YLYL/Cringe/beta male thread

YLYL/Cringe/beta male thread

Attached: stupid old man.jpg (965x977, 94K)

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>cringe/beta male thread
Pick literally ANY thread on Yea Forums right now.

Seriously. Any of them.

I know that old guy. Comes in to my work all the time.

Attached: 2df9ff2f3ddbf2961abcec05e128266f63e9918f-14.jpg (705x274, 23K)

This isn't really cringe, OP. It looks to me as if he is some old guy who lost his wife or something and is lonely.

He actually had a family at some point in his life, which is more than some faggot like you who jerks off to Chinese cartoons will ever have.

OP looks to be a bit insecure

What a stupid old man. Taking up a whole booth for himself because he want to delude himself into thinking his wife is there, when she's dead and of no use to anyone. Inconsiderate old fuck even blocks the aisle with his walker making it hard for other customers to get to a booth that ISN'T being taken up by old fools.

oh cringe, so edgy

because booths are easier to sit in for elderly


Still no excuse to leave his walker out in the middle of the floor for everyone to trip over. HE should have just stayed at home or went to the drive-thru with that shit.

Kill your self faggot I hope u get get raped and die alone in your parents basment where you dwell you fucking basement troll onve again kill yourself do your parents a favor

i love sitting in an entire booth for just myself and my giant fucking cock ya fuckin homo

i thought he was the elderly one. if i tripped over a non-moving walker i would chalk my entire life up as forfeit for being so oblivious and nonathletic

Are you retarded or emotionally stunted? Or both?

this isn't funny, cringe, or beta. This is an honorable man who found true love in his life, something you will never have because you are a sad unfunny, cringy beta.
yeah pretty sure I've seen this pic before and that's exactly what it is, I think it was their anniversary or her birthday or something like that when he went to dinner.

How do you know he's an honorable man? HE might have beat her daily and fucked her without consent over the course of many years, and now that she's gone feels regret he doesn't have a tight asshole to rape anymore.

wtf are u even saying?
nvm i bet you are miserable loser faggot
happy life kek retard
kys but you dont even have th eballs to do that, pathetic

the fuck happened to my Yea Forums
just a year ago, the same picture would have had half the posters in the thread laughing their asses off at that old fuck
go ahead and fuck on back over the 9fag kiddies

We hate that which we don't understand, and you will never understand having that much of a bond with someone because no one will ever love you, just as no one does now. Your loneliness is palpable, and you should remember this the next time you create a thread about how you're a pathetic virgin and how none of the "roasties" around you will give you the time of day.

No one likes, and especially no one will ever love an edgelord faggot such as yourself.

Thisgoes for you too. A year ago Yea Forums was full of the same exact idiots, and no oldfag I know would laugh at this. There's a line between humor and caustic, pointless edginess. You have flown straight over that line and into forever alone autistic faggotry.

yea but nowdays the guys taht would laugh about that pic are fuckin underage pathetic loser faggots
and not some old Yea Forums guys
so stfu retard grow up
i bet your life is amazing and you are depressed as fuck and u deserve that

This guy is probably dead now and with his wife rotting. Fuck you cunts for making fun of his loss.

SERIUSLY why dont u kys??
give me a honest answer

I've been browsing Yea Forums for about 10 years and I've seen alot of shit, but you trying to make fun of this old guy and his dead wife is disgusting.

Your kind isn't welcome even on Yea Forums you sick fuck

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havent i saw these pictures before but with a young girl also sitting with him an then showing her tits after ?

Good, hopefully rotting away and not getting in the way of Chads and Staceys that want to have a good time. He had his fun in the sun, he should move on.

i bet you are so cool man

If that were the woman in the pic alive and her husband dead, she'd probably be a cougar looking for fresh meat with his life insurance.

Attached: how i like my women.jpg (794x982, 109K)

Nice deflection faggot. Won't stop you from wanting to kill yourself every day you wake up and realize that your pathetic heart is still beating.

I see the bait has worked pretty good.


Love you old man

What a society we live in. Clowns and shites.

whoever write that believes in it
a bit at least so not bait

You really think he got in the way? A lot of us will be in his unenviable position at some point. I hope some day you feel it.

Why are you still alive clearly you menting9gag proves your a Reddit bitch so keep typing keyboard warrior as your parents take care of your pathetic ass btw KILL YOURSELF

only true response

when i was 14 and a loser like you i browsed Yea Forums all the time and wouldve done as you said.
then i grew the fuck up.

the biggest problem is that image is fucking older than the guy in it. Get new content fuckwit

>then i grew the fuck up.

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