This is not just a trump supporter issue. It has happened through out the history of the United States. In my opinion, which I formed from asking people who voted Republican while working in a union Chrysler plant. I asked them if they realized that the Republicans support “right to work laws”. Their answer was a convoluted attempt to be anti union and still retain their negotiated union rights. These were mainly new employees and they believed that the union had no hand in getting them a job at Chrysler and the other half didn't want their union dues going to support Democrat candidates. The latter group were largely a single issue group who didn't support abortion rights and were willing to sacrifice their union gained protection and rights, in order to stop pro choice candidates from getting elected. The new employees had been told that they didn't need to pay their 2.5 hours per month dues and they would still have to be represented by the union. This is just an small example of voting against your best interests. I should also note that this factory and employees are located in a very heavily Republican area. Just a last observation I have from speaking to these people, is that they believe that, even without a union, there was no way they could lose what they already have and they really believe that they could gain more as a reward for getting rid of the union.
This is not just a trump supporter issue. It has happened through out the history of the United States. In my opinion...
America is an amazing country to live in, if you're rich. Sadly the great red scare boogyman has left people easily to manipulate by just calling any basic human rights socialism and communism
>implying all the fear mongering isn't coming form the left
The left doesn't generally call things like workers rights a threat to the country
The anti-union sentiment runs deep in the white working class in America. It's really fucking sad how brainwashed they've become.
I couldn't imagine being as wrong as you are
yeah this is right. Basically people like having someone they can kick. Republicans provide that
I can't imagine being as brainwashed as you are.
switch workers for whites
you couldn't imagine being less brainwashed than you are? I can believe it
but it's easy, just read things on your own, don't wait for the liberal media to spoon feed you the next political topic
voting against your own interests is closely associated with racism. Poor whites could closely identify with freed slaves and even still-enslaved blacks. Indentured whites had more in common with slaves than with slaveowners.
Racism was fortified diligently over generations to separate the working class from each other and overthrowing the planter elite in the south.
Racism is steadily declining, diminishing the atomization of the working class, but considering it built up for hundreds of years, including up until this very moment, it may be with us for a while.
>shilling this hard
how is voting
democrat = tax the living shit out of me
voting republican = i keep more of my paycheck.
against my own interest.
my interest is to keep as much of my money as possible and not paying for welfare and social programs. fuck those programs. if you cant self sustain you should be euthanized and donate your organs to the rest of us.
>no rebuttal
>I know, let's reply with stolen memes
pay slightly more in taxes for free health care? or die in the gutter because that extra hundred a month you weren't taxed went to your private health insurance that refuses to pay your medical bills? decisions decisions...
>being so brainwashed you think everyone else is brainwashed
Gubmit buy some things cheaper then peple can
Gubmit can buy all insulin for ten sense on the dolar, than make it free for evbudy
at least you tried
>responding to shills without an educational meme
The funny part is that niggers that vote for democrats really do think like this
Bernie 2020
>Indentured whites had more in common with slaves than with slaveowners
Good point, I never thought of that
I like this response because it is an honest response and many people who vote republican believe this, but the funny part is poor white people believe it too, as if it makes a difference for them.
Partisan votecuck wrangler.
>unironically using ‘yikes’
This isn’t R3ddit you sack of shit
>doesn't know the word filters
>claims someone else is newfag
They believe it because it's true
it's true for the mega wealthy - the latest tax breaks are absolutely great for some. bad for most.
How many fucking airplanes have you bought and got a 100% tax write-off for? My taxes actually went up because of reductions to things I used to be able to itemize...
Wahhhh, I couldn't write off my college debt.
When I was a kid, I worked 2 summers for the county park commission. My supervisor appreciated my hustle and put a good word in for me. On the day I was to be hired, I got a pink slip. As I walked out, two new guys were walking in. As they punched the clock, I asked them who they were, as I had never seen them before. One answered "My dad is a cop, he bribed the union to get me this job". Would have been a great job for a 17 year old kid, but the union screwed me over, so I joined the military. Fast forward 5 years, I get back from Iraq and the AGFE union scum at the VA hospital treat us with absolute disrespect. One of them calls me a "scab" as I talk to another veteran b the elevators. The AFGE union fights hard to kill Trump's Choice medical program that allows disabled veterans to seek care from non-VA hospitals. Fuck the unions. Fuck the socialists. Fuck the communists. You are all enemies of America.
we have a LOT of socialized programs already that aren't being properly used by the masses, and others that are being seriously abused. creating more of these programs isn't going to help anyone and enforcing a tax on people who decline them is worse.
It's true in general you brainwashed idiot. Voting for democrats is a vote for more taxes.
This guy gets it.
Against our interests ??
>unironically used ‘oof’
Fuck off back to plebbit you asinine cunt
>bad for most.
They used to support unions
now its all about illegals working for less..
fucking fools. You get thrown some crumbs and think your doing great.
I'm softblocking you
Trying this hard
the irony of sheeple of telling free critical thinkers sheep
Fuck you freeloader bird
Cry harder fag
I work in right to work state . My pay raises are based on my performance. I get good raised cause I'm good. I also get to apply for and get different oportunities in the company based on my performance, not seniority. I do not pay Union dues that get funneled to Democrat candidates. I don't have to deal with stupid union rules. I was field service before and working in union shops was frustrating. I remember waiting around all day so the union electrician could finally mosey his fatass over and turn a breaker on. Unions are just like politics, corrupt and don't do shit.
Which would you guys rather do?
Argue about politics? Or look at sexy Jewish girls?
You really are 12.... well, summer almost over at least
try again faggot, I make ~7k a week. It's not FU and buy a island money, but I'm doing good and will do good.
I honestly care for other people, and I'm sure that's were me and your crowd differ, because its always the same story with right wingers
"We don't need to spend money on any program I'm not benefiting from"
got em
"Pay slightly more" good one.
As it turns out most poor people are poor because they are stupid.
its true for every fucking person who pays taxes
Democrat are are all tax and pend and waste big government all in our lives and pockets
Republicans are all minimal government, minimal tax and regulation and staying out of our lives
Different fag.
I make over 6 figures. The poor are getting fucked. This genuinely concerns me. And they continue to vote because of dumbass rhetoric. I'll leave you with a joke:
A banker, a factory worker and an immigrant sit around a table with 10 cookies. The banker takes 9, turns to the worker and says "watch out!!! The immigrant is going to take your cookie!!"
This is the kind of shit they're pulling, and you all are falling for it.. every.. single.. time.
Not if you’re talking about brain cells, then you don’t “got ‘em”
This is beyond stupid.
Next the Dems got stupid fags like you believing what they are selling. They was for slavery. They are for keeping the poor very poor. So your poor ass works for them and well youre still a slave. Why you think they supoort open borders? Its to get very cheap labor for them and their friends. Grow up little man.
Why the fuck a banker? More accurate with an IRS employee
Immigrant didn’t do fuck all to earn or deserve that 1 cookie
you need to take a closer look - those are talking points that every republican seems to think is true - what programs have republicans ever gotten rid of? What exactly are they trying to get rid of? How many Trillions of Tax dollars have been thrown out the window for Wars? we were spending something like 20-30Billion a month in Iraq/Afghanistan - if the rich keep paying less and less in taxes, where is the money gonna come from?
also "staying out of our lives" for real? Does that imply what you do in your bedroom? or what you do with your body?
>me, a 40 year old intellectual who enjoys rick and morty, totally owned that 12 year old on Yea Forums today by telling him that I had more brain cells
>I'm ignoring that fact that by the age of 6 you have reached your maximum capacity of brain cells and they only start deteriorating from there
>and in fact, as a 40 year old, I have a significantly less functional brain than said 12 year old
>especially after the days after days I spend binge drinking to forget the fact that my wife left me for Tyronne and my child has disowned me when I didn't agree with his alternative lifestyle, despite the fact that I too experimented with other men in college
But the immigrant is literally going to take that cookie.
Was the banker wrong, user?
Taxes went down. Most morons don't think so because the deduction amount got fucked up for most and their refund was less. The amount they paid overall was less. But the retards don't understand something as complex.
Enough with the "rich people get to buy planes and get reimbursed" nonsense. It doesn't work like that . It's a good soundbite to rile up the unwashed masses. How come Congress never fixed it . Bonus points if your answer isn't blaming Republicans, Democrats have controlled Congress through the years at times and never addressed it.
Nice joke, I have an even better one
A "poor person" is upset that other people went to college or got into trades and thus, earn more money than him. He spends half of his paycheck on cigarettes, beer, and weed, and just found out he has a 4th child on the way. Guess which party this person votes for?
ugly fag, and your mother smells bad
Cries about too many deductions. Cries when he can't take as many deductions.
Wealth often has to do with education. Poor people generally aren't as educated. Less educated people generally aren't very good at critical thinking and analysis. So, instead of basing things on facts and numbers, they go off emotions. This is why poor people are prone to being manipulated.
Because anyone who isnt super rich or illegal doesnt benefit from either Republicans or Democrats
shitty analogy, but what would you expect from someone LARPing on Yea Forums
more accurately
>A banker, worker, and immigrant are at a table with 10 cookies
>the banker gives each 5 cookies
>then takes 4 away from the factory worker because he is a citizen and the immigrant needs the leg up
>meanwhile the immigrant takes the cookies to his family but is robbed by a black on the way home
>now the immigrant hates the white guy for having one of the cookies left
>the white guy hates the immigrant because he "lost" all the cookies given
>and the banker goes to the black guy and collects the remaining cookies to net 9
That explains why niggers always vote for Democrats
why? its simple - they are bought by lobbyist. Just The Democrats are able to hid it better, and the Republicans don't bother hiding at all that they are for sale
how many points did I win?
it explains why the most intelligent and successful people vote republican
Yeah....I don't believe for one second either of you fags earn that much money per year
stay poor and voting for racists faggot
What has Trump done thats racist? Said some illegals coming over the border are bad? Because that's true. Not racist. Wanted to punish the Central Park 5? So did every other white person. Get over yourself you liberal crybaby
One of the reason the "banker" is getting 9 is because the threat of the immigrant who will work for 1/2 a cookie keeps the worker excepting of 1. Corporate has used immigration to undercut the value of labor since the beginning of the industrial age.
Also you're one of the people doing the fucking. You'll say your such and such job you deserve 6 figures but directly or indirectly your valuation is contributing to the income disparity
Republican's are idiots that would suffer from Republican policies as long as it hurts minorities. They are ignorant and racist and as long as conservatives hurt minorities they will vote for them
It's almost as if the Democrats were to lighten up on pro-abortion, LGBTBBQ, trans garbage and just focus on economic issues, they could win those people over and guarantee that the Republicans could never win an election again.
Honestly think the Democrats are making it worse. I'm for healthcare benefits but it looks like in the next election it is all or nothing. If I vote for healthcare benefits I am also voting for free college, open boarders, pay off college loans, free healthcare for illegals..... Debt is already mind boggling high. Tax the rich to death and history shows they will leave. Tax companies , they will leave . Middle class will be decimated after that.
>jew post.jpg
What makes me laugh is that if an immigrant came here and did his job for half the money he would be pissed, even though they do that already
More accurate is instead of banker, bakery owner.
Unless you are a billionaire Republicans are taxing the shit out of you and using that money you give them to bury you even more. You are a fool if you think your tax bill for a middle class person is better when Republicans are in office.
>and just focus on economic issues
That's the thing they can't do that. The economy is doing great and the stock market is strong. The only way to talk about the economy is to straight up lie about it, like the liberals ITT are trying to do.
Voting republican might be against my interests, but voting democrat is severely against my interests. I'll take criminally incompetent over criminally insane any day.
Have any of you ever thought of actually enjoying life instead of screaming about something that in the end doesn't really matter
It’s a fact that Bernie’s plan would increase tax on middle class Americans, meaning they’d get less for “group improvement”. Regardless of how much they would actually personally benefit.
You are correct. Outlaw political parties. Let these assholes get elected on their ideas and merit instead if what column they are in the ballot.
>Immigration, taxes, jobs, and health care don't really matter
How's life as a 12 year old these days?
Conservatives, both rich and poor don't argue for equality of outcome though user.
Equality of opportunity, sure.
You seem to think that just because they're poor, voting R is a vote against their interest when you clearly don't understand that they don't want money to be stolen from others and given to them.
You forgot the part where he banned travel from countries that have lax identification policies and gave been used to export terrorists . Using Obama's list of those countries btw.
As long as you are having a good time, it really doesnt
Republican. Because he wants lower taxes and thinks Obama is goin to take his job and give it to immigrants.
because democrats will only make things worse like Detroit
No. Just whites, guns, reasonable tax rates, men, heterosexuality, wearing other culture's clothes or eating their food, bathroom signs, and anyone they don't already agree with.
No. Most people don't give a fuck about abortions , guns or lbgqlmnop rights. I don't give a fuck if some transgendered gun owning lesbian goes down to the abortion mill and gets one done free cause her card got punched 10 other times. I want illegal immigration stopped. SS fixed without reducing benefits. Healthcare fixed one way or another and the debt to be addressed.
>Unironically rolling out sheeple
4 years are almost up and the left still can't meme.
Funny how they want cheap labor with the immigrants yet cry about people aren't paid a living wage.
you have the right to medical aid regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
you have the right to housing regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
you have the right to food regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
you have the right to water regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
you have the right to freely speak your mind regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
you have the right to life and liberty regardless of race, sex, religion, or disability
these things do not have to be provided to you. You are not entitled to these things, nor must they be given to you upon request for nothing in return. You have arms and legs. you have a mind that can think. So did our great ancestors, before government even existed as a concept, and there was only nature. However, not even nature provided these things without cost. Rights are things that must not be infringed.
Your rights to the aforementioned shall not be infringed for any reason. To reiterate, this does NOT mean you are ENTITLED to these things without effort.
When you are given these things without effort, it is because people are putting in the effort for you, and providing you these things for you. To clarify, effort can mean anything from hunting for food, building a dam to allow easy access to water, building or locating suitable housing, or building a company in which can bring in profits for you to live off of.
When society provides these things for people, that is socialism. If you are injured, and I choose to ignore your cries for help, I am not infringing on your right to be alive; I am simply choosing not to help you. That is my right to do. If I choose not to give my food to a starving man, I am not deriving him of his right to life because I did not cause his starvation; I simply chose not to end said starvation.
Understand? I hope so. I hope this post helps others understand as well.
Because people vote based on their beliefs and values, not who gives them the most free shit. Well, most people anyway. Why do liberals support immigration or refugees when they are against their own interests?
Dems are a short term solution to a long term problem that they themselves are causing, i.e. migration, pushing socialistic programs, etc.
reps support long term solutions now that solve the issues being forced on us by demo reigns of presidency.n voting conservative now is more like the old dems anyways, just the spectrum has changed and people are too stupid to see it.
Hell, on that fact. the left has become vehemently anti white in recent years. Why tje fuck!! would I vote for the party that both directly and indirectly demonizes me and pushes agendas that put my rights second in my own coountry for people that are always 4 times as violent? fuck that.
you faggots are so fucking dumb. I google searched "vote against their own interest" and this is a Quora response, copy and pasted, and you faggots went on for over 100 posts arguing about nothing
>be OP
>get pwned repeatedly in your own thread
>g-g-guys i was t-trolling the whole t-t-time
>i-i was only pretending to be retarded!
thanks for sparking a good discussion OP. Shame about your gaping asshole. I bet it looks like a blown out truck tire.
Kill yourself you self important fuck
Healthcares not a right you fucking water brained dumpster fire of a human being
I love you man. No homo.
Poor white republicans believe in working hard, i disagree with unions and dont want any part in it, but its true the help the working man and i agree with some of it, but thats as far as ill go
Unions encourage nepotism, bureaucracy, laziness, and bloated salaries(at the expense of the tax payer)
>disagree with unions
The reason we have "the weekend" is unions. Paid vacation? Unions. National paid holidays, also because of Unions. Minimum wage? unions, child work laws? Unions. Anti-Trust laws, unions.
You're a fucking idiot if you "disagree" with unions. Some of them are corrupt sure, but they're fucking needed, and you don't even realize all they've done for you, because you're historically illiterate.
Countries with no Unions are the same countries that have sweatshops.
Think about that for a minuet.
It honestly depends. Union leaders often make decisions WITHOUT consulting the union members. Decisions such as striking for higher wages, which can have negative consequences. I know my mother pays union dues every month out of her paycheck, yet the union does little to nothing for her or her coworkers. The most they've ever done was help organize a class action lawsuit against a payroll company, which resulted in victory, and a big, fat, whopping check of $27 dollars and some pocket change for everyone involved (except, presumably, the lawyer who represented them, who probably brought home fat stacks)
Unions are good when it allows the workers to organize and make decisions as a collective without fearing the repercussions. Without a union, an employee who is disgruntled about low wages is liable to be fired if they cause a fracas, but when all the workers are united, firing one can have far reaching consequences for the employer, possibly leading to a mass strike which could cost the company huge chunks of their profit.
gotta love unchecked capitalism
I'm not denying that they were important once upon a time, but even today. I'm just saying they aren't perfect or without their own problems.
It should be. The reason the USA was the greatest country was because it gave people more rights than other countries did back then.
Now we're lagging behind in some areas.
That goes without saying. No system that wields power is ever perfect.
Make it illegal for unions to give any money to any politician and I'll be more on board. Don't care except I have applied for jobs where I would be required to join a union or get fired. Basically I would be forced to support a political party and I am against giving money to either.
>reddit meme
Republicans fall for the big corporate grift year after year and are too dumb to realize it. After all they are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires and when they get to the top they don't wanna be held down.
Unions of 100 years ago are nothing like they are today.
If you were even slightly honest, you'd agree.
Listen man yeah Union members typically vote Democrat especially the old guys but democrats are also the ones allowing TONS of immigrant Mexicans to take jobs away from union workers. I have seen it with my own eyes in Illinois and Colorado.
Because they literally think Republicans and Trump will give them a rich all-white society.
>democrats are also the ones allowing TONS of immigrant Mexicans to take jobs away from union workers.
source: Fox, Breitshart, Infowhores
You mean you read some stuff you didn't like so it can't be true lol
I work directly with different Union leaders.
Why do Democrats in cities like Detroit and Baltimore vote against their own interests? Both sides are the same thing. When the same side gets too complacent on having an area guaranteed under their control, they stop doing much to help the people in those areas. The best answer is that we should have more competition on which party can win elections even at the mayor and governor levels. Then when one side knows they aren't guaranteed control over an area, they have to start making promises that they need to keep or else they'll be one and done.
meme is meant to be funny.
No I have Witnessed immigrant Mexicans building ENTIRE subdivisions around those 2 states and road projects etc. I've seen union members outside construction projects protesting that it's not a union job literally all immigrants. I don't watch any of that news shit these are personal experiences.
It might be illegal to own slaves, but business owners can still rent them by the hour.
Whether you do or not it does not make any of what this poster said inaccurate:
What you say is true but the problem is the majority of union accomplishments are in the past. Unions have really hurt peoples understanding and perspective when they became 1) political contributors 2) another layer of suits. At one time the union bosses would have informational meetings were they would discuss various candidates and try to persuade workers to vote for a particular candidate based on how they would improve the situation for the workers they represented. Now union officials just dip their fingers into union coffers and millions are given to candidates with little say from the workers themselves. Why should a worker feel a union represents their interests when their dues are going to support candidates they don't personally support? Justices really screwed the pooch when they allowed businesses and unions to be political contributors. The 2nd thing that has harmed unions is that many people working as top union officials are not people who've worked in the industry. Their essentially just "managers" who are working for team union rather than team bosses. Because of this I think many workers see a disconnect between themselves and the union which wasn't there when even top union reps were people who rose from local reps and were at least at one time, fellow workers.
>muh cool stories are "sources"
That's why I'm voting Trump again.
I didn't say it was inaccurate, I implied it was an outdated way of looking at what Unions are here for or helping ensure.
Have sex incel
>what Unions are here for or helping ensure
Just those things he mentioned.
>it's spelled "from", you mongoloid.
Regardless, this is a galaxy-brain take. Literally all of the fear mongering in the US comes from the right. Grow up, kid.
No that's because easily led
and stupid.
this one is a lost cause, comrades, he is too deeply programmed, he'll need a full boot
Yeah, Unions are single handedly stopping child labor laws from being reestablished.
It will all end badly no matter what anyone thinks, believes, imagines or does.
>Tax the rich to death and history shows they will leave. Tax companies , they will leave
Which part of history shows this? As I recall the highest top rate tax in American history was not filtered by a mass exodus of business, but rather a massive increase in productivity and a booming economy.
>As I recall the highest top rate tax in American history was not filtered by a mass exodus of business, but rather a massive increase in productivity and a booming economy.
During WW2?
This is really the biggest lie from the 2017 Tax Cut.
The tax break most American's got from that cut was immediately wiped away by the increase in gas prices in 2018 as well as the loss of exemptions for property in the most densely populated states.
Basically, this tax break cut everyone's taxes a few hundred dollars which was immediately spent on higher gas prices and local property taxes.
Amazon continues to pay $0 taxes a year and somehow people think they won a battle for the common worker. What a joke.
Not when you make it fucking impossible for them to leave, and you actually have nationalistic economic policies, like China.
The relationship between corporations and the government has been mostly balanced, until the 80s. Now the corporations run the government and make rules that benefit only themselves.
>which was immediately spent on higher gas prices and local property taxes.
Who increased those prices?
I think half of u idiots aren't even American and have never seen first hand how shit goes down here you see manipulated media. For some reason alot of Eurofags obsess and constantly make threads about America because you cannot even afford a plane ticket here.
Gas prices and consumption? The same companies that benefited from the tax cut of 2018.
The property taxes already existed in the relevant states.
Gas prices are DOWN since the tax cuts, but nice try at that fake news
>Not when you make it fucking impossible for them to leave
Right, you're going to force rich people to stay in the country while you take their money away. You faggots are so fucking delusional it hurts.
Not followed*
How is any of that Trumps fault though?
You literally just admitted there were tax cuts but made the excuse that they didn't help the middle class or poor people because (insert companies and corporations here) raised prices on goods.
"I'm retarded" a Yea Forums post
For the tax year of 2018, gas prices went up.
We'll see what happens to gas prices by the end of this tax year.
There is no need to force them. They won't leave because even if you tax them higher they still make more money here than they can elsewhere. Source: history.
And they are lower this year than in 2017, funny how you left that out. Any reason you're ignoring that they're lower this year?
>For the tax year of 2018, gas prices went up.
Statistically speaking, gas prices always go up over the course of the year.
yep op. ive worked union jobs and have experienced the same conversations. it is my opinion that a majority of those that are on 'the right' lack empathy. in fact, it is not until said policies directly affect them that they MIGHT change their attitudes. most dont. most just double down on their attitudes, but some do change their minds, they wont say it out loud, they will still identify as republican, they just wont be as vocal and perhaps vote less.
its a god damn cult.
Sure works well for China.
But nah bro. It's cool. Let companies take our tax dollars by the billions and exploit the country's lower and middle class for their own profit.
>>What is the social contract?
Not sure where I ever mentioned Trump. This was the Republican congress' doing. I'm not saying it was the companies' fault in the sense that they intentionally tried to fuck people on prices, I'm saying Republicans pushed a tax cut through without a single fucking thought to how the economy works, or they knew and said "fuck the middle class anyways". If global gas prices rise, for whatever reason, whatever domestic tax policy you create for the middle class will have a warped economic effect because of income lost to rising prices for a ubiquitous good.
>Sure works well for China
So you want the US to be like China, where they have a one party government and no human rights? Why am I not surprised a liberal is in favor of that?
>We need to raise taxes on the middle and lower class so companies don't raise prices on them.
>And in the end, they'll be better off.
You can re-read my last line in that post. I know your attention span is
>If "statistically speaking" gas prices always go up by x%
I didn't say they statistically go up due to tax rates, they statistically go up throughout the year.
Yawn, moving the goalposts is so boring kid
No. I want the republicans to put their fucking money where their mouth is and enact some real and legitimate nationalistic corporate regulatory policies.
Instead they let corporations rape the US population.
Corporations used to be held accountable, in some respect, to the US government. This hasn't been the case since the 80s.
I didn't say tax % increase, I said gas % increase.
Thank you for admitting I won the argument. Good luck on the next one.
You didn't win shit except the faggot of the day award
>Hur dur coporations are raping me
>I want the government to rape me instead
Okay kid
>I didn't say tax % increase, I said gas % increase.
Can you even read?
I appreciate your congratulations for winning this debate against you.
Good luck in your next debate.
>The tax break most American's got from that cut was immediately wiped away by the increase in gas prices
yep, government at it again, taking your tax money for a luxury. wait, you're telling me there is public transport and I didn't need to drive my car!?!? that's unamerican
But user, having driver licenses is a right! That's why illegals need driver licenses asap!
>without a single fucking thought to how the economy works
clearly your econ101 class has taught you more than these congress people have learned
if the gas prices hadn't gone up, you'd blame it on something else
>the price of the flagship iphone increased 50% so the tax cut was basically null
>pay slightly more in taxes for free health care
So i'm paying for "free" health care,
I'm fine with paying for my health care, i'm not fine with paying for yours
Notice how he ignores the fact that the gas prices are way down this year
>during WWII
After WWII. The massive economic boom in the United States during the late 40's, 50's and 60's was built on a socialist platform (FDR's new deal) with a captive market; Europe and Asia having been bombed to shit. The current economic crisis in America is two fold: One, that captive market has been destroyed by global trade and two, the United States moved to embrace a free market capitalism in a system that continues to reward national protectionism (which is a socialist strategy.)
Lets be clear, American business is doing great, GDP and Corporate earnings are at an 80 year high. An one capable of exploiting the new global trade has experienced an economic boom not seen since the gilded age. Let us also be clear that history is cyclical and history has already shown us what comes after the gilded age. Capitalism requires a pyramid structure to work (with a whole lot of people on bottom feeding a few on top) while conversely it encourages a few people to gather the majority of power while continuing to supply past what the market can handle.
Supply -> over supply -> market correction/recession/depression
We've moved from the economy that best benefited the most to the one that benefits the least for a limited time.
I can vote out a bad politician. Worst comes to worst I can assassinate the president (at the cost of my own life.) I can't do fuck all about a board of directors culled from the yacht club.
Back when companies were 100% owned by Americans and not trans national corporations.
Why would they stay in America if we taxed them 64%+?
do you realize how much that slightly more is? US tax rate is 80-85% for majority of the population, with decent tax exemptions for owning property, having kids, investing. European tax rate is closer to 50% of their income to cover this "free" healthcare.
and many companies will pay for your personal healthcare pre-tax, so you're saving another 10-15% on health insurance
let alone that the US leads the world in most medicine
universal healthcare helps nobody but those who want to live beyond their means and thus need the government to regulate their spending for them. if you're not making enough, you're already eligible for many free programs that not only provide you with healthcare but also food and housing.
>I can assassinate the president
>I can't do anything about a corporation
Bait or you are mentally retarded
>US tax rate is 80-85% for majority of the population
lol no
mommy still doing the taxes for you, I see
Where would they go if we stopped selling merch from companies who didn't pay 64%? That's why national protectionism works in a global economy, the United States can enact legislation to reward it's own business and hurt others instead of relying on international cartels to dictate prices.
If we told Amazon to fuck off how long do you think it would take four other Americans to start their own version of Amazon? Four other Americans who wouldn't make 100 billion but would go from making $150,000 a year to $15,000,000 a year each? The business is dependent on the market, not the other way around.
name one multinational corporation brought down by a single individual. I'll wait.
more than 50% of the country falls into these tax brackets
Lmao you haven't gotten a raise in years unless you got a new job.
Look at their other option. People who despise them, look down on them and constantly bullying them.
>Lmao you haven't gotten a raise in years unless you got a new job
You do know not everyone works at fucking McDonalds like you, right?
So America invented racism to help enforce slavery?..... What color is the sky in your world?
Fuck you, McDonald's is a major employer and I guarantee they make more money than what ever business you work for (which proves user's point that wage stagnation has benefited the corporate cucks.)
Well yeah no shit, they have thousands of stores all over the fucking country and a national brand. Of course they're gonna make more money than the run of the mill small business. Now go be a literal child elsewhere.
technically the Dutch but essentially yes. Racism as we understand it is relatively new, about 500 years old. For the first 5,000 years of recorded human history slavery was a class distinction, not a racial one, and religion/nationality were the major devisions.
>gets BTFO
>insults user
Your using your small business to defend a national economic policy and I used the example of a larger, nation wide business to point out you're fucking stupid. Eat a dick.
This question is rather absurd. Why not ask Why do rich people in blue states vote against their own interests? Oh wait, rich people always vote their interests because the government works for them. It's the working class people in this country who suffer continuesly from both sides. The best thing about Trump is that it showed the 2 parties that people will elect an "outsider" from politics. Makes me wonder if the Republicans will try adding their own version of superdelegates.
>Pointing out the obvious
>Being a literal child
Back to plebbit son
>a political outsider
That fat orange bitch is more connected than a rave DJ's turn table. Ivy league schools, new york Jew money and the Koch brothers put him in the middle of a political spider web as big as the Bush's and Kennedy's.
and, everyone ends up with healthcare, despite you not believing it is a right in modern society, because they can show up at the emergency room and get care that will cost taxpayers 10x what it would if they had ongoing care.
Nice larp. Now here's the reality. I live in Alabama. Work hard day to day for 10 years and git a few raises in that period. Get fired so they can replace me with someone who will do the same job for what my starting pay was. Right to work laws are the biggest scam corporations ever sold you fools
>Person has a fucking life
>reublicans: oh nononono
>pay their 2.5 hours per month dues
Ahahahaha, fuck that.
I'm white
I'm male
I'm straight
I earn a decent living
I'm not welcome in the Democrat Party
Any "right" that compels action, is not a right.
>random pic unrelated
Did you also rack up over 300 confirmed kills? Because that'd be more believable than your story.
How are the Republicans staying out of your lives, exactly? They seem to be passing all sorts of interfering legislation, such as the anti-abortion bill.
democrat = tax the living shit out of me to help my fellow Americans
republican = tax the living shit out of me and give it to the rich
Source: my own ass
> 80 - 85%
You can't possibly be that stupid
illegals are not americans
Where in that pic do you see 80%?
As a % of income, the poor got the greatest taxbreaks. And rich people in high tax states payed MORE.
80% of Americans got a tax cut. The doubling of the standard deductible helped the poorest immensely.
Holy shit your accountant is stealing from you moron. 85%? Last year I made 150,000 and paid 15,000.
But for you? I'll totally do your taxes. Bet I can get it down to 75% lol
The white working class voting against their interest meme is just trying to shift away from run down democrat inner cities that failed black people, as in baltimore, south chicago, detroit etc
You have to nitpick poor white republican areas with like 4000 people to say republicans have failed the working class, even then those areas have much lower crime rates than democrat shitholes
Also i don't think the middle class voting for mass immigration & higher taxes is a good idea either
pay 2x canada in government healthcare costs, in return recieve currupt system of ''private'' healthcare that is basically a co-op between insurance companies and pharma companies holding a monopoly that is enforced through patents, you are forced on top of your taxes going to them to pay health insurance fees that are nearly 10x that of canada (because everything except drugs are already covered in canada), and also pay 10x more then canada not only for the insurance but for the drugs themselves
proceed to repeat what your overlords tell you ''fuck off commie this is better!'' ''they want socialism!'' etc.
what does canada get for half the price we already pay? universal healthcare for all, all procedures and treatment is free, only thing that costs money is drugs and employers are required by law in Canada to provide benefits for their full time employees, they pay 10% what we pay in drugs and their health insurance costs are VASTLY cheaper then ours and they receive the same level of care but with longer wait times
now imagine if we got what we fucking paid for and actually held our politicians accountable for being bought off pieces of shit, and actually demanded that we receive universal care but with twice the investment per capita like we ALREADY PAY instead of getting literally nothing but a stiff pharma company dick in the ass... only a complete fucking jabroni would think this is a bad thing...
Those statistics are only true because they are on the metric system
No, I have to visit central Pennsylvania
All white Democrats vote against their own interests. Selling the country out for the benefit of shitskins...
When your union dues are sent directly to the SEIU. I do vote against my "best interests"
PA has been a Dem state for decades, Trump pulled a miracle & flipped it, but the governor is still a dem
>liberals living in $400,000 houses with kids in private school presuming to understand what's in somebody else's interest
The middle shithole of this state keeps waiting for Trump to make it great while they do more fentanyl and blame everyone else. Republicans keep telling them its about to be Great Again. Any minute now...
& Democrats solution is to tax them & get migrants to do their jobs?
>Why would they stay in America if we taxed them 64%+?
this is like asking why would coke want to sell their 24 packs of coke at walmart if there was a stocking fee instead of selling their products at flee markets
America has the biggest market by more then double any other market in the world, most single states have GDP that is higher then other countries, also, our tax rates are a fucking joke and people are typically ignorant of tax rates outside of the U.S.
our main competitor and 2nd largest market in the world is China, and China has a 45% flat tax, and more the 50% of all their businesses are state owned
no one can compete with the american market and if you ''go else where'' you won't be rich anymore or relevant, that's how the global market works, if you are S&P500 you are in America or you are broke
it doesn't work how you seem to think it works, companies go to the market, not vice versa and it's why companies like jarito suck balls while pepsi and coke thrive even though they basically sell the same shit
What exactly do you deserve? How much value have you created?
No its to give them healthcare, food stamps and retrain them out of coal jobs that at this point their grandparents last had. Which, I may add, paid because of the union.
But that's socialism so they dont want it. Better to OD or die of pneumonia. Freedom-- the Republican way!
I don't think he'll make it to the elections, saw him on rogan the other day and he looked worse than Larry King
Most of the right wingers I know support cutting every single federal program on the books.
& why didn't Obama do this in his 8 years? or Joe Biden in his 40 years of service?
Maybe if we vote Dems one more time though
I love how you ignore everything he said and go on a rant about white trash. You're a nigger aren't you?
Black people worked in 1904? Well, I guess a lot changes in 115 years.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Every right compels action. What the fuck are wars then retard?
See, you know far more about what these people should do than they do.
Who doesn't love being lectured to and told their stupid and privileged by a wealthy, white 20 something college student?
This is sadly the truth, the middle class end up paying the bill every time, Bernie Sanders is at least honest telling workers they will pay more, other Dems pretend only the rich will pay, when in reality, the rich keep their money overseas
Why can liberals do nothing but project their own flaws onto others? Is it the same reason they post boomer-tier FB memes on a chan and can't meme in-general?
/pol/ 8ch scum
>China has a 45% flat tax, and more the 50% of all their businesses are state owned
Implying that anyone with a shred of guangxi actually pays this. Also, the Chinese government purchases their 50%, well 51% actually, stake in Chinese companies and rigs the domestic market heavily in their favor.
He did. The only reason anyone in this fucking area has health insurance is because of Obama, or Medicaid. Medicaid which every Republican has tried to cut.
Jobs retraining? Cut in half in the last two years. Gee what happened in the last two years?
And that answers the question. This thread is over.
Tell me user.
And i REALLY do want to hear an answer to this.
Because every fucking time i ask it not a single one of you worthless fucking liberal whores has the stones to answer me.
In what fucking world is free trade, open borders, affirmative action in the interest of the white working class?
Obamacare is trash for workers though & premiums have sky rocketed, it's amazing for people who don't work though
I know it because I watch them all rot into their front fucking porches all goddamn day. But yeah, niggers and spices are lazy. This fucking garbage literally eats themselves to death.
"Niggers sell drugs"
>A fucking baby starved to death after its parents OD'd
"Niggers are stupid"
>Keep holding out for coal jobs done entirely by machine
"Niggers are lazy"
>No one anyone knows even went to community college
You don't know shit. Try living in this shithole. They really fucking think its everyone else's fault. And Republicans keep telling them they're right.
why doesn't everyone who does pay the 45% flat tax just ''go somewhere else?''
let that one sink in...
And do tell me user.
Where the fuck did all the herione come from in the first place?
Democratic voters crossing the southern border.
You want to make central PA not a shithole?
Call your democratic congressman and tell him to sponsor a national budget with republicans withholding interstate funding for any state that doesnt have a minimum death penalty for the sale of narcotics.
Its litterally the way they got the drinking age to 21 nationally without a national law.
Medicaid is for people who don't work retard.
Obamacare is for people who make minimum wage working part time jobs to make full time.
>I know it because I watch them all rot into their front fucking porches all goddamn day
You do know minorities do the same shit right? Where do you think the term "porch monkey" comes from?
Fuck niggers, that’s why. I won’t vote for others rights if they include niggers. Simple as.
>Democratic voters crossing the southern border
What? It comes from pharmacies. They get prescriptions for it or buy someone else's. Fentanyl and oxycodone aren't from 'the southern border'. They're from fucking Rite Aid
Is rather it go to a rich white businessman than a nigger or spic
Right. But at least they dont think they're any better than the goddamn white trash.
>A fucking baby starved to death after its parents OD'd
Once again
Only a problem because you havent legalized the death penalty for the sale of illegal drugs nationally.
>Keep holding out for coal jobs done entirely by machine
Then why doesnt the union support politicians proposing anti-mechanization laws?
Oh thats right,
Because they're all fucking bought and paid for jewish shills who think the issues of the white working class arent valid because of their
>No one anyone knows even went to community college
And good for fucking them.
Were you out of highschool
You might have come to the obvious conclusion that a college degree isnt worth the shit paper its printed on.
The only higher education worth persuing after college are trade schools.
Then make it illegal to buy them.
And put anyone who sells them in the chair without exception.
This isnt hard to get infront of if we would all just stop being such fucking pussies about it.
Yeah instead they blame white people for all their problems and talk about how much they hate whites. So much better. Everything you're bitching about minorities do it 10x worse, WITH high crime rates.
Community college is a trade school. Lab tech, dental hygienist, medical records, etc. But again, that shit is hard so "I'm going to work in the mines"
And they say niggers are lazy.
States increasing the prices of gas to supplement the loss of tax revenue is what you should be mad about. Gas has nearly bottomed out in my state at $1.90 a gallon for regular unleaded since then.
Because everyone can just drop everything in their lives and go back to college for 3-4 years. Like that shit is free and the bills will stop coming in. You need to grow the fuck up kid.
>anti-mechanization laws
What the fuck are you talking about? Ban factories? Are you amish? Find me one law like that anyone has tried to propose.
Poorfag here. Was told by your side that if you work hard, you'll make it. Where is it? I'm voting for Bernie. Fuck Trump.
>Was told by your side that if you work hard, you'll make it
You have to graduate high school first fag
>Busting your ass in a mine is lazy.
This is why you're going to loose again faggot.
Because you cant get out of your own way.
You literally cannot stop insulting the people you need to win the next election, whilst calling the them privileged and racist.
You want to know how to win 2020?
Find a democratic candidate comfortable with blowing the white working class.
Have them come on a campaign stage and say "White privilege is a lie"
Have them say
"Reperations are bullshit"
Have they say
"If elected i will repeal all affirmative action initiatives"
Along with promising to close the borders and increase Tarrifs.
Then you MIGHT have a case as to the white working class voting against their own interests if they go republican.
But untill that day.
You are the party for niggers.
Not the party for the people who have to go to work in the morning.
>What the fuck are you talking about? Ban factories?
Ban all robotic technology not already implemented.
Raise the mimum wage to 15 dollars an hour.
Tarrif the shit out of anything that comes in attempting to compete with us.
And back the currency on gold, oil, and alcohol to guard against inflation.
Here’s the thing.....
Why are you wasting time on shit which you have ZERO control over and ZERO IMPACT on your life?
Fuck Obama.
Fuck Bush.
Fuck Bush 2.
Fuck Clinton.
Fuck Reagan.
Fuck Carter.
Fuck Nixon......remember THAT guy?
Nothing fucking happened.
You folks are wasting your time posting on message boards, social media, texting....whatever soap box you think is going to make a difference.
Guess what? Those guys are all the same and they're laughing at you. I'm getting mine by working my ass off, making money and enjoying my life,
Bread and circuses. How’s that for the definition of insanity?
See this is how I know you're posting from your mom's basement in the burbs. Community college numbnuts. Its two years. Everyone does it while they're working too. Its pretty much made to be done around whatever shitty service job you have. It's just that its a major pain in the ass to work and go to school at night. So no one does, then they blame everyone else for being a failure. Then they wait for trump to say "it's the niggers", call anything that would be helpful "socialism" and dont fucking move until their feet fall off from diabetes.
No, they compel inaction. Or define actionable rights. But they never compel actions.
>random pic unrelated
Also, so fucking close.
What fucking mines? Every two years they open up like 50 part time jobs that pay shit and these morons think it means they're going to be middle class. Here's a hint -- those aren't union positions. They pay like $16 an hour, and you get laid off in 6 months when demand slacks again.
And what jobs are they going to get with 2 year degrees? Then fags like you will mock them and say "DUR GET A 4 YEAR DEGREE STOP BEING LAZY HUR" like the ignorant moron you are. If anything it's YOU that sounds like the typical burbs retard who doesn't know how anything in the real world works.
In other words you hate people who do an honest's day work you don't have the balls to do yourself. But you're right, they should just sit around demanding the democrats give them welfare, like the niggers do.
Like I said before-- medical lab tech, x ray tech, dental hygienist, paralegal, bookkeeper.
Sounds like I'm not the one mocking them. But your mom expects you to go to college in a couple of years so you think dental hygienist is a job for poor trash
You don't read so good do you? I hate people who don't work but then blame everyone else as to why they don't work. Then, when someone says "here's something to help you get a job" they say "socialism"
Right, so they should just sit on their porches and demand gibs, like those niggers you obviously love so much
Yeah user i mean its not like a series of bullshit (((globalist))) administrations had successive policies of bullshit environmental regulations and free trade that shipped all the jobs from towns across the Midwest and heartland to countries without minimum wage laws.
Fucking Eat a dick.
You know damn well the white working class ISNT voting against their own interest.
They are supporting the only politician whos policies have had ANY significant benefit to their lives in over 40 years.
You're just fucking pissy about it.
And wish they'd vote for their own extinction again!
Racism is unAmerican
While they're at it they should also form gangs, sell drugs, and have sex with anything that moves like a fucking animal. Then by the time they're 25 years old they'll have 6 kids and have earned so much "street cred" they can drive around their block in a benz with no license/insurance, like a proud white man.
Was just gonna lurk and laugh at idiots in this thread but seriously fuck both parties and fuck arguing in favor of either one. One is not better than the other. Fucking grow up
I make $7,500/m
I'm not worried about a few hundred dollars.
IE the cost of my visits to the doctor through my company health insurance that I pay into.
The government making it a right drives all the prices up because you HAVE to have it or be taxed. This hurts the working white class the most because some people in the price range CANT afford the couple hundred dollars, so they either pay a penalty to continually not have it or pay higher premiums than normal (which they couldn't afford and now has very poor options) for shit coverage and are even more broke.
Meanwhile people like me pay a portion of their paychecks to great insurance.
With Republicans I keep more money in my paycheck, don't have my gun rights infringed on, and less of that bullshit social agenda gets forcibly shoved down my throat.
>Nuh uh
>Have we started any new wars since Big Orange became POTUS?
>Are there less illegals here now?
>Aight then. I guess I'll keep voting against my own interests.
Again with the nonarguments. What gives?
>being a rage quitter irl
You're welcome to leave.
Name one fucking policy. One.
That's the problem with your republibullshit. It's got no fucking policies. Its telling us it's not our fault we suck and any minute now it will get better.
>Environmental regulations
Are none here any more and demand didn't come back now did it
>Free trade
All the coal from around here goes to China so try harder
You can't take the fact that Republicans don't do shit but scream about bullshit and get the trailer trash all hopeful that once lynching comes back they'll be able to buy a house. They don't have policies. Remember? They think government is bad so how can they have policies
Not an argument.
As in you don't have one? I know
Sure kid.
>It's got no fucking policies.
Versus the left's general policy of fucking anyone who isn't white instantly and fucking the rest later? O.K.
*is white
Epic comeback
It was though he owned your bitch ass
>General policy
No, the specific ones like free community college and healthcare. You know, socialism
I bet. Imagining requires a brain.
When you said 'kid' I was like "whew, he really got me there. He must have some really great points"
If I have to pay for it and I'm not using it, then yes it is socialism. Which wouldn't be an issue if we didn't have hoards of non-whites in this country who do nothing but leech off the system.
Stay mad.