A situation like this requires critical thought. consider any option, even if you dont like it...

a situation like this requires critical thought. consider any option, even if you dont like it. there are so many variables, so many people involved.

you have to think, who does this benefit? who could carry something like this out? obviously a powerful individual with a lot of money, resources, and connections.

ive heard trump, ive heard clinton, ive heard both together. i dont know what to believe. all i know is that this is a monumental conspiracy.

please let me know what you genuinely believe.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Too soon, user

It was Trump. End of thread.

When you're a rat and a chomo you end up in the bottom of the barrel

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i am not on the left or the right. the true enemy is the rich and politicians. they play by their own rules and we can only watch. think of every person who could benefit from his death

trump is not implicated

why would he want to protect he Democrats for 2020?

Nigga got offed.

What if he actually killed himself because he knew literally everyone in the world wanted him dead?

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Its a monumental time. Either the old powers are willing to let down the lies and just say "Yeah? well what are you gonna do about it?"

Or a change is coming. There's too much and too many to control narratives and have secrets this large anymore.

Old power and new power is gonna have to fight it out.

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israely troll soldier trying to make us believe trump is not linked lmao

All's most of us know is that the media is full of bullshit regarding this. Epstein was murdered in suspicious circumstances.

Since he had a lot of shit on alot of both Dems & Repubs, prob a joint decision to get rid of him before he squealed. Now the story will get buried and both major political parties will act like nothing ever happened.

op said critical thought

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the parties will point at each other! they will blame the other to reinforce identity politics. sending citizens on a ghost chase

Uh what if he actually killed himself

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Apparently he had more than WikiLeaks pretends to have.

>I'm a partisan votecuck

Why does everyone give a shit about this?
Very bizarre.

why was he and his attorney afraid for his life

last night more Democrat names drooped and now hes dead
put two and two together

The pubic FAA flight logs for the Lolita express flying child sex brothel the show BILL & Hillary Clinton flying 26 times, togeather and seprately documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html

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Fucking token cooning away for her overlords.


the very night of the document dump
they didn't waste in time suicideing him

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You are right. Elites don't deserve attention for their crimes. Any stories on poorfag serial rapists to share.

There's only 2 options:

He got cucked by Hilldog
He's alive and they dug up Anthony Bourdain to use as the dead body

you decide.

Because this is an important matter, little one.


text only

>leaves out Donald Trump
what a coinky dink

You think Bourdain suicided or was he killed to send a message to his Weinstein rape accusing girlfriend, Asia Argento?

Let's be realistic here.
A BILLIONAIRE who sleeps with underage women on his private island, has tons of evidence in form of digital media, and is well connected with politicians, did NOT have a back up plan if he got caught?
This is all a sham.
It's a damn joke.
The truth is that he is probably laughing at us on his island or some mansion in Switzerland, while the "corpse" is being cremated.

It makes absolutely no sense that this guy would kill himself.

Sure, he has become the face of pedophilia. Sure he was guaranteed to spend the rest of his life in jail. Sure, his charges were serious enough and public enough that a plea deal this time around would be impossible. Sure, any evidence he had on anyone else, no matter how powerful, is already in the hands of investigators. Sure, he was destined to be beaten to a pulp by fellow inmates every single day he did remain alive. Sure,......wait, what were we talking about?

The /pol/ folks were claiming his body on the stretcher isn't the same guy based off of his ear and nose topography.

What change? The only change I can think of its that they won't play in the shadows anymore, they won't even care about lying anymore. Literally after this, they can totally do what they want, we show them we won't unify as one to take them down.l Thats the change.

Bourdain probably actually suicided, but who the FUCK knows anymore.

hehehe, n i c e

hedonistic narcissists beg for life to the last second. Suicide comes from guilt. He woulda been offered a plea and witness protection for the people he could out if he made it under the safety of the right people. He did not. They botched it the first time.

You think people with the profile of hanging out with presidents who try to kill themselves just get taken off of suicide watch after a couple of days? You know what the security detail is around guys with his knowledge?

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A good buddy of mine says J. Epstein getting killed in public eye was for a plea bargain in exchange for his death on paper (allowing the cases against him to move forward and assets to be searched & seized, furthering the gains for Q movement) and information about deeper rabbit holes to dredge pedos out. In exchange he lives in protected isolation type witness protection.



Who gives a fuck one dead chomo , i personally dgaf , ik many people out there fuck newborns , toddler , kids , i just have cum fapping to cp , do you know how big this ? , very , a lot country has some sort of child molestation and human trafficking , also israel should be turn into a parking lot in the next 10 years

Are you really that fucking ignorant ? Open your eyes

What are you talking about? Police already confirmed he comitted suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head.

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The problem with this people its just one: they wanna be famous

Right because the Clinton’s had no motive...

take your meds

That was the first thing i said. Your reading comprehension is incredible.

>The clintons
>thinking the clintons are still relevant
How is living in 2016 going for you user? Just think, if you win the election Donald trump will be president lol!


May be someone we've never heard of. Which is why they'll get away with it easier.

Didn’t vote for Trump but thanks

The Trumptard children think that this is going to be a win for “their side”. They are useful tools, let them continue.

Also, Matt Groening got a foot massage!

Keep your eyes shut user

Yeah but with everything we know about Trump, the Donald doesn’t like young girls, blondes, doesn’t regard them as sex objects for his disposal, and would never engage in prostitution, or disrespecting women. He is a good feminist and a loving family man with strong traditional morals.


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there's tapes of trump and other republicans at these rape parties

russia has the tapes

>Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 rape videos that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

I think that he knew many people who were on this island where they fuck small girls, maybe he was gonna talk, maybe he was going to point them in the right direction. So these powerful people acted on it and killed him. Not that original but thats what i belive.

>there's tapes of trump at these rape parties

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Russia is always listening. Don't be a hypocrite, don't fucking encourage them.

Trump just retweeted something saying it was the Clintons


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Option two makes the most sense.

whats the problem, exactly?

Goodnight sweet prince

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It was the horrible evil of the Clintons.

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huge huge huge distraction to make you forget all about this whole story tommarow ...

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Don't think it was a conspiracy. He was going to be humiliated for the awful things he'd done, and it is unlikely he'd ever get out of prison. So he made a decision.

i think they opened the 2k files to find dirt on trump to help in the impeachment, probably authorized by low tier people like aoc, they should have asked hillary first since she could have told them there was no info on trump in there and only info that is going to hurt democrats... so after opening the files they instantly regretted it and had to kill him to get the trial out of the media coverage so people wont be privy to the 2000 pages of bad info on democrats in the old court documents. started by someone trying to climb the ladder and had to be cleaned up by the people already at the top of the ladder.

It's nothing to do with why, it's to do with how he could have committed suicide. They've veen vague on the exact method.

If he was on suicide watch, there were probably security cameras.



Found the fag retard.

He was removed from suicide watch in July

>a situation like this requires critical thought

>proceeds to give a conspiracy theory with no evidence

Dude, just shut your stupid face.

You guys are missing what probably happened. He was politely told to off himself or some "things" might start happening to his family and friends. Nobody had to be there to off him, and nobody could say he was murdered.

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because ANOTHER person just got suicided in connection to the clintons
isnt that just a funny coincidence

>who could carry something like this out?
Only a Dotard would think he can get away with it.

>find dirt

The Clintons

>probably authorized by low tier people like aoc
>AOC is not even a senator. Has no power.

You are funny.

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Me's love-a-to feel beegs whyite deeks squirting cumin ins me's mooth and doons me's throots mans hey, yulsyovier me's facies, me's teeyetes, yulsyovier me's hairy nyative 'medican byoosh in me's pucci in me's byootle and yulsyovier me' lacy blacks gitch mans hey mans hey groond cumin gitch gitch gitch

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Or maybe he killed himself because he didn't want to live out the rest of his life in prison where people tend to hate pedophiles? Just a thought.


Dubs wins again boys

double fucking win. dubs declaring dubs wins

>a situation like this requires critical thought.
>please let me know what you genuinely believe.
user, you came to an arid desert to seek water.

Ignoring the fact that he was under suicide watch.
>Suicide watch is an intensive monitoring process used to ensure that a person cannot attempt suicide. Usually the term is used in reference to inmates or patients in a prison, hospital, psychiatric hospital or military base. People are placed on suicide watch when it is believed that they exhibit warning signs indicating that they may be at risk of committing bodily harm or fatal self-injury.

Clinton, Rothschild, mossad and the queen.

He was taken off of suicide watch. So, no he wasn't on it at the time.

Well why did they do it then? First the cameras "malfunctioned" then it turns out he actually wasn't under suicide watch but nobody has an answer as to why that is. How much are the kikes paying you, falseflagging kike enabler?