Women can't make their own choices, I must make their choices.
Women living independently from my feminism is misogyny and rape!

Not an argument. Pic related: a book of the best arguments.

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evolution is a jewish lie. if we came from monkeys how come there are still monkeys? are those stupid monkeys? how did fish form legs and lungs? they didn't need them to survive. jewish lies getting exposed.

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That's a fucked up ideology. Women are so powerful they can't make choices? I don't understand your convoluted logic. If the point of feminism is to make men and women equal why are you perpetuating the idea of women being weak?

It's about time you learn to embrace modern American feminism

You either man up and support it or admit you are weak and need it

Are you a flat earther, too?

No? That's fucking retarded.

creationism (fallen angel over rising ape) is a jewish lie. we share a common ancestor with apes. mutations come in the form of beneficial, neutral, and detrimental. The first two generally make it through successive generations,

Society =/= evolution.

You contradict yourself. I'm already a man. You want me to feminize and come under the authority of the women. By your rules if I embrace something I've raped it. You commit an act of prejudice against me. I've never hit a woman, nor taken one against her will. They all wanted to be penetrated. Which begs the question - Why do lesbians use dildos?

nice try judengruber

Why wouldn't there be monkeys and who says we came from monkeys?

Does the herd instinct cause society? Humans can exist a singles, but thrive in groups. I can see that once a society requires identification cards it's gotten too big. But South American tribes don't participate in modern society. Therefore evolution may have brought about society.

evolution says we came from monkeys. we had a "common ancestor" with all the other monkeys. why did those other monkeys evolve into something between a human and a nigger? why did niggers devolve and humans evolve further than monkeys? makes zero sense.

Women when talking about themselves: "Society needs to bend itself over backwards and accommodate not only my needs, but by wants and whims as well."
Women when talking about men:
"It's your own fault that you're unsuccessful, you have to improve yourself to meet arbitrary standards and even then there's no guarantee of anything."
Even when they don't realise it, women are attempting to control men and by proxy the world through sex for their own selfish, lazy purposes.
That's why they're stupid enough to think that the male suicide rate will be fixed by men just talking about their problems lmao

evolution is gay it made homos haha

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>evolution says we came from monkeys
It actually doesn't
>we had a "common ancestor" with all the other monkeys
>why did those other monkeys evolve into something between a human and a nigger?
Because they were able to keep breeding
>why did niggers devolve and humans evolve further than monkeys?
There's ZERO evidence of de-voulution
>makes zero sense.
Because you're pulling shit from your asshole

implying one must care about evolution/furthering the species as a goal in life.


>Because they were able to keep breeding
the same "missing link" common ancestor kept breeding and it resulted in humans, negros and monkeys going their own way? not buying this bullshit.
>There's ZERO evidence of de-voulution
considering negros can have lower iq than chimps and gorrilas, well there seems to be lots of evidence.
>It actually doesn't
it does. space rock came to earth, bacteria soup came off it and created jellyfish who turned into fish who grew legs and lungs for some reason, those turned into dinosaurs who turned into little mammals who turned into other mammals suchs as monkeys and those monkeys turned into humans and other monkeys.

Not just as a goal in life but the basis for all existence, purpose, validity and morality

Which would also mean that sexually obsessed perverts are better than normal people

As a Christian, this has always been my problem with homosexuality. You don't need the Bible to tell you it's "wrong". Darwinism and survival of the fittest, pure atheism through and through will lead you to that very logical conclusion.

That and the logic that *shrug* "oh well can't help who you're attracted to" can be applied to those that like children as well, thought that's probably not as frowned on here you sick fucks

why must one validate their existence? why should i care what others think? (not saying i'm gay, i'm not) i just think the argument is silly.

People are fucking dumb and the people that seem to be keen on breeding seem to be the least qualified for it, and the ones that "humanity" could use breeding, often don't.

I just dont care anymore.

>the same "missing link" common ancestor kept breeding and it resulted in humans, negros and monkeys going their own way? not buying this bullshit.
This bullshit you made up? I don't buy it either.

>considering negros can have lower iq than chimps and gorrilas, well there seems to be lots of evidence.
Considering they DID NOT evolve from those species, there is no reason to compare them

>it does.
It does not say that monkeys became human.
You have only proven you don't know this shit.

Validity was only referring to the social idea of what is considered to matter most

>This bullshit you made up? I don't buy it either.
that's what you've posted "they were able to keep breeding"
>Considering they DID NOT evolve from those species, there is no reason to compare them
what did they evolve from then? was darwin wrong? were all pro-evolutionists wrong?
>It does not say that monkeys became human.
You have only proven you don't know this shit.
I'm only quoting your religion.

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I can understand why people don’t want to have kids because of overpopulation/ depleting natural resources.

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>that's what you've posted "they were able to keep breeding"
Yep, and not the bullshit you made up
>what did they evolve from then? was darwin wrong? were all pro-evolutionists wrong?
Do you not even have the education level of a 12 year old?

not an argument

Just basic facts and a question
The other poster seems to not even have the wits or knowledge to present a valid argument here

Bored? why not check this cool server, full of hot lewds of femalles and traps!

discord gg/7e5ce36

Because humans are not just “any creature.” You sound like a godless evangelical.

You drank the koolaid? That's part of the "get rid of combustion engines, except for liberal politicians, and my favorite Hollywood stars, cause they need them" bullshit. The Green New Deal has been exposed as a ploy to enforce Socialism. Next time you get outside of your metro area, not the hundreds of miles of underutilized property setting empty. We don't have a population problem.

Yeah, women suck and are backhanded af. This is something you learn to deal with as a man, you can use it to your advantage if you are smart enough. Can't change everything user

Evolution... Lol! Are you that blind that you can't see that even the people that can't reproduce can give something of value to the world?
You're both blind and evil, bro. You're gay yourself and because you hate that about you, you project it into homophobia.

Why is being gay so bad? I mean, you can be just a little gay, not go all the way in.
I like my girl to eat my ass and to touch my G spot. I KNOW that I'm 10% or 20% gay, but I don't feel bad about it. My girl is my girl and I am his man, and we'll probably have children and reproduce in the future.
It doesn't make me less of a man. I bet you're a beta cuck, if you're lucky. You might as well be an omega male. Then you're in trouble.

Accept your gayness and love it. Just keep hitting the gym and your testosterone will be fine. You fucking manlet.

gay people are more intelligent on average than heterosexuals i think.

>Failure of evolution.
OP has no idea what evolution is, or what "Survival of the fittest" means.

>Missing link
Well that's a big red flag that we're hearing from an ignoramus